Communication Practice Model THEORETICAL REVIEW

39 It can be concluded that theory of adolescent learners is discussed as theory to identify the target learner for the Communication Practice Model. This research invites adolescent learners as the research participants because the Communication Practice Model is for students of the vocational high schools and students of the vocational high schools refer to adolescent learners. After knowing the adol escent learners’ characteristics, it can help in identifying their problems, finding the alternative solution and preparing appropriate learning model for them. In conclusion, theory of adolescent learners is esensial to help in preparing, designing, developing and implementing the Communication Practice Model.

9. Communication Practice Model

This research discusses a Communication Practice Model. In this part, the discussion is about what the Communication Practice Model refers to. Communication Practice Model has two main focuses. The focuses are on communication and practice. Communication exists in people lives. According to Robbins 2001: 284, “Communication refers to transference and the understanding of meaning.” In general, to communicate is “to give successfully thoughts, feelings, ideas or information to others through speech, writing, gesture or signals” Procter, 1996: 271. Thus, communication refers to the way people present their ideas meaningfully. In this research, communication is expected to be existed in order to enable and encourage students to interact with other people using English. 40 Besides, another focus in this research is practice. Based on Procter 1996: 1107, “Practice means something that regularly done, often as a habit, tradition or custom.” In addition, Procter 1996: 1107 defines to practice as “to do something regularly or repeatedly in order to become skilled at it. ” Practicing will be frequently done to help students common in using English for communication. In the end, students are expected to be able to communicate actively in English. Therefore, the Communication Practice Model is a model or a product which facilitates and invites students to practice English so that students can be able to communicate in English. The Communication Practice Model provides activities that promote students to practice more. When students become skilled in English, they are expected to be able to interact and cooperate with other people around the world since they can communicate actively with other using English. The Communication Practice Model presents materials and activities that encourage students to communicate. The materials and activities employ the Fluency Development strand by Nation, the Communicative Language Teaching and the Contextual Teaching Learning. By using those three main bases, the Communication Practice Model allows students to practice more and enables students to communicate using English. In conclusion, the Communication Practice Model which refers to a model or product and promotes students to practice communicating in English, are expected to help students in their learning. This model is intended to help students of the vocational high schools because students of the vocational high schools are 41 prepared to work and cooperate to other people both locally and globally. It can be concluded that the Communication Practice Model can be an effective product which promotes students to communicate.

10. Instructional Design Model