Developing a Form of Product Preliminary Field of Testing Implementing Revising Main Product

56 implementation and main product revision. However, for the iconic model, there were four steps of ADDIE that were included. There were design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

a. Developing a Form of Product

Two previous steps were used as basis for developing product. It involved development of materials, activity and devices. The step of ADDIE which was design belonged to developing a form product. After planning, the first product was designed here.

b. Preliminary Field of Testing

Experts’ validation was important in order to get feedback and suggestion to develop product before implementing. Questionnaires were distributed for English teachers of vocational high school and lecturer of English studies. Thus, the third step of ADDIE which referred to development was involved in this part. In this development step, the first product was developed into the main or final product.

c. Implementing

After validation from the experts, the final product was implemented. The implementation was for one-three units. Implementation also belonged to fourth step of ADDIE.

d. Revising Main Product

It was the final revision of the final product. This revision was done if it was needed. In the ADDIE, it was called as evaluation. If it was necessary, the 57 final product would be evaluated and then revised so that the real product became more effective and appropriate.


This research divided research participants into two main groups. They were conceptual and iconic model’s participants.

1. Participants of the Concept of the Iconic Model

For need analysis of the concept of the iconic model, three English teachers of Putratama Vocational High School were invited as the participants. Besides, the participants for need analysis were tenth grade students of Putratama Vocational High School of 20142015 academic year. They came from four programs which were Accounting, Management, Broadcasting and Automotive. The primary aim of this research was to gain students’ need toward speaking and their need in communicating.

2. Participants of the Practice of the Iconic Model

The last participants were participants of the practice of the iconic model. In evaluating or in developing primary field testing , experts’ validation was required. Thus, the participants of the evaluation were three English teachers of Putratama Vocational High School and one lecturer of Business Communication Centre of Economic and Business Faculty in Gajah Mada University. Therefore, three English teachers of Putratama Vocational High School and a lecturer of