Effective Model Instructional Design Model

45 the model needs to be revised. When the data gained shows the good result, so the main model or product revision is not necessary.

f. Effective Model

Those ADDIE’s steps are conducted to create an effective model to facilitate students in learning English so that they can communicate well. According to Procter 1996: 443, “If something produces the results that it was intended to, it is called effecti ve.” In this research, effective means that it will be helpful and it brings good result for students in their learning. Besides, model here refers to a product which is a learning module. Thus, this research aims to present an effective model which is a helpful and useful module for students in order to help them learning. This research expects to provide a product which focuses on communication and practice. Thus, students can use this product to practice communicating in English. The Communication Practice Model is supposed to be an effective model so that students will be able to communicate using English. Therefore, the Communication Practice Model refers to a learning module which is useful and helpful to enable students to communicate. In conclusion, the Communication Practice Model which means as an effective model possesses five steps of ADDIE. The first step is analyzing which is to identify students’ need and problem. The second step is designing. In this step, the model is planned and designed. The third step is developing. The model is developed and revised in this step in order to produce the effective model. The 46 fourth step is implementing. The effective model is applied to enable students to communicate. The last step is evaluating. Evaluating is done while it is needed to revise the effective model.


This part discusses relevant research report. Relating this research to other research reports is the focus of this part. This research will involve Fluency Development strand to help students be able to communicate because that strand can be useful for communication practice. Coxhead 2010:4 assumes , “The three strands comprise three meaning-focused strands called meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, and fluency. In these strands, the main focus is the communication of meaning.” That theory supports this research because from the research conducted by Coxhead, it can be concluded if the strand that deals with communication is Fluency Development. Consequently, the Fluency Development strand is employed in this Communication Practice Model because this research focuses on communication and the Fluency Development is