Standar Mutu Air Minum Menurut PERMENKES RI

dioksida akan menjadi tinggi, air akan menjadi korosif. Pada kandungan zatorganik didalam aquifer tinggi, kandungan oksigen akan habis terurai. Air yang tidak mengandung oksigen anaerobik akan melarutkan besi, mangan dan logam berta dalam air tanah Sanropie, Sumini dkk, 1984. Air tanah, memiliki karakter-karakter tertentu dan berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya.Sedangkan air permukaan kualitasnya sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan dan perilakumanusia serta sanitasi sekitarnya.Air hujan membawa serta mikroorganisme – organisme yang senantiasa berhamparan di udara, lebih – lebih di udara yang mengatasi tanah berdebu.Setiba di tanah, air menjadi lebih tercemar lagi karena sisa-sisa mahluk hidup sampah, kotoran dari hewan maupun manusia, dan mungkin juga kotoran yang berasal dari pabrik-pabrik Sanropie, Sumini dkk, 1984. Air tanah di bagi menjadi 3 macam yaitu: Air tanah dangkal terjadinya karena ada proses peresapan air permukaan tanah. Lapisan tanah mempunyai unsur – unsur kimia tertentu, maka lapisan tanah ini berfungsi sebagai saringan,selainsebagai penyaring, pengotor juga masih terus berlangsung terutama pada permukaan air yang dekat dengan tanah. Setelah menemukan lapisan rapat air, air akan terkumpul sehinggga dinamakan air tanah dangkal. Dimana air tanah ini dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air bersih atau air minum melalui sumur-sumur dangkal.Air tanah dangkal ini didapat pada kedalaman 15 meter.Air tanah dangkal ini ditinjau dari segi kualitas agak baik, tapi dari segi kuantitas kurang cukup dan tergantung pada musim. Padaair tanah terdapat lapisan rapat air yang pertama, pengambilan air tanah dalam, tidak semudah pada pengambilan air tanah dangkal. Untuk hal ini harus digunakan bor dengan memasukkan pipa dengan kedalaman antara 100-300m. Mata air adalah air tanah yang keluar dengan sendirinya ke permukaan tanah.Mata air yang berasal dari tanah dalam, hampir tidak terpengaruh oleh musim dan kualitas atau kuantitas air tersebut. Teknologi Pengolahan Air Tanah Melaui Beberapa Tahapan Yaitu : Aerasi Aerasi merupakan istilah lain dari tranfer gas dengan lebih dikhususkan pada transfer gas khususnya oksigen dari fase gas ke fase cair. Fungsi utama aerasi dalam pengolahan air untuk melarutkan oksigen ke dalam air dan untuk meningkatkan kadar oksigen terlarut dalam air, dalam campuran tersuspensi lumpur aktif dalam bioreaktor dan untuk melepaskan kandungan gas-gas yang terlarut dalam air, serta membantu pengadukan air. Pada alat pengolahan air tanah ini digunakan tray aerator.Yaitu aerator yang disusun secara bertingkat. Tujuan transfer gas dalam pengolahan air adalah  Untuk mengurangi konsentrasi bahan penyebab rasa dan bau, seperti hidrogen sulfida dan beberapa senyawa organik, dengan jalan penguapan atau oksidasi.  Untuk mengoksidasi besi dan mangan.  Mengurangi rasa dan bau  Untuk melarutkan gas ke dalam air seperti penambahan oksigen ke dalam air tanah dan penambahan karbon dioksida setelah pelunakan air. Filtrasi Secara umum filtrasi adalah proses yang digunakan pada pengolahan air bersih untuk memisahkan bahan pengotor partikulat yang terdapat dalam air. Pada prosesnya air merembes dan melewati media filter sehingga akan terakumulasi pada permukaan filter dan terkumpul sepanjang kedalaman media yang dilewatinya. Filter juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk memisahkan partikulat semua ukuran termasuk di dalamnya lagae, virus, asbestos dan koloid- koloid tanah. Proses filtrasi ini terjadi dengan melewatkan air baku melalui media berporos tertentu. Media saringan ini meliputi media filtrasi dan media penyangga. Alat ini menggunakan campuran pasir silika dan zeolith dengan perbandingan ketebalan media 60:40 untuk zelith dan silca Zeolite digunakan untuk penjernihan air baik untuk system penyaringan ukuran besar maupun system penyaringan ukuran kecil.Zeolite juga baik untuk pasir dan karbon aktif berdasarkan pada kapasitas perubahan kationnya yang tinggi. Pasir dan karbon aktif tidak sama dengan zeolite untuk kapasitas perubahan kation.Zeolite juga dapat menyerap metal berat, bau, kopi, darah, cat, sampah radioaktif, arsenic, dan bahan – bahan beracun lain yang dapat ditemukan di air. Zeolite juga dapat menyerap beberapa bagian gas seperti formaldehyde, kloroform, dan karbon monoksida.Partikel zeolit juga berperan sebagai bibit untuk menumbuhkan flok bakteri dengan menambah pergerakanbakteri tiap volume unit. Gambar 1: Alat Filtrasi Keuntungan menggunakan zeolit dalam system penyaringan fisik, antara lain :  Dapat membuat air yang berada dalam kondisi pH asam menjadi lebih netral berdasarkankapasitas perubahan kationnya yang besar.  Menambah laju aliran secara gravitasi dan sistem pengatur tekanan apabila dibandingkan dengan system penyaring yang menggunakan media pasirantrasit.  Kapasitas penyaringan dapat bertambah tanpa adanya penambahan biaya  .Kapasitas pengangkutan yang lebih besar pada permukaan wilayah yang besar menghasilkan kapasitas yang lebih besar juga.  .Zeolit dapat berfungsi sebagai perisai penyaringan untuk bakteri pathogen bakteri dan spora Adsorbsi Peresapan bahan pencemar dihasilkan dari penggabungan 1 dan 2 di atas.Banyak bahan organik, seperti bahan terklorinasi maupun yang tidak terklorinasi, bensin, dan pestisida dapat terserap oleh karbon aktif.Karbon aktif juga efektif untuk menghilangkan klorin dan pada umumnya juga efektif untuk menghilangkan beberapa bagian dari bahan metal berat. Metal yang berwujud molekul organik juga dapat dihilangkan oleh karbon aktif. Fluoride, khlor, nitrat, kesadahan kalsium dan magnesium dan kebanyakan ion besi tidak dapat dihilangkan oleh karbon aktif pada banyak tingkat yang signifikan. Karbon aktif menghilangkan lebih banyak bahan pencemar air disbanding karbon..Sistem pengolahan karbon aktif untuk rumah tangga sangat mudah. Penyaring karbon aktif yang digunakan untuk pengolahan air rumah tangga mengandung karbon aktif granula dan powdered block karbon. Walaupun keduanya efektif, pada penelitian dibandingkan sebuah sistem penyaringan karbon aktif dengan karbon aktif granular lebih efektif menghilangkan klorin, rasa dan bahan organik terhalogenasi. Desain penyaring karbon aktif harus dipastikan telah cukup dalam sehingga bahan pencemar akan terserap ke dalam karbon aktif pada saat pengambilan air untuk dipindahkan melalui penyaring. Kedalaman penyaring tergantung pada laju aliran air yang melewati penyaring.Semakin lambat laju aliran, semakin baik untuk menghilangkan bahan pencemar. Karakteristik fisik dan kimia dari air juga akan mempengaruhi kerja sistem. Keasaman dan suhu juga dapat menjadi sangat penting. Keasaman yang lebih tinggi dan suhu air yang lebih rendah dapat meningkatkan kerja dari sistem penyaring karbon aktif Desinfeksi Air lewat melalui pipa bersih dipanaskan dengan sinar Ultra Violet UV. Sinar Ultra Violet UV d secara efektif dapat menghancurkan virus dan bakteri.Sistem UV ini tergantung jumlah energi yang diserap sehingga dapat menghancurkan organisme yang terdapat pada air tersebut.Jika energi tidak cukup tinggi, maka material organisme genetik tidak dapat dihancurkan. Keuntungan menggunakan UV meliputi : 1. Tidak beracun atau tidak berbahaya 2. Menghancurkan zat pencemar organik. 3. Menghilangkan bau atau rasa pada air. 4. Memerlukan waktu kontak yang singkat memerlukan waktu beberapa menit. 5. Meningkatkan kualitas air karena gangguan zat pencemar organik. 6. Dapat mematikan mikroorganisme pathogenic. 7. Tidak mempengaruhi mineral di dalam air. Kerugian-Kerugian dari menggunakan UV meliputi UV radiasi tidak cocok untuk air dengan kadar suspended solids tinggi, kekeruhan, warna, atau bahan organik terlarut. Bahan ini dapat bereaksi dengan UV radiasi, dan mengurangi performance desinfeksi. tingkat kekeruhan tinggi dapat menyulitkan sinar radiasi menembus air dan dapat mengaktifkan bakteri patogen. Sinar UV tidak efektif terhadap zat pencemar mengandung banyak bahankimia organik, klor, asbes dan lain lain. Memerlukan listrik untuk beroperasi. Dalam situasi keadaan darurat ketika listrik mati, maka alat tersebut tidak akan bekerja. UV umumnya digunakan sebagai pemurnian akhir pada sistem filtrasi.Jika ingin mengurangi zat pencemar seperti virus dan bakteri, maka masih perlu menggunakan suatu karbon untuk menyaring atau dengan sistem osmosis sebagai tambahan terhadap UV. Pembuatan Alat dan Rangka Proses pembuatan alat ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu :Rangka dibuat untuk menahan beban dari tray aerator dan juga filter, rangka dapat dibuat menggunakan tulangan besi atau plat besi. Pembuatan tray aerator Tray aerator dapat dibuat dari bahan alumunium agar tidak berkarat, bentuk tray berupa sirkular dengan lubang orifce dibawahnya, efektifitas dari tray sangat tergantung dari banyaknya oksigen yang terkontak dengan air, oleh karena itu jarak antar tray, luas tray dan jumlah orifice menjadi sangat penting. tetapi tidak berlaku untuk kadar logam Pb. gambar : tray aerator sederhana dan tabung filter Pembuatan tabung filter Tabung filter berfungsi sebagai tempat dari media penyaring. Tabung dapat dibuat menggunakan ember besar, setelah itu diisi dengan media filter,dengan perbandingan 60:40 untuk zeolith dan silica. Pembuatan tabung desinfeksi Tabung desinfeksi menggunakan paralon PVC dg diameter 4inch, lampu germicidalUV 35 watt, dan pipa kaca Cara Kerja Alat Cara kerja portable water treatment yaitu dengan mengalirkan air ke tray aerasi melalui pancuran yang berasal dari kran air. Pada prosesini terjadi reaksi antara oksigen dengan kationkation Fe 2+ dan Mangan Mn 2+ yang akan membentuk senyawa oksida 4FeOH 3 + 8H + dan 2MnO 2 + 4H +. Reaksi pada saat proses aerasi : 4Fe 2+ + O 2 + 10H 2 O → 4FeOH 3 + 8H + 2Mn 2+ + O 2 + 2H 2 O → 2MnO 2 + 4H + Pada saat melalui tray dengan tiga tingkat, air akan disaring oleh media filter.Disini akan terjadi proses filtrasi dan adsorbsi dimana akan terjadi penyerapan kandungan bahan organik,bau,rasa dan padatan terlarut dari air. Selanjutnya air dialirkan menuju tabung desinfeksi dengan melalui penyinaranpemanasan sinar UV kemudian keluar melalui keran. Air pun siap digunakan sebagai air baku air minum. Untuk pengaturan air masuk dan keluar dapat menggunakan keran,ingin berwirausaha, terbuka peluang membuka usaha dibidang ini. KESIMPULAN Air bersih merupakan bahan pokok yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh mahkluk hidup, seiring dengan masalah lingkungan yang terjadi saat ini,maka perlu adanya suatu inovasi teknologi dalam pengolahan air. Teknologi pengolahan air tanah menjadi air minum mengunakan gabungan pengolahan aerasi dan penjernihan air dengan media pasir Zeolit, silika dan karbon aktif dan penyinarana dengan UV dapat menjadi suatu pilihan yang tepat. Alat pengolahan ini sangat cocok di aplikasikan di dalam rumah tangga, karena tepat guna, pengoperasian yang mudah,murah dan memberi nilai ekonomis. Saran Teknologi pengolahan air tanah ini masih memiliki banyak kekurangan, diantaranya debit yang dihasilkan masih kecil.Juga bentuk dari alat masih besar dan berat sehingga tidak mudah untuk dipindahkan. Oleh karena itu perlu pengembangan lanjutan dari alat ini agar efektifitas dari alat ini akan menjadi lebih baik. Peluang ini akan semakin besar jika kita tinggal di daerah yang mengalami masalah air keruh, berbau, mengandung kadar besi dan mangan DAFTAR PUSTAKA Alamsyah, Sujana. 2006. Merakit Sendiri Alat Penjernih Air Untuk Rumah Tangga. KawanPustaka: Jakarta. Effendi,H. , 2003, Telaah Kualitas Air , Penerbit Kanisisus , Yogyakarta Guide, Neb. 2004. Drinking Water Treatment: Emergency Procedures. University of Nebraska Lincoln: www.ianrpubs.unl.eduepublicliveg1494bu ildg1494.pdf Marangoly. B. 1994. Aeration. http:www.rpi.edudeptchem-engBiotech- EnvironAERATIONaeration.htm Michigan State University Extension. 1997. Home Water Treatment Using Activated Carbon. Michigan State University:web1.msue.msu.edumsueimpmodwqwq 239201.html NDSU. 1992. Treatment Systems for Household Water Supplies. 1 029w.htm Reynolds, Tom D, 1982, Unit Operations and Process in Environmental Engineering, Texas AM University, BrooksCole Engineering Division, Monterey, California, USA Sutrisno, dan Suciati., 1987, Teknologi Penyediaan Air Bersih., Penerbit RinekaCipta Karya, Jakarta WHO. 2002. Emergency Treatment of Drinking Water at point-of-use. LECTURER’S ORGANIZATION CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR OCB Author: Yuyun Elizabeth Patras, 3 Fauzi Ridwan, 4 Sumardi 5 Dini Kurniani, 6 Rais Hidayat 7, fauzii ridwan, dini, 1 Post Graduate student at UNJ, Lecturer of Pakuan University Bogor 2 Lecturer of Muhamadiyah University Palembang 3 Lecturer of Pakuan University Bogor 4 Vice Principal of SMPN 1 Babakan Madang Sentul Bogor 5 Post Graduate student at UNJ, Lecturer of Pakuan University Bogor Abstract The research is a preliminary study of lecturer’s organizational citizenship behavior OCB in Private Universities in Bogor, Indonesia. Organizational citizenship behavior OCB to be the focus of the research due to the fact that organizational citizenship behavior OCB put some effects to lecturer and organization. If the lecturer has organizational citizenship behavior, then the lecturer will be a great educator, can make college life and continue to take places well, and helping the college out of the crisis also. This research takes the advantages of survey using questionnaire with 50 lecturers in Bogor Indonesia as the respondents. This research reveals that the organizational citizenship behavior OCB are not maximized because the lecturers are still carrying out their duties in accordance with the job description in role and have not had an extra role behavior required. This fact leads to a need of improving lecturer ’s organizational citizenship behavior OCB that private universities will have competitiveness and competitive advantage as the requirements of getting involved in globalization era, and to achieve its objectives. Keywords: Organizational citizenship behaviorOCB, Private Universities, Competitive advantage INTRODUCTION Nations advancement is determined by several factors. Philip Kotler 1997: 22 argues that there are four factors: 1 Natural Capital such as land, mineral, mining, and water 2 Physical Capital such as machineries, buildings and infrastructures, 3 Human Capital -human productivity value- such as creativity and innovation 4 Social Capital such as facility quality community and social organization. Human Capital is the most determining factor for the nations advancement. This in line with Frederick Harbisons argument stating hat Human Capital is the main factor of nations advancement as the quality human capital enables fund management and mobilization, technology development, goods or service production and trade activities 1965: IX. Therefore, failure in developing human capital will result in nothing, neither modern political systems nor nationalism and the wealth of the nations. Efforts in creating quality human capital are greatly influenced by the role of higher education. It is proven that advanced nations are the result of advanced higher educations. United state, as the leading global power, provide its nations with many quality universities. Therefore, it is the fact that higher educations are very important for the sake of the nation. As stated by Soedijarto 2007: 179, higher educations or universities are a place for general development of the society, Universities play important roles in developing countries that research conducted in higher education institutions take part in providing the basis of development program, policy formulation, as well as middle and high training for human capital of a nation. Along with the argument above, Harbison and Myer 1965:IX stated that the wealth and advanced nation are subject to the ability to develop the human capital. The wealth of the country is based upon its power to develop and effectively utilizes the innate capacities of the people. The economic development of nations, therefore, is ultimate the result of human effort. It takes human agents to discover and exploit national resources, to mobilize, to develop technology, to produce goods and to carry on trade. As other nations on earth, Indonesians put high expectations on higher educations. Such expectations are reflected in Delors report to the United Nations1996:131: Nowhere is the universities’ responsibility for the development of society as a whole more acute than in developing countries. Where research done in institutions of higher learning plays a pivotal role in providing the basis for development programs, policy formulation and training of middle-and higher-level human resources. Expectations on higher education will meet the reality if higher education have and keep developing the existing human capital. One kind of human capitals needed to be develop in higher education is the lecturer. Lecturers are one kind of human capital becoming the supporting and the key factor of sustainable affectivity in higher educations. Higher education need of OCB is due to the globalization and a paradigm shift from working as individuals to working as a team. In addition, higher education are basically encountering difficulties, especially the private universities as argued by Elfindri, the former kopertis X coordinator, that many private universities experiences such problems. In fact, around 70 of Indonesian children, during their golden age, were students of private universities. Ironically, the development of private universities is at minimum scale, while it has complex internal problems. It is not to mention the internal conflicts, lecturers quality and the foundation accountability. The government has paid much attention to state universities yet overlooked the private universities that should be made advanced. Higher educations performing well and coping with the crisis are our expectations, yet it is still far from reach as lecturers have not yet perform the OCB that is expected. Some facts spread through the mass media concerning the issue of lecturers OCB are as follow: Lecturers of ISI are to Strike, Campus to Sealed Kompas, Friday 19 September 2008, Many Lecturers and Students of FIKP UMRAH Perform Demonstration Batam Today, Thursday, 8 November 2012, Without Projector, Lecturer Hesitates to Teach, 31 October 2013. Other evidence of low lecturer OCB is the ineffective program in various higher educations. Based on Kopertis database of region IV 2013, there are 479 private universities. However, after further evaluation, there are 73 programs that are not clearly registered, and 50 of which are of 20 private universities considered inactive. Therefore, there are 461 private universities deemed to be reliable. There are 1.986 programs in total. Among those, 68 has been accredited by BAN-PT: A, B, C and D without accreditation levels are performed by 50, 500, 801, and 1 program respectively. The rest of 495 programs are accredited at the minimum level based on Law No,122012. From the data, it is indicated that extra role behavior of the lecturers is due to the fact that achieving standard performance is very difficult, let alone the extra role. Other data that indicates the low lecturer OCB is the data containing the number of studies performed by lecturers. Based on Scopus data since 9 February 2012, National University of Singapore has recorded 64.991 publications, and become the champion of ASEAN. Mahidol University in Thailand has published the most 17.414, while University of Malaya has recorded 16.027 as their top score in Malaysia. Institute Teknologi Bandung ITB, the mostly publishing in Indonesia, has recorded 2.029. The compilation in terms of publication among the four ASEAN Countries Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia indexed by Scopus 1996- 2010 has shown that Indonesian is far left behind the three Hardjito, 2012: 7. It shows the importance of OCB in the higher education and the low lecture OCB. Hence, efforts should be taken into account to improve lecturer OCB. This research is expected to help improve the lecturer OCB. LITERATURE REVIEW Organizational Citizenship Behavior OCB Organizational citizenship behavior OCB,according to Robbins and Judge 2013:61. is the discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace. Paul E. Spector 2007:265 defines organizational citizenship behavior OCB as behavior that goes beyond the core task requirements of the job task listed in a job description and is beneficial to the organization. Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson 2009:43 define organizational citizenship behavior OCB as voluntary employee activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the overall quality of the setting in which work task place. Organ and Moorman 1993:6 argue that OCB means those contributions to organizational effectiveness that are neither mandate by individual job requirements not recognized by the formal reward system. Nelson and Quick 2006:123 state that organizational citizenship behavior OCB is above and beyond the call of duty. Kreitner and Kinicki 2007:174 define OCB as employee behavior that exceed work role requirements. Robbins and Coulter 2012:373 states that organizational citizenship behavior OCB is discretionary behavior that’s not part of employee’s formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Wirawan 2013:721 defines organizational citizenship behavior OCB as voluntary behavior in the working place regardless of ones job requirement and organization rules, that no reward system from the organization that if it is implemented by the workers, it will increase the organization function. McShane and Von Glinov 2010:17 states that OCB is various form of cooperation and helpfulness to others that support the org anization’s social and psychological context. OCB according to Newstrom and Davis 2002:217 is discretionary action that promotes the organization’s success. Gibson et. al., 2010:147 defines OCB as behavior of employee which he does his assignment with effective and efficient way out-of-role without expect the repayment in his organization out of role due to the call for their inward to work without benefits and rewards from the organization for which they work.. Moorhead 2007:76 defines OCB as behavior of individuals who make a positive overall contribution to the organization. OCB according to Slocum and Hellriegel 2007:415 OCB is exceeds formal job duties but is often necessary for the or ganization’s survival including is image and acceptance. According to the description of OCB made by the experts it is found that there is interconnectedness between one to the others. Therefore, OCB is a voluntary action performed by workers in doing the tasks out of the main tasks without expecting reward from the organization as such conduct is aimed at sustaining the organization. OCB was built on several dimensions. According to Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson 2009:44 Organizational citizenship behavior OCB falls into two categories: interpersonal citizenship behavior OCB among individual workers and organizational citizenship behavior OCB for the organization. The explanations of the two are as follow: Interpersonal citizenship behavior is more relevant to the context in which workers work in a team or small group that they tend to help each other, pay respect, be well mannered and provide positive environment in which trust is among the members. This situation is essential to support the team member willingness to work while organizational citizenship behavior is behavior is more beneficial to the organization that it supports and stands for the company, works to improve the company development and shows faith to it. Citizenship behavior interpersonal consists of 1 Courtesy: an attitude that always gives relevant information to the colleagues and show tendencies to keep relevant and confidential facts that it is not to be revealed. 2 Sportsmanship means good attitudes among colleagues even when they have done something disturbing or when the rainy days come. Never criticize, whine, and complain; always shows good attitude in working. Organizational citizenship behavior consists of: 1 Voice to engage conversation and to offer construction suggestion for changes. A good citizens reacts well to good-for-nothing rules and policies and constructively try to change the policy 2 Civic Virtue is an attitude that refers to the level of participation to the company that exceeds the main task such as attending the meeting voluntarily, improving competence through reading and always running the rule of the organization, as well as following the organization development and advancement, 3 Boosterism means representing organization in a more positive way in front of the public, away from the office and away from the task that they keep the good will of the organization Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson, 2009:45. Organ in LePine, Erez, Johnson2002:52 classifies Organizational citizenship behavior OCB that embraces dimensions following: 1 Altruism, that is a tendency to help performed by certain individuals. Helping new colleagues and providing time without hoping any rewards from others are some of the examples. 2 Careful Actions, that is to do things bringing advantages for the organization. Coming on time, obeying the rules, using the time efficiently and doing the task more than the minimum standard are some of them. 3 Politeness, it means a tendency to avoid problems among individuals in relation to the job. Prior notifications, notification letter and accurate information deliverance are some of the examples. 4 Benevolence means engaging themselves in the organization in responsible manner and paying attention and showing care to the life in the organization. Serving in the committee and doing the functions voluntarily. 5 Sportive means showing gratitude to an inconvenient working place without complaining. It can be showed by avoiding complaints and whimper. Organs five dimensions of framework are mostly used in empirical research since the framework has a long history and it is proven through many empirical studies that in the time continuum, the organization in these behavior factors is beneficial in various situations and organizations LePine, Erez, Johnson,2002:54. McShane and Von Glinov 2010:18 argues that OCB forms different shapes, among them is individualism, such as helping colleagues, adjusting the schedule, gaining the real friendship and sharing resources with the colleagues. Another form of OCB is to represent cooperation and help to the organization that embrace: improving the company goodwill, working voluntarily so that the organization is free from various problems, contributing ideas to the work, voluntary presences of not in the working hours, and maintaining the organization to run well. Luthans 2008:149 explains that the dimensions of OCB consists of: 1 Altruism an attitude of helping the colleagues, for example covering the task of colleagues unable to work from disease 2 Hard worker still working though the time work is over, 3 organizational virtue working voluntarily to advance the organization, 4sportive attitude mutual support among fellow colleagues in the team for the success of the organization, 5 Polite behavior understanding and having deep empathy. OCB is also highly related with the performance of working groups and organizations that lead the organization to become effective. Wirawan 2013:723 classifies organizational citizenship behavior OCB into four sections, namely: 1 Altruism Altruism: help and motivate employees to help each other to solve the problem of the job with the true respect, 2 listen to the inward part consciousness: extra role behaviors that go beyond the requirements of duties, work, and the work ethic, 3 Sportive sportsmanship: any behavior that shows tolerance to ideal circumstances without complaining, 4 virtues of citizenship civic virtue: the behavior of the employees participating in the practice of the organization in maintaining the sustainability of the organization. Why is OCB needed in an organization? This is a big question. From the conclusions about OC above, OCB is one of the functions to sustain the organization. This is reinforced by the theory of Robbins and Coulter 20373 explaining that organizations need employees who can do the job more than the main job and evidence shows that there are employees who can do: it is the employee who has the OCB. Successful organizations require employees - willing to work beyond the obligation Robbins, Judge, 2013:61. OCB is a very important aspect of employee behavior that contributes to the effectiveness of an organization. OCB is also said to be something very vital to make the organization function Spector, 2007:266. Wirawan 2013:722 argues that the company will not be able to compete, change the sources, and serve the stakeholders if their employees only do the work in the job descriptions. They also have to carry out organizational citizenship behavior OCB: various types of cooperation and mutual help for other employees in the social and psychological context; in other words contextual performance of the organization is required in addition to the performance implementation of the task. Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson 2009:43 explains that the OCB is beneficial to the co- workers; that it involves, helps, supports, and develops other members of the organization through working beyond the normal tasks. Among them are helping colleagues who have heavy workloads, helping them with things - personal things, and helping the recruitment. The obvious benefit of organizational citizenship behavior OCB according to Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson 2009:44 is the effectiveness of the work unit and the organization. OCB also becomes very important when the organization experiences period of crisis for employees who have OCB will work voluntarily out of the working hours without demanding salaries which is not a burden for the company. Nelson and Quick 2006:123 asserts that employees who have OCB are happy to help their colleagues, always make positive comments on the organization and never complain that the circumstances could not go along with that. Nelson and Quick 2006:123 explains that employees who have OCB perform extra role without expecting a reward from the company. Employees who have their own OCB perform well such as like creating innovation and having good self-control. Robbins and Coulter 2012:373 explains that employees who have a good OCB like to encourage colleagues in a team, become an active volunteer in the work over a specified length of time, avoid unnecessary conflict, and make good responses about team work within an organization. Wirawan 2013:722 strengthens the opinion from McShane and Von Glinov on OCB that without OCB, no organization can run effectively, no maximum process in transformation of resources, and no good service for the needs of the customer. Newstrom 2007:245 explains that the employees with high OCB are responsible for the organization where they work. When working, the employee having the OCB are helpful coworkers voluntarily working together and making collaboration. Employees with OCB also use their skills and talents. They are also energized to help the organization so that the organization can achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. Descriptions from the experts on how OCB appears and the issues that can affect the growth and development of OCB above show a similarity or difference. In conclusion the OCB arises from the employee s own choice, which is due to the willingness of the heart appearing spontaneously and without coercion from the another, and not a command or encouragement from others, and is not influenced by the system reward. Other experts say that OCB appear from, in addition to the employees own choice, expectation of special attention from others, good relations with others that foster a sense of trust and the culture and climate within the organization to support the growth of OCB. Lecturers Administratively, the lecturer has the main task to fulfill the Tridarma Ethics: providing education-teaching, research, and community service. In Tridarma Ethics, lecturers act as 1 the students learning facilitator and resource person; 2 researchers and experts in each distinctive field of knowledge to develop science, technology, culture and art; 3 community servants by applying their expertise for the sake of the public welfare and the advancement of humanity Unpak, 2011:11. In addition to carrying out basic tasks mentioned above, the lecturers also perform the function of academic and professional development, and participate in institutional governance. Some duties and functions of specific faculty members are 1 to become facilitators of student learning, so that students can acquire knowledge according to the respective fields; 2 to guide students to think critically and analytically, so that they can independently develop science they acquired; 3 to train students in terms of intellectual, as well as to become counselors; 4 to use concepts, theories, and methodologies applicable in the field, and be able to create a number of concepts, theories, operational methodology in the context of scientific activity; 5 to conduct research and publish the result through discussions, seminars, scientific journals, or exhibition, in the fields of science, technology, culture or art; 6 to apply knowledge in community service activities; 7 to improve the quality of academic and self-competence as educators; 8 to be cooperative when managing the academic team to realize the vision of the university; 9 to develop professionalism through an active role in the organization of seminars; 10 to conduct semi-annual activity plan, the realization of monthly activities, and to evaluate the implementation; and 11 to compose a self portfolio description as to the implementation of education and teaching, research, and community service, as well as other activities that support Tridarma etchicsUnpak, 2011:23. Lecturer profession is identified as one of the essential components higher education system. The role and task of the lecturer is very important to achieve national education goals: educating the nation, improving the quality of Indonesian people, including quality of faithintegrity, noble character, mastery of science, technology and art, as well as the developed fairly prosperous and civilized Indonesia, Higher Education, 2010. The main task of the lecturers as educators and professional scientists are transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology and the arts through education, research and community service. Based on the description above it can be synthesized that OCB lecturer is extra role behavior performed by lecturers that support the effectiveness of the college so that the college lecturers and professors working is able to thrive and get through the crises. METHOD AND SAMPLING This study is a preliminary one to gain data of faculty ethical behavior. This study applied survey method through a questionnaire containing statements about OCB faculty. Research was conducted at some private universities in Bogor West Java, namely: Pakuan University, Juanda Islamic University, Islamic University and Ibn Khaldun University and Nusa Bangsa University in April 2014. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to the lecturers, then only 45 questionnaires were returned and fit the research. In order to get an overview descriptively, the collected data was accordingly processed by using SPSS version 19. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the preliminary study of lecturer OCB showed that lecturer OCB level in private universities Bogor Indonesia has not met the need. The lack of lecturers OCB behavior recorded in the results of the preliminary study can be seen in table 1.1 as follows: Table 1.1 Preliminary Results of Lecturer’s OCB in Private University Bogor No Statement Often to Always percent 1 I explain how to write a journal to associate lecturers who are new to research. 28.8 2 I give you the latest information about journal writing seminars to fellow lecturers. 33.3 3 I motivate fellow faculty to participate in community services, 48.9 4 I canceled the lecture because the projectors were damaged. 85.5 5 I taught with very limited lecturing facilities. 26.6 6 I remind the vision of the institution when giving lectures. 40 7 I object to write the name of the institution in my scholarly writing. 81.1 8 I asked the student to understand the existing drawback in the institution. 20 9 I use reference books made by research institutes. 17.7 10 I keep the good name of the institution any where. 97.8 Initial survey findings from this study indicate that lecturer OCB should be promoted and developed. The other facts that indicate the lecturers have not had such OCB as written by Agus Suwignyo Kompas, 2013 were the exodus of lecturers in three waves. First, professors no longer use their profession as a living. Many lecturers shifted from being educators to becoming politicians or officials in government bureaucracy. Second, the exodus of lecturers from the intellectual life of intention and orientation. In general, most professors who remain working at campus no longer intend to be intellectuals yet officials of campus structural body. The orientation is no longer a work of research, scientific publications, and quality services to students, but rather the managerial positions.The third, the lecturers exodus from the their intellectual profile and characteristics.. They generally do not show more interesting academic work that inspires. Some of them run their profession as faculty members as business as usual by making a demand of administrative career grade, certification, performance sheet as a reference of the highest productivity - the only intellectual profile reduced to a mere fulfillment of the demands of administrative careers, which does have an impact on lecturers earning. In this context, the disappearance of intellectual character is reflected in the academic ethics violations, such as plagiarism. Along with the effort of improving lecturer OCB, knowledge about factors that directly influence lecturer OCB is needed. Wirawan 2013 describes some of the factors that directly influence the OCB: personality, organizational culture, mutual cooperation, organizational climate, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, leadership and social responsibility of employees, job satisfaction, employee age, job involvement, collectivism, and justice organizations. Based on the review of the existing literature, lecturer OCB can be improved through improving the quality of ones personality lecturer in the case that lecturers have selfish characteristics and introverted personality that hinder the promotion and development of lecturer OCB, improving the organizational culture, such as the norms and values that promote justice and sportsmanship in the organization that will promote lecturer OCB, improving leadership, where leaders set an example and inspire as well as empower the subordinates to promote the lecturer OCB, increasing the organizational climate such as finding a solution to the conflict that affects the behavior of OCB faculty, increasing the involvement of such work and feel responsible for the work that has an effect on the cultivating lecturer OCB, increasing the organizational commitment such as loyalty and emotional bond to the organization that influence the cultivating lecturer OCB, improving the equity in the organization such as fair benefit sharing and providing information in a fair way will influence the behavior of lecturer OCB. Increasing confidence in the organization such as integrity and openness, and competent organizations that influence the behavior of lecturer OCB. OCB can not occur when the work that is overload, family conflict and stress take place Robbins and Cuolter, 2012:347. To foster OCB behaviors in work of team, the members of the team must show mutual respect, helpfulness and friendly attitude. The climate of the team work must also be positive that all team members must trust each other so that the situation can develop the willingness of team members to do their work. OCB can cultivate if the job is done together as a team. Nelson and Quick 2007 explains that there was research proving that OCB is very good and increases when it cultivates among the team members because if one employee has OCB, then the employee will pass the OCB on other employees. Conclusion The results of this study found that the lecturer organizational citizenship behavior OCB in private universities PTS, especially in Bogor, does not meet the full need as the lecturers are still carrying out their duties in accordance with the job description in role and have not had an extra role behavior. This situation can certainly inhibit the competencies of faculty and society members in the globalization era. Based on the findings of this research, efforts will be needed to increase organizational citizenship behavior OCB so that the existence of lecturers in private universities will remain preserved, competitive, and perform competitive advantage to cope with the demand of globalization. Efforts to increase lecturer OCB can be implemented by increasing the effective leadership behaviors, improving its confidence in the organization, improving decision-making processes quality, improving employee commitment to the organization, and improving the equity in the organization. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researchers extend their gratitude to the Rector of Pakuan University in Bogor, Dr. Bibin Rubini, M.Pd, and Rector of Muhammadiyah University Palembang, Dr.HM. Idris, SE,M.Si. REFERENCES Batam Today, Puluhan Dosen dan Mahasiswa FIKP UMRAH Gelar Unjuk Rasa, Kamis 8 November 2012, diunduh 9 November 2013. Colquit, Jason A., Jeffrey A. Lepine, Michael J. Wesson. Organizational Behavior. Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Compani Profile Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat LPM Unpak., 2010. Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick. Organizational Behavior. Foundations, Realities Challenges. Australia: Thomson, 2006. 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It has accumulated into the researcher’s pragmatic findings that teaching English for publishing students with its basic skills reading, writing, listening, speaking should be in line with the needed basic competencies of language assessment in the publishing needed skills pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. However, in order to assure the pragmatic findings it is needed to do the academic analysis through the following academic research methodology, including: setting and time, research design, population and sample, data collection instrument, and data analysis. Methods: The research uses qualitative approach through seeing, observing, discussing and studying some related documents taken from questioannaire, interview, simulation and focus group discussion among lecturers.. Results: The data shows various level of language acquisition in reading, writing, listening, speaking when they are applied in publication process ranging from prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing. So forth, there are seventeen list of technical skills needed to support the successfull of learning process, such as: 1 team working skills; 2 oral communication skills; 3 problem solving skills, 4 customer handling skills, 5 management skills, 6 general IT user skills, 7 technical and practical skills, 8 office administration skills, 9 written communication skills, 10 literacy skills, 11 numeracy skills, 12 IT professional skills, 13 foreign language skills, 14 grappling with grammar skill, 15 speed reading skills, 16 note-taking skills and 17 negotiating skills. Meanwhile, the design of English learning materials is dedicated preferable to using the subject references of publishing activities, such as: 1 Commissioning and Acquisitions, 2 Rights, 3 Contract, 4 Design visual, 5 Editorial management, 6 Design structural, 7 Editing, 8 Production, 9 Marketing and Direct Selling. Conclusion: It is concluded that the design of English learning materials should approach to four basic language competencies reading, writing, listening and speaking in line with the learning activities ought to encourage students enjoy learn and practice the activities of editorial job cycle from prewriting-drafting-revising- editing-publishing. Keywords: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking---Prewriting- Drafting-Revising-Editing-Publishing. INTRODUCTION The background of the research derived from the wish to solving gaps between existing condition and ideal prospective portrait of Publishing Study Program at the State Polytechnic of Creative Media PoliMedia. It is widely exposed in printed and in electronic media that the Publishing Study Program specially designed to graduate the students who are competence and skillful in preparing various kinds of manuscript needed for creative industry. Referring to the existing condition of PoliMedia as the only school of creative with Publishing Study Program, English is strongly recommended to support the teaching learning process. So forth, this is the essence of the adaption and use of English as the language of international communication as today a fact of life. Therefore, the needs of English language competencies should support the vision of the study program approached to worldwide class ranging from graduate’s competence, graduate’s profile, career prospect, job vacancy, learning process and facilities. I n term of graduates’ competencies with production and entrepreneurship skills based, there are at least two major skills to be achieved, such as; 1 skilful in writing and editing manuscripts available for creative industries, such as: publishing, advertising, broadcasting, interactive game, film, video, performing arts, music, and 2 skilful in planning and managing their business based on the production and entrepreneurship in the field of publishing industry. The needed skills of study program are suited for those who wish to deepen the publishing world starting from prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing the manuscripts at various forms like: books, magazines, and newspapers. Concerning with the graduates’ profiles, the Publishing Study Program is supposed to graduate the Medium Level of Writer or Author, Editorial Supervisor, and becoming Self- Entrepreneur of creative publishing called “Publipreneur”. While the career prospects is dealing with the professional worker of Proof Reader, Copy Writer, and Writer or Author. The so called, here are the prospective job vacancies of the publishing graduation, such as: 1 Book Publishing Industry, 2 Press Publishing Industry, 3 Electronic Publishing Industry, 4 Advertising Industry, 5 Television and Film Industry, 6 Broadcasting Industry, 7 Music and Performing Arts Industry, 8 Public Relations at Private or Government Office, 9 Literary Agents, and 10 Self- Publishing Entrepreneur . REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Drawing on her extensive experience in research and teaching writing, Raimes outlines a set of guideline which can make the writing course a less intimidating task. This guidelines are based on what we know to be the key principles of course design, which include consideration of course goals, theories, content, focus, syllabus, materials, methodology, activities, and course evaluation. In the practical learning process, lecturer should support the learners to constantly and systematically record, ponder, and analyze what they have in the classroom, and their reflective experience as the basis for improving students instructional practice. Seow in Methodology in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press pp.204 comprises four basic stages of teaching writing---planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Three other stages could be inserted after the drafting stage, such as: responding, evaluating, and post-writing. For each stage, suggestions are provided as to the kinds of classroom activities that support the learning of specific writing skill. For example, at the planning stage, lecturer can help students generate ideas through such activities as brainstorming, clustering, and rapid free writing. Moreover, Rappen discuss the genre-based approach which in recent years has received a lot of attention from researchers as practitioners. A genre-based approach provides students with ample opportunities to become aware of the different purposes of written communication and the different text types and are given sufficient practice in these types of writing, their written products will leave much to be desired. By combining genre-base and process approaches, the research approves that students react positively to the instructional procedure with most learners becoming more aware of the different convention used in different genres. At last, researcher realizes the fact that grammatical inaccuracies can have negative effects on the overall quality of students’ writing. Because of that, writing lecturers need to help students develop their editing as well as their composing skills. Editing refers to the process of detecting and correcting grammatical, lexical, and other mechanical errors before publishing a final written product. Ferris pp.304 then describes a three-stage approach to teaching editing skills that can help students become independent editors of their own written work. She suggests that the focus of the editing activities should be on students’ most frequent error, especially those that effect the global meaning of their written text. Apart from the theoretical background, this study is regarded as the result of researchers’ pracmatic experience in teaching English at the State Polytecnic of Creative Media PoliMedia . Over the years, it has become apparent from the institutional motive that publishing students are supposed to have a work and career concerning with writing and editing skill. At the same time, students of publishing class particularly are challenged to reach the destination, minimally understand the characteristics of various manuscripts . The resercher believes that students must notice grammatical structure before they are able to recognize and use in a academic context. The teaching experience of rsearcher has led to the conclusion that publishing students needs a text to bridge the gap between the uncomplicated sentences-level recognition of structures and the difficulties. Once students notice the grammatical structure they will be better prepared to extract meaning of sentence. THE METHOD AND SAMPLING It is widely understood that verbal ability is among the most important skills one posses throughout life in all situations from the classroom to the board room and from idea to speak and write. Understanding how to use words effectively can bring one increased confidence and pave one way to success in school, in business, in social life, and in every area where communication is important. Referring to the above perception, this study is designed to help students achieve their goal of becoming expert in the field of business communication. Seven steps of language acquisition from prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing have been carefully selected and organized by the resercher through practical teaching learning process for publishing practitioners adapted by 44 student of publishing at the State Polytechnic of Creative Media PoliMedia. The choice of materials is based on the confession that there is no doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for learners. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organizing ideas, but also in translating ideas into readable text. The writer has to pay attention to higher level skills of planning and organizing as well as lower level skills of spelling, punctuation, word choices, and so on. With so many conflicting theories around and so many implementation factors to consider, planning and teaching a course in publishing can be a daunting task. Which theoretical strands are we going to adopt? Are we going to use the process approach or the genre-based approach? Or an electric approach? What will be the focus of the course? What activities are likely to help students develop their writing and editing skill? How do we treat learner error? There are some of the issues that the teaching learning materials in this study seek to address. As a lecturer, researcher realizes that some classes need more teacher-centered deductive approach, while others thrive on the inductive method. In this regard, researcher tried to make the teaching materials as flexible as possible. This is based on his personal confession toward some learning theorists that in teaching writing and editing we need to totally involve in collaborative work among lecturer and students. The goal of teaching and learning is to help the publishing students bridge the gap between the relatively simple structure they recognize when students start the course and the most complicated structure they will need to recognize in their academic, business, and professional careers. Through the exercise provided, students will build up their store of templates and thus be better prepared for life of reading and writing in English. For this reason, researcher included passages from many publishing academic area as possible. Many of this passages and sentences are taken from article chosen by the publishing class representing a cross section of academic fields and interest in publishing activities ranging from prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Toward the key success in learning process, lecturer and students can negotiate to build the group depending on the size and composition of the class. From his experiences in applying Student-Center Learning SCL, this list of activities can recommend to be considered as the success key in using Publipreneur-Based Language Learning PBLL, namely: In order for success, researcher tends to innovate Jack C. Richards and Willy A Renandya pp.306-314 as in Methodology in Language Teaching provides the tip of preparing tens steps in planning a writing and writing courses, such as: 1 Ascertaining goals and instructional constraint, 2 Deciding on theoretical principles, 3 Planning contents, 4 Weighing the elements, 5 Drawing up a syllabus, 6 Selecting materials, 7 Preparing activities and roles, 8 Choosing types and methods of feedback, 9 Evaluating the course, and 10 Reflecting the lecturer’s experiences. The innovation of is initiated in order to reach a maximum outcome or result of study when learner actively involve in learning activities by showing their competencies with the list of requirements approaches, such as: 1. Students are expected to be active and self-learners both in and out of campus. 2. Students are encouraged to proudly speak and write, while the lecturers are functioned as facilitators, motivators and innovators within learning process. 3. In practice, the students are divided into groups before providing with various learning materials taken from the list of modules. 4. In every time of classes, the group should presents their works based on each member role as presenter represented authors, moderator represented publisher, and the rest students to be adjudicators represented readers. 5. Every students are actively participated based on each roles presenter, moderator, adjudicator by using the form of adjudicator. 6. Approaches to Polimedia motto “Production and Entrepreneurship Bases Curriculum”, then the lecturer can initiatively decide the portfolio of products to be handled by the students at each semester. The project is supposed to be a student approval for their competencies. 7. The students will be guided on how to check their structure and written expression dealing with each topic listing in book work. 8. The students’ mark are given based on their sustainability activities within the class, out of the class or even their portfolio as being judged objectively and professionally by the lecturers. In doing the learning steps above, please see the learning process within learning maps below: Target of Learning Process within Learning Maps Here are the list of learning process targets: 1. Students are expected to know the steps of publishing activties orderly start from prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publihsing. 2. 2. Students are expected to be able to do editing approach work ranging from focusing on form, recognizing major error types, and self-editing practice. No Learning Activities Learning Focus Level of Participation Learning Output Students Lecturer 1 Pre-Writing Writing Talent Scouting 90 10 Raw Materials Hand-writing 90 10 Type-Writing 90 10 2 Drafting Out-lining 75 25 Dirty Copy Composing 75 25 Lay-outing 75 25 3 Revising Readability 60 40 Revised Copy Legibility 60 40 Accuracy 60 40 Consistency 60 40 Language rules 60 40 Non-racial 60 40 Production details 60 40 4 Editing Substantive editing 50 50 Clean Copy Mechanical editing 50 50 Pictorial editing 50 50 5 Publishing Production details 40 60 Book Dummy Pre-liminary pages 40 60 In-liminary pages 40 60 Post-liminary pages 40 60 DISCUSSIONS AND RESEARCH FINDINGS In order to approve the goals, it is written to be commitment that the publishing students have to complete their study within three years six semesters with the comparative learning ratio 40 theory and 60 hands on learning. At the first year semester one and two, the students get the basic theory of publishing, basic practice of writing and editing, and industrial orientation. At the second years semester three and four, the students get a lot of practices in writing, editing, editorial management, and Industrial apprenticeship. At the third years semester five and six, the students get specific writing and editing project, entrepreneurship and industrial hands on practice as well as presenting their compulsory reported comprehensive project. In order to support the learning process, the Publishing Study Program has comfortable and elegant classrooms equipped with digitalized communication, language laboratory, publishing laboratory, free Internet, and fully digitalized library as well as national and international collaboration scope. This consequently can enhance the students creativity and innovation of doing creative writing, creative editing, and producing various kinds of hi-end publishing products. Referring to the expected learning output and English is strongly recommended to support the teaching learning process four semesters, the researcher is interested in designing English material approached to the needs of publishing industry. The appropriate materials for this course is of course English for Occupational Purposes EOP as the branch of English for Specific Purposes ESP. To do so, the researcher wishes to provide English learning materials with three research output, such as basic course outline, English materials as learning models, and a lecturer’s guide. Hopefully this research contributes to the right path of Designing English Material for supporting the achievement of institutional goal through English learning process for Publishing Students at PoliMedia. Last but not least, this research is also back-worded by the pragmatic experiential learning problems the researcher faces in daily routine activities of teaching learning from first to fourth semester 2008- 2011. It has accumulated into the researcher’s pragmatic findings that teaching English for publishing students with its basic skills reading, writing, listening, speaking should be in line with the needed basic competencies of language assessment in the publishing needed skills pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. However, in order to assure the pragmatic findings it is needed to do the academic analysis through the following academic research methodology, including: setting and time, research design, population and sample, data collection instrument, and data analysis. The research result is expected to provide lecturer with the right model of designing English language learning material used for guiding the students and lecturer hand-in-hand in the learning process. T he most significant of the research is based on what the PoliMedia’s function to steer-up the three years diploma program focused on the need for publishing students as supposed intellectual resources of national Publishing Industry in Indonesia. Based on the data analysis, the research findings are classified into three major categories. F irst category is related to the first research question “How does the English materials meet the Publishing Students’ needs?”. Second category is related to the second research question “How does the English materials meet the Industry needs?”. And the last category is related to the the last research question “ “How does the English materials improve students’ proficiency in understanding EOP materials?. The data to answer each research questions are taken from questionaire-, interview-, simulation and class observation-based data. To clarify the question research How Does the English Materials meet the Publishing Students’ Needs? here are the graphic of competence recorded from respondent’s scaling toward the language aquisition in the activities of “prewriting-drafting-revising-editing-publishing”. The data derived from 44 students who filled in the observation sheets as observed during the class session. The data shows how the language acquisition correlated with the technical skills needed in publishing industry approached to it’s production cycles pre-writing-drafting-revising-editing- publishing. 1. Language Acquisition in Prewriting Graph 1 indicates that prewriting competency requires the skill of reading 36, writing 28, speaking 21 and listening 15. From the data it can be stated that language acquisition in prewriting is more influenced by the skill of reading, and then sequently followed by writing, speaking and listening. That means the design of material should focus on the effort of triggering students’ skill in reading habit. In addition to the language competencies, data also shows the priority level of technical skills needed in prewriting competency. In general, the language acquisition in prewriting competencies and its influences to priorities of technical skills can be seen in the following graph. Listening 15 Speaking 21 Writing 28 Reading 36 Leanguage Acquisition in Prewriting Technical Skill Scaling Priorities in Prewriting Competencies: 1 Literacy skills 2 Written communication skills 3 Speed reading skills 4 General IT user skills 5 Oral Communication skills 6 Numeracy skills 7 Foreign language skills 8 Grappling with grammar skills 9 Note-taking skills 1 0 Negotiating skills 1 1 IT professional skills 1 2 Office administration skills 1 3 Technical and practical skills 1 4 Management skills 1 5 Team-working skills 1 6 Customer handling skills 1 7 Problem solving skills Graph 1. The Language Acquisition in Prewriting and its priorities of technical skills.

2. Language Acquisition in Drafting

Graph 2 indicates that drafting competency requires the skill of reading writing 36, reading 30, speaking 14 and listening 20. From the data it can be stated that language acquisition in drafting is more influenced by the skill of reading, and then sequently followed by writing, speaking and listening. From the data it can be stated that language acquisition in drafting is more influenced by the skill of writing, and then sequently followed by reading, speaking and listening. That means the design of m aterial should focus on the effort of triggering students’ skill in writing habit. In addition to the language competencies, data also shows the priority level of technical skills needed in drafting competency. In general, the language acquisition in drafting competencies and its influences to priorities of technical skills can be seen in th following graph. Listening 20 Speaking 14 Writing 36 Reading 30 Leanguage Acquisition in Drafting Technical Skill Scaling Priorities in Drafting Competencies: 1 Written communication skills 2 Literacy skills 3 Grappling with grammar skills 4 Speed reading skills 5 Note-taking skills 6 Negotiating skills 7 Foreign language skills 8 Numeracy skills 9 Management skills 10 General IT user skills 11 Oral Communication skills 12 Team-working skills 13 Problem solving skills 14 Customer handling skills 15 Technical and practical skills 16 Office administration skills 17 IT professional skills Graph 2. The Language Acquisition in Drafting and its priorities of technical skills. 3.