Need Analysis Data from Students

85 suggestion for teacher in inviting students to communicate, Teacher1 said that teacher had to ask students to communicate in English inside or outside the class and Teacher3 said that teachers should do more practice in class and should encourage students to speak English. Beside, Teacher2 said that teacher should be communicative and gave students-centered activities that enabled students to engage in meaningful communication. Moreover, as a suggestion for students, Teacher1 stated that students should practice regularly inside or outside class. Teacher2 explained that students should practice speaking English or interact to others using English and should enrich their vocabulary and knowledge of speaking expressions used in real life situation. Then, Teacher3 stated that students should practice a lot, improve their confidence and improve their vocabulary mastery. In conclusion, the participants gave good opinion and suggestions related to the Communication Practice Model. In summary, the Communication Practice Model should cover communicative activities which dealt with speaking, interacting with other people inside and outside the classroom, practicing regularly and using real life situation. Therefore, the Communication Practice Model could be designed based on the data of the need analysis from English teachers.

b. Need Analysis Data from Students

This part discusses need analysis data from students. After collecting need analysis from teachers, collecting data from students was also done. Questionnaires of need analysis for students were distributed on 6 th of March 86 2015. There were forty students from four study programs in Putratama Vocational High School as the participants of need analysis. The first part of need analysis questionnaire for students was fifty items that aske d about students’ opinion. The students should choose four options that were strongly agree SA, agree A, disagree DA, and strongly disagree SDA. After distributing questionnaire, the result could be obtained. There were four items 1-4 that asked about the importance of the communication. Thirty three students 82.50 participants strongly agreed if students of the vocational high schools should be able to communicate and thirty four students 85 strongly agreed if communication was a bridge to interact with other people. Thirty students 75 strongly agreed that communication helped students of vocational high schools cooperate with other people. Thirteen students 32.50 agreed that communication helped students of the vocational high schools compete with other people. Besides, there were four items 5-8 that discussed about the importance of English in communication for tenth grade students of the vocational high schools. Some students 67.50 agreed that tenth grade students of the vocational high schools should be able to communicate in English and sixteen students 40 strongly agreed that communicating in English helped tenth grade students of the vocational high schools connect to other people globally. Nineteen students 47.50 strongly agreed if communicating in English helped tenth grade students of the vocational high schools cooperate to other people globally and sixteen students 40 strongly agreed if communicating in English helped tenth 87 grade students of vocational high school compete to other people globally. The