This section consists of two parts. They are conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions part presents the conclusions of the conducted research. Meanwhile, the suggestions part presents suggestions for the English learners and future researchers so that they are able to have the benefits from this research.

A. Conclusions

The main goal of the study was to discover the answers of the two research problems of the study, namely, the types of code-switching in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 and the possible reasons for code-switching that is most frequently used by the writers in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. To discover the answers of the two research problems, the researcher used the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. The researcher conducted a thorough analysis on the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 to obtain the suitable data. The data was the code-switching cases in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. The researcher then conducted a deep analysis on the research data to obtain the answers. Based on the analysis, the researcher summarized the findings of the two research problems of the study below: 1. For the first research problem, the researcher used the theory from McCormick 2001. Based on McCormick’s theory 2001, the researcher 45 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 discovered that there were five types of code-switching in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. Those five types were as follows: a. single-word code-switching; the juxtaposed element was a single word. According to Wardhaugh 1992: 42, “type of this switching involves single words -mainly nouns- and it is motivated by lexical need.” b. phrase code-switching; the juxtaposed element was a phrase. According to Azhar 1989: 257, a phrase is “a group of related words that does not contain a subject or a verb.” c. sentence code-switching; the juxtaposed element was a sentence. According to Bram 1995: 39, “...a sentence – a simple one – must express a complete thought, have a subject and at least a finite verb; a subject and a finite verb are the two minimum requirements for a simple sentence.” d. diglossic code-switching; this type of code-switching was related to the use of the High H code or Low L code. In this study, the High code was used in the motto of a certain company to promote their product. e. integrated loanword code-switching; the juxtaposed element was in the morpheme level. According to Hornby 1974: 549, “morpheme is the smallest meaningful part into which a word can be divided.” In this type of code-switching, the English word could be added the Indonesian affixes such as me-, di-, etc. The researcher also discovered that the single-word code-switching type is the most frequently used code-switching by the writers in the feature article PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. The researcher discovered that there were 581 cases for single-word code-switching and this number was the highest frequency compared to the other frequencies of types of code-switching in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid. 2. Based on the problem limitation, the researcher only used the single-word code-switching type to answer the research problem number two. The reason used the single-word type of code-switching was it was the type of code- switching that was most frequently used by the writers in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. Therefore, for the second research problem, the researcher discovered that there were three possible reasons that were used by the writers in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. These three reasons were obtained from the guideline see table 3.3 and the verification of one of the writers of Pulsa tabloid. The verification helped the researcher to determine the possible reasons for code-switching that was most frequently used by the writers in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. Those three reasons were: a. A particular topic that triggers to the use of code-switching In this reason, the researcher concluded that sometimes, especially in Pulsa tabloid, there were English words that did not have the exact meaning in Bahasa Indonesia. As a result, the writers of Pulsa tabloid adopted the English words and used them in their writings. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 b. Quoting somebody else Sometimes, the writers of Pulsa tabloid needed to write direct quotation from the informant. In this case, the writers could not modify the information in order to make the information reliable. To make the information reliable, the writers then wrote the information from the informant with quotation mark. c. Expressing solidarity and group identity As a popular tabloid in Indonesia, Pulsa tabloid wanted to have a good relation with the readers. In doing so, the writers of Pulsa tabloid modified the language in order to attract the readers and make the readers comfortable when reading Pulsa tabloid.

B. Suggestions