A switch can occur when someone is quoting somebody else A switch can occur when it is used to express group identity and solidarity


b. A switch can occur when someone is quoting somebody else

Hoffmann 1991: 116 states that “Switching typically occurs when the subject is quoting somebody else.” Sometimes, the writers of Pulsa tabloid needed to write the information from the informant exactly the same. It meant that in writing the information, the writers of Pulsa tabloid had to write it with the quotation marks. In the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163, the researcher discovered that there were 17 occurrences for this reason. To have a clear illustration on this reason, the researcher provided five examples that were taken from the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. 1 “Selain itu, di bawah ‘active idle’, masih tersedia empat buah ‘shortcut’ yang dapat diatur sesuai dengan keinginan anda.” 2009: 8 2 “Seperti fitur ‘calendar’ yang tampil lebih indah dan lengkap dengan penambahan beberapa kolom catatan.” 2009: 9 3 “Bila anda menginginkan keamanan, pada menu ‘encryption’ rubah dari ‘none’ menjadi ‘yes’.” 2009: 38 4 “Masuk ke menu ‘messaging’ lalu ‘options’ lalu ‘settings’ lalu ‘email’ lalu ‘mailboxes’.” 2009: 39 5 “Caranya, masuk ke ‘message’ lalu ‘new message’ lalu ‘email’.”2009: 39

c. A switch can occur when it is used to express group identity and solidarity

Hoffmann 1991: 116 states that “Code-switching is also used to express group identity and solidarity.” In the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163, the researcher found that there were 314 occurrences on this reason. This reason PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 had the biggest number compared to the other two reasons. The researcher took a conclusion that the writers of Pulsa tabloid wanted to build a good relation with the readers. By having a good relation with the readers, Pulsa tabloid could have many customers. One of the ways in doing so was by modifying the language. To have a clear illustration of this reason, the researcher provided five examples that were taken from the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. 1 “Namun, beberapa fitur entertain semisal kamera serta layanan sinkronisasi masih terlihat setengah hati dalam beroperasi.” 2009: 5 2 “Anda bisa melihatnya dari hasil foto outdoor dan indoor.” 2009: 6 3 “Jadi bila ingin menjadikan ponsel ini sebagai media pemutar video, anda membutuhkan software konverter lainnya yang banyak tersedia di pasaran.” 2009: 8 4 “Beberapa hal yang harus dilakoni dalam game ini antara lain mencari pekerjaan, memasak makanan dan berteman.” 2009: 41 5 “Selain itu, anda juga bisa meng-upload foto tanpa bantuan PC maupun aplikasi upload foto pihak ketiga.” 2009:11 From the above examples, it showed that the writers were doing their best to attract the readers’ attention. For the first example, instead of using hiburan, the writer was using entertain. The researcher concluded that the writers of Pulsa tabloid used English words in order to impress the readers and this was done by modifying the language. The same things also happened in the rest of the examples. The writer preferred to use English to Bahasa Indonesia even though there were the exact words in Bahasa Indonesia. The researcher discovered that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 the juxtaposition between English and Bahasa Indonesia in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 made the articles look impressive in terms of the language used in writing the articles. In conclusion, there were three possible reasons existed in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 based on the theory suggested by Hoffmann 1991. They were: 1 a particular topic that triggers to the use of code-switching, 2 quoting somebody else, and 3 the use of code-switching to express group identity and solidarity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45


This section consists of two parts. They are conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions part presents the conclusions of the conducted research. Meanwhile, the suggestions part presents suggestions for the English learners and future researchers so that they are able to have the benefits from this research.

A. Conclusions

The main goal of the study was to discover the answers of the two research problems of the study, namely, the types of code-switching in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 and the possible reasons for code-switching that is most frequently used by the writers in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. To discover the answers of the two research problems, the researcher used the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. The researcher conducted a thorough analysis on the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163 to obtain the suitable data. The data was the code-switching cases in the feature article of Pulsa tabloid edition 163. The researcher then conducted a deep analysis on the research data to obtain the answers. Based on the analysis, the researcher summarized the findings of the two research problems of the study below: 1. For the first research problem, the researcher used the theory from McCormick 2001. Based on McCormick’s theory 2001, the researcher 45 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI