Let’s Keep in Touch

104 In conclusion, the Communication Practice Model adopted three sessions which were presentation, practice, and production. In the Communication Practice Model, the presentation belonged to the first part, which was Let’s Keep in Touch . The practice could be presented in Let’s Be Open-Minded. The last point which was the production was produced in Let’s Practice part.

a. Let’s Keep in Touch

Let’s Keep in Touch was used to represent presentation part. Since the Communication Practice Model employed the Communicative Language Teaching and Contextual Teaching learning, the model should really illustrate them by creating the first session in the Communication Practice Model as Let’s Keep in Touch session. Let’s Keep in Touch was communicative and contextual because it showed the language that was used in daily life. Let’s Keep in Touch did not only present the model or the example of the topic but also invited students to share their idea related to the model or the example. Sharing idea or discussing could also help teacher and students close each other. Therefore, the first session was named as Let’s Keep in Touch. Let’s Keep in Touch was the first activity in the Communication Practice Model. It provided an activity which introduced or presented material or topic. The activity could be listening, reading or answering and questioning about material that was being discussed. This part also invited students to have discussion since there was answer and question session after listening or reading. Let’s Keep in Touch is presented as follows. 105 Figure 4.1 Let’s keep in touch Figure 4.1 presents the example of Let’s Keep in Touch part. The activity began with small discussion through asking and answering question. Teacher should invite students to have discussion by asking them some questions related to the topic. After discussing, the next activity in Let’s Keep in Touch was reading. Reading short dialogue helped students guess and relate what they were going to 106 study. The short dialogue gave students description what they were learning and provided example for students about the topic.

b. Let’s Be Open-Minded