Research Sources of Data Research Instruments


B. Research Sources of Data

The source of the research data was the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 issued on the fifth to eighteenth of August 2009. The selection of the research data was based on the highest frequency of code-switching cases in Pulsa tabloid edition 163. The data used in the study was the code-switching cases in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163.

C. Research Instruments

As presented by Merriam 2002: 5, “a second characteristic of all forms of qualitative research is that the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and data analysis.” In addition, “the researcher’s ability to interpret and make sense of what he or she sees is critical for understanding any social phenomenon” Leedy and Ormrod, 2005: 133. Further, as suggested by Wiersma 1969: 218, “qualitative research is very researcher dependant.” It means that the researcher became the one who did the data collection and data analysis. In this study, the researcher was fully involved in the process of collecting the data. The data were obtained by conducting a detailed examination on the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. Through this detailed examination, the researcher listed all the code- switching cases in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. In addition, there were three tables to analyze the data. They were table 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. Table 3.1 was used to identify the types of code-switching in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 issued on the fifth to eighteenth of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 August 2009. They were six types of code-switching used in table 3.1. They were single-word, phrase, clause, sentence, diglossic, and integrated loanwords. These six types of code-switching were based on the McCormick’s theory 2001. Table 3.2 was used to calculate the frequency of code-switching cases. Table 3.3 was used to calculate the occurrences of the possible reasons in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 issued on fifth to eighteenth of August 2009. In table 3.3, they were seven reasons adopted from Hoffmann 1991.

D. Data Gathering Technique