Data Analysis Technique of the Pre-design Research Data Analysis Techniques of the Post-design Research

43 N = the total number of respondents The scores showed whether the designed materials were good and acceptable or not. Good and acceptable designed materials reached the total points which were at least seventy five percent of the maximum points. Thus, it could be concluded that good and acceptable designed materials had to reach at least three points for each statement. The designed materials were considered good and acceptable if the participants choose point of agreement three and four. Thus, the more participants choosing these points, the more acceptable the designed materials would be. On the other hand, if the participants chose the two lowest points, one and two, it meant that the designed materials needed crucial revisions. In the next part of the questionnaire, there were open-ended questions. In this part, the researcher provided a free space for the participants to write their own feedback, comment, and suggestion about the designed materials. The results of the questionnaires were used to revise and improve the designed materials. Thus, the final revision of the designed materials would be beneficial for the teaching and learning English to eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten.

F. Research Procedure

This section elaborates the procedure of conducting this research. The procedure of this research was listed in nine steps. The descriptions of the procedure in this research are as follows. 1. Requesting a permission letter to conduct a research in SMP Negeri 1 Jogona- 44 lan Klaten that issued by the secretariat and signed by the chairperson of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. 2. Asking for permission to the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten to conduct observation and interview for needs analysis in this school. 3. Conducting observation in eighth grade class to know the real situation and condition during the process of learning English. 4. Conducting an interview with the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten to gain more information about the eighth grade students’ characteristics, interests, and needs in learning English. 5. Analyzing the data gathered from the needs analysis as the guideline in developing materials. 6. Developing the instructional materials based on the results of the needs analysis. 7. Conducting post-design evaluation by distributing a questionnaire to the post- design participants to gain feedback of designed materials. The participants of the post-design were a lecturer of the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten. 8. Analyzing the results of the questionnaire. 9. Revising the designed materials based on the results of the questionnaire in order to obtain the final version. Considering the suggestions, comments, and opinions from the experts, the researcher made better product of the materials. By doing that, the product can be used optimally for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan. In this step, some mistakes or weaknesses of the product were 45 revised and changed to make the product better. 10. Writing the report of the materials development process. Having the final product, the researcher then wrote down all the steps which had been done from the start until the end of the study in written form.