Single-word code-switching The Types of Code-Switching Used by the Writers in the Feature Article


a. Single-word code-switching

As it was presented previously in chapter two, single-word code-switching is also known as lexical borrowing. Wardhaugh 1992: 42 says, “Type of this switching involves single words – mainly nouns – and it is motivated by lexical need.” It meant that one adopted English term if there was no exact term in one’s language such as Bahasa Indonesia. In the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163, the researcher discovered that there were 581 code-switching cases of single- word code-switching type. It was the highest frequency for code-switching in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. Based on the verification, it was said that that most of the English words used in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 were familiar to the readers. The researcher concluded that the single- word code-switching type had high frequency because the writers of Pulsa tabloid needed to find the right terms for the readers. The writers of Pulsa tabloid tried to serve the readers with familiar terms in order to make them comfortable in reading Pulsa tabloid. In this finding, the writer used the single-word code-switching type most of the time in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. In order to give a clear explanation on this type of code-switching, the researcher provided five examples that were taken from the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. 1 “Ada juga tekstur corong speaker dengan lubang-lubang halus di cover belakang, yang membuat penutup baterai ini terasa kesat.” 2009: 1 2 “Selain musik, pecinta kegiatan online serta para pekerja kantor pun disuguhkan fitur yang rata-rata bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang semua aktifitas.” 2009: 2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 3 “Guna menghasilkan video dengan gerak lambat, normal, dan gerak cepat.” 2009: 6 4 “Dalam sekali charging, ponsel ini bisa bertahan selama dua hari dengan pemakaian yang seimbang.” 2009: 7 5 “Seperti fitur “calendar” yang tampil lebih indah dan lengkap dengan penambahan beberapa kolom catatan.” 2009: 9

b. Phrase code-switching