Learning Objectives Determining Topics, Goals, General Purposes and Learning Objectives


c. Learning Objectives

After determining the goals and general purposes, the next step was to determine the learning objectives. Borg and Gall 1983: 779 explain that the most important point in planning is the particular objectives that want to be achieved by the design. In designing, the learning objectives were determined in order to identify and specify the goals or purposes. The learning objectives of the Communication Practice Model can be presented as follows. Table 4.10 Learning objectives UNIT TOPICS ACTIVITIES LEARNING OBJECTIVES In the end of meeting, students are able… 1 Greeting  Listening  Writing  Interviewing  To produce basic expressions for social interaction in daily life context.  To produce simple utterances for communication. 2 About Me  Reading  Writing  Presenting profile  To describe own profile.  To produce simple utterances for communication 3 Describing People  Reading  Writing  Presenting  To describe characteristics of people.  To produce simple utterances related to describing people. 4 Describing Things  Reading  Writing  Presenting  To describe things and their characteristics.  To produce simple utterances related to describing things. 5 Offering  Reading  Writing  Role play  To determine expression of offering  To produce simple utterances for communication. 6 Suggestions  Reading  Writing  Presenting  To determine expression of suggestions..  To produce simple utterances for communication.  To use expression of suggestions in daily life. 7 Opinion  Reading  Writing  Debating  To determine expression of opinion.  To produce simple utterances for communication.  To use expression of opinion in daily life. 8 Advertisement  Listening  Writing  Presenting  To identify expression of advertisement  To write advertisement.  To use advertisement expression. 9 Invitations  Reading  Writing  Role play  To identify expression of invitation.  To produce simple utterances for communication.  To use expression of invitation in daily life. 10 Apology and Permission  Reading  Writing  Mini-dialogue  To identify expression of apology and permission..  To produce simple utterances for communication.  To use expression of apology and permission in daily life. 11 Memo  Reading  Writing  Discussing  To write a memo.  To restate the content of the memo. 12 My Holiday  Listening to short story  Writing  Presenting  To explain simply about what happened.  To restate about past experience. 13 Handling Telephone  Listening  Writing  Role play  To produce simple utterances for communication. 14 Directions  Reading  Writing  Interviewing  To produce simple utterances related to directions.  To identify expression of directions.  To explain directions to someone. 15 Job Interview  Reading  Writing  Interviewing  To produce simple utterances for communication.  To construct answers for job interview. 100 Therefore, deciding the learning objectives was done to identify the learning outcome. Learning objectives aimed to be a target that should be reached and what the learning outcome was like in the end of the course or meeting. Table 4.10 presents the learning objectives of each unit in the Communication Practice Model. Generally, each unit had learning objectives that expected students to be able to use English as communication. Students were expected to be able to produce utterances that could be used for communication after applying the Communication Practice Model. Finally, in this part, the concept of the iconic model of the Communication Practice Model was described and designed.


The iconic model used four major steps from Borg and Gall 1983. They were developing a form of product, preliminary field of testing, implementing and revising main product and there were four steps of ADDIE that were included. They were design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

1. Developing a Form of Product

Two previous steps were used as basis for developing product. It involved development of materials, activity and devices. The step of ADDIE which was design belonged to developing a form product. After planning, the first product was designed here. Design should relate to the theories. Coxhead 2010:4 says, “The strands comprise three meaning-focused strands called meaning-focused input, meaning-