Listing Subject Contents The Elaboration of the Steps in Designing Grammar Instructional

60 c. Grammar Pit Stop Since the designed materials were instructional grammar materials, Grammar Pit Stop was the core of grammar discussion in each unit. The designed materials focused on the contextual grammar materials. It meant that the grammar being discussed was grammar in the type of texts. This section aimed to explain, clarify, and elaborate the grammar points of the texts. The students had to comprehend the grammar by group discussion. Each unit had different kind of group activities used by the students as the way to discuss the grammar points. Thus, the students were enjoy and fun to discuss the grammar. d. Try This This section aimed to check the students’ understanding of the topic learned and to check whether the students were able to apply the grammar points of the text correctly or not. Try This supplied the unit with meaningful tasks. Those tasks consisted of doing various types of exercise in group and discussing it with the whole class. Interacting with friends helped the students reach the aim of this section. e. Let’s Sum Up As the last section, Let’s Sum Up aimed to review the grammar points applied in the text. Moreover, this section examined the students’ understanding of the presented materials. The review was done by discussing, summarizing, and doing question and answer activity in class about the whole presented materials. 61

5. Selecting Teaching and Learning Activities and Resources

In selecting the teaching and learning activities of the designed materials, the researcher considered the eighth grade students’ characters and interests. As teenagers, the students prefered to work with their friends. Therefore, the researcher decided to implement group activities to develop the teaching and leaning activities in the designed materials. The implementation of group activity in the designed materials was more focused on the Grammar Pit Stop section because the reseacher wanted to provide sufficient time for the students to learn grammar with their friends. However, in producing a text, the students were also involved in group activity. Moreover, other types of teaching and learning activity were also applied. The researcher, as the designer of the designed materials, provided other teaching and learning activities such as discussion and sharing activity. Those kinds of teaching and learning activity were modified and suited with the objectives of the designed materials. Fun and challenging teaching and learning activities were developed in the designed materials to attract students’ attention to learn grammar. Commonly, the reseacher took some references in selecting the teaching and learning activities of the designed materials. Some textbooks such as Headlight and English on Sky based the modification of the teaching and learning activities. Moreover, the researcher also took some materials from other books such as Understanding and Using English Grammar and English Sentence Structure. However, the reseacher also took some references from internet source 62 to enrich the types of teaching and learning activities of the designed materials. In developing attractive and interesting layout of the designed materials, the researcher took some pictures, photos, and other teaching and learning media from many sources. Mostly the researcher took them from the internet and later modified and suited them with the needs of the designed materials. The researcher provided the sample of the teaching and learning media of the designed materials in the teacher’s manual to ease the teacher in implementing the designed materials in class. Using the available teaching and learning media in the teacher’s manual, the teacher was assumed to be able to successfully deliver the materials and assist the students to reach the goals of the designed materials.

6. Evaluating the Designed Materials

Evaluating the designed materials became the last step of the process of developing the designed materials. In this step the researcher firstly distributed evaluation questionnaire to the respondents. This evaluation questionnaire aimed to obtain the respondents’ opinions about the designed materials as well as their comments and suggestions to the designed materials. Those comments and suggestions were later be used to revise the designed materials. The researcher’s process in evaluating the designed materials would be divided into two parts. They were the discussion of the results of the evaluation questionnaire and the revision of the designed materials would be elaborated below.

a. The Discussion of the Results of the Post-design Research

The evaluation questionnaire was distributed to the respondents to obtain 63 their opinions, comments, and suggestions on the designed materials. There were two parts of the evaluation qustionnaire. The first part was about the respondents’ opinions whether the designed materials were good and acceptable to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten or not while the second part of the evaluation questionnaire was used to obtain the respondents’ comments and suggestions on the designed materials. Those comments and suggestions were later be used to base the revision step of the designed materials. This revision was conducted to make the final version of the designed materials. In evaluating the designed materials, the researcher distributed the evaluation questionnaire to an English Language Education Study Program lecturer of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta and two English teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten. The researcher chose the English teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten because the teachers had accustomed to teach the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten and had known their characteristics and needs in learning English. Therefore, the opinions, comments, and suggestions would be beneficial for the development of the designed materials. Moreover, the ELESP lecturer of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta was chosen because of the competence in teaching English and developing materials. For more information, the ELESP lecturer of Sanata Dharma University who became the respondent of the evaluation questionnaire was the arranger of an English textbook. Table 4.3 presented the respondents’ background of their education and teaching experience.