Relationship Logical-Mathematical Intelligence to the Motivation

3. Relationship Intrapersonal intelligence on Mathematics Learning Achievement

Based on the above results, shows that there is a partially positive relationship between intrapersonal with mathematics learning achievement. The results of this study are relevant to the research conducted by Eko Nur Rachmanto 2012 that the intrapersonal intelligence on learning achievement showed the correlation coefficient value of 0.610 or more significance than the significance level of 5. The results of processing these data provide a positive influence between intrapersonal intelligence on learning achievement. This is in accordance with the opinion of Akbar and Hawadi 2001:80 that the persons intrapersonal or self-concept shows how a person sees himself as well as the capabilities, so that students who have a positive self-concept will be more successful in school.

4. Relations Logical-Mathematical Intelligence on Mathematics Learning Achievement

The result showed that there is no influence between logical-mathematical intelligence with mathematics learning achievement . This is contrary to the relevant research conducted by Huri Suhendri 2012 which has a positive effect between logical-mathematical intelligence and research conducted by Eko Nur Rachmanto 2012 that the logical-mathematical intelligence also affects the learning of mathematics achievement . When viewed from the perspective of Armstrong 2005:84 that build logical - mathematical intelligence to do the learning that emphasizes the exploration of students skills in problem solving. Learning that involves students actively good student so would make good learning performance. It happened during the study was due to the sample data students in filling out questionnaires logical - mathematical intelligences. There are some students who pay less attention to the charging instructions written on the questionnaire, so that the results of the data showed no significant numbers that make logical-mathematical intelligence research on learning achievement has no effect.

5. Relationship Learning Motivation and Mathematics Learning Achievement

Based on the study results, was found that there is a partially positive relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement. This is relevant with the research conducted by Mutia Solikha 2012 that has a relationship with the motivation to learn mathematics learning achievement. According to Akbar and Hawadi 2001 : 89 the higher the persons motivation to learn to learn , the better the accomplishments to be achieved. Motivation to learn in which there have independence, self-confidence and a high willingness to be developed through a learning process which gives the duties and responsibilities to students to the fullest. The existence of a strong motivation to learn to make students study diligently and ultimately increase student interest in learning mathematics so that learning achievement also increased. Students are well motivated in learning activities more and more quickly , than students who are less motivated in learning. In this case teachers and parents play a role in activating motivated students to study well, so that the learning achievement of students with good yield. CONCLUSION Based on the results of research and discussion, the conclusions that can be drawn are: 1. There are influences of intrapersonal intelligence against class VII motivation to study in the second semester of SMP. 2. Influences of the logical mathematical intelligence against class VII motivation to study in the second semester of SMP. 3. There are influences between intrapersonal intelligence on mathematics learning achievement in second semester of grade VII at SMP. 4. There is no influence between the logical mathematical intelligence on learning achievement in second semester of grade VII at SMP. 5. There is influence between motivation toward learning achievement in second semester of grade VII at SMP. REFERENCES Ahmadi, Abu dan Supriyono, Widodo. Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 2008 Akbar, Reni dan Hawadi. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak. Jakarta: Grasindo. 2001. Armstrong, Thomas. Seven Kinds of Smart Menemukan dan Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Anda Berdasarkan Teori Multiple Intelligence. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2005. Azwar, S. Tes Prestasi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2004. Azwar, S. Psikologi Intelegensi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2004. Eko Nur, Rachmanto. The Effect Of Multiple Intelligence Cognitive Style with Student Achievements In Enterpreneurship Major At Yogyakarta State 2 Vocational School. 2012. Diakses tanggal 17 April 2013. Gardner, Howard. Frame of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence. New York:Basic. 1983. Gunawan, Adi. W. Born to be A Genius. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2011. Gustian, Edi. Menangani Anak Underchiever: Anak Cerdas Dengan Prestasi Rendah. Jakarta: Puspa Swara. 2004. Herawati, Any. Pembelajaran Koopertif Tipe TAI dan Game Puzzle dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar dan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Malang. 2012 22389: Diakses tanggal 01 Agustus 2013. Iskandar. Psikologi Pendidikan Sebuah Orientasi Baru. Jakarta: Referensi. 2012. Riduwan dan Engkos Achmad Kuncoro. 2011. Cara Mudah Menggunakan dan Memaknai Path Analysis Analisis Jalur. Bandung: Alfabeta. Setyono, Ikhsan Dwi. Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer dan Kecerdasan Intrapersonal Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika ditinjau dari Keaktifan Belajar Siswa 2011.. : Diak-ses Rabu, 17 April 2013. Solikha, Mutia. Pengaruh Kecemasan Siswa Pada Matematika dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika. 2012 mathedunesaarticleview251baca-artikel: Diakses, Kamis 18 April 2013