Background of the Study



This chapter presents detailed information about six main points. The first is the background of the problems that leads to the study. The second is the formulation of the problems addressed in the study. The third is the limitation of the problems that will make this study more specific. The fourth is the research objectives of the study. The fifth is the benefits of the study that tell us about the advantages of this study, and the last one is the definition of terms used in this study.

A. Background of the Study

In this century, technology has developed further. It has developed far enough and people in this century obtain the positive benefit of it. With technology, people are able to have a practical and orderly life. One of the technologies that have developed further is mobile phone. Mobile phone helps people to stay connected with the person they know. It also enables them to communicate with others wirelessly. Today, mobile phone has been growing further and it has become sophisticated technology with further innovation, such as to play mp3 files, videos files, to record videos, and many others. In other words, mobile phone has become one of the important things in human’s life because mobile phone can function to replace several devices such as digital camera and mp3 player without leaving its main function that is to communicate. 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 With the fast growing of mobile phone technology and variety, there should be a third party to provide information about it. The third party is important for the makers of mobile phones to promote their newest device to their consumers. In Indonesia, one of the third parties providing the information about mobile phones is Pulsa tabloid. Pulsa tabloid gives people the information about the latest technology, variety, and the prices and specification of mobile phones hitting the Indonesian market. Since the content of Pulsa tabloid is about mobile phones information, the target readers of Pulsa tabloid then are people who need a reliable source for mobile phone specification and price also detail information about new mobile phones. They can be teenagers or middle-age people. In this study, the subject of the study is Pulsa tabloid. It becomes the subject of the study because it is popular in Indonesia and it uses many English words in the articles compared to the other tabloids that serve information about mobile phone. There are many reasons why people are eager to read Pulsa tabloid. First, it can be the needs of the readers to find reliable information about mobile phone specification and price. Second, it can be the presentation of Pulsa tabloid that uses colourful visualization to attract the readers. Third, it can be the content of Pulsa tabloid that contains valuable articles of mobile phones that are so interesting for the readers. Fourth, it can be the language used by the writers of Pulsa tabloid to attract the readers to read Pulsa tabloid, and so on. In addition, there are still many interesting features to attract the readers to read Pulsa tabloid. There is an interesting feature in Pulsa tabloid. The interesting feature is the use of language of the writer of Pulsa tabloid in writing the articles. There will PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 be words, phrases, clauses, or even sentences from the English language juxtaposed with the Indonesian words, phrases, clauses, or even sentences to construct a new language expression. For examples, 1. “Khusus saat weekend, jumlah pembeli naik lebih besar dari biasanya” 2009: 21. 2. “Let me do facebook, MSN, push email, you tube, flickr, internet browser, and GPS faster” 2009: 21. There are two examples that are presented. The two examples are taken from Pulsa tabloid edition 166. For the first example, there is an English word juxtaposes with sentence in Bahasa Indonesia. For the second example, the researcher finds the example in the advertisement of Pulsa tabloid edition 166. It shows that it is completely using English sentence to promote a product. From the two examples, it can be highlighted that the juxtaposition action needs at least two different languages. In this case, the languages are English and Bahasa Indonesia. In bilingual or multilingual situation, a person has the ability to use two or more languages in daily life communication. This situation is similar to what happens in Indonesia. Indonesia, as a developing country that has various cultures and races, is expected to have the characteristics of bilingual or multilingual situation. For example, Tanner 1967 says “there is a small group of Indonesian graduate students and their families living in United States. Among them these students knew nine different languages, with nearly everyone knowing Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia, Javanese, Dutch, and English.” More, Tanner 1967 says that the students use English to discuss their academic work and use Bahasa PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 Indonesia for the common activities. Tanner 1967, through his example, describes that Indonesia has the characteristics of bilingual or multilingual situation. He takes an example from Indonesian graduate students that know Bahasa Indonesia , English, Javanese, and Dutch. They use each language for different situation. This example indicates that the community in Indonesia has the characteristic of multilingual situation. To be a bilingual or multilingual permits a person to switch language. This may happen because one person can speak two or more languages and in a certain situation someone may switch a code for a different situation. Code-switching occurs between the first language and the second language or other languages the person acquired. In Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia acts as a first language and English acts as a foreign language. In such situation, Indonesian native speakers prefer to juxtapose words, phrases, clauses, or even sentences from English to words, phrases, clauses, or even sentences from Indonesia to create an effective communication and to smooth the information transfer. In recognizing this phenomenon, the researcher refers to sociolinguistics to obtain the exact term for this phenomenon. In sociolinguistics, this phenomenon is recognized as code- switching. In Indonesia, there are many code-switching implementations in printed mass media such as newspaper, tabloid, magazine, etc. Pulsa tabloid is one of the printed mass media representing tabloids in Indonesia that has the implementation of code-switching. There is an idea that the use of code-switching in printed mass media such as Pulsa tabloid is “to build intimate interpersonal relationships” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5 Sert, 2005 with the readers. There is also an idea that by “modifying language” Sert, 2005, printed mass media such as Pulsa tabloid can achieve the goal for effective communication. Another idea is that it can be used to attract the readers so that the language that is read by the readers looks gorgeous and interesting. In conclusion, there are three reasons for the researcher to conduct a study on code-switching. First, the researcher finds that code-switching helps people “to build intimate interpersonal relationships” Sert, 2005 with others by “modifying language” Sert, 2005. Second, the researcher finds that there are many code- switching cases in printed mass media such as Pulsa tabloid. Third, the researcher assumes that for a long period of time, code-switching will change the use of English and Bahasa Indonesia especially for teenagers who are still students and are still learning about languages, such as English and Bahasa Indonesia. Furthermore, it is important to carry a study on code-switching since code- switching has become a trend in Indonesia. It is indicated by the use of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences from English language juxtapose with words, phrases, clauses, or sentences from Bahasa Indonesia in printed mass media such as Pulsa tabloid. Also, it will give detail information to English language learners especially in Indonesia on how code-switching has affected the use of Bahasa Indonesia and English in written expression. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6

B. Problem Formulation