3 Therefore, this research aims to produce the Communication Practice Model which focuses on promoting students to practice speaking in order to help students communicate. Thus, the Communication Practice Model involves Fluency Development strand by Nation 2007 so that communication in English can be engaged. Coxhead 2010:4 says, “Three meaning-focused strands called meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, and fluency focus on the communication of meaning.” Besides, since the Communication Practice Model also employs Communicative Language Teaching and Contextual Teaching Learning, fluency strands by Nation is used. As a result, the Fluency Development strand can be appropriate to help students communicate using English. This research provides a Communication Practice Model as a module for practicing communication. Students are expected to practice their speaking so that they can communicate by using English. The Communication Practice Model expects students to be able to communicate internationally in the future.


Communication is essential in people lives. Littlejohn and Foss 2008:2 say, “Communication is one of those everyday activities that is intertwined with all of human life.” Communication exists in the daily life context. However, in connecting to global world, communication in English is important. English as an international language is required for communicating globally. 4 Language is needed for communication. Thus, learning language will help in communicating. English language institutions may facilitate in developing communication. English should be practiced and taught to enable students in interacting and facing the global world. By learning English, interaction and communication with other people in the world can be achieved. Thus, practicing communication in English can give opportunity for students to develop themselves in global world. Particularly, students of the vocational high schools should have ability to cooperate to other people. Students of the Vocational high schools are prepared to work when they graduate. They should be able to communicate especially in English so that they can work together. “Communicating fluently in English allows you to connect to people” Thus, English is important subject for them. Therefore, this research provides Communication Practice Model which uses Fluency Development strands, Communicative Language Teaching and Contextual Teaching Learning to promote students to practice speaking so that they have ability to communicate in English. Besides, the Communication Practice Model allows students to practice in order to help students common to communicate.


In constraining this research, some points are being the focus of this research. This research focuses on five points. Firstly, this research focuses on 5 development of the communication practice. Since students of the vocational high schools are prepared for working, being able to communicate is required. Besides, in global world, they should be able to interact and compete with other so this research tends to focus on productive skill which is speaking. Here, students are expected to practice communicating so that they will be familiar to communicate. Secondly, it focuses on the communication practice model, combined with the materials which are related to vocational high schools grade ten. Thirdly, this model involves the Fluency Development strand of language course strands by Nation 2007: 1, the Communicative Language Teaching and the Contextual Teaching Learning. The Fluency Development strand will be the focus of the Communication Practice Model since the model will be concerned with reading, listening, writing and speaking. Fourthly, the Communication Practice Model will be a module or book for practicing to communicate or speak. This module will be used by teacher and students. Lastly, this product is for tenth grade students of the vocational high schools of all of programs. The reason is that students of all programs can use the Communication Practice Model so not only students of a certain program who can use this model. Further explanation about participants will be on Chapter III. In conclusion, the Communication Practice Model utilizes Fluency Development strand that focuses on reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Thus, the activities in the model involve those four English skills. However, this model gives more attention in practicing to speak. This model adapts activities and materials using Communicative Language Teaching and Contextual Teaching 6 Learning. The materials are also related to syllabus of the vocational high schools for tenth grade so the model can be suitable for students of grade ten. Therefore, Communication Practice Model helps students practice communicating.