I can easily understand the result of analysis as presented by other groups.

English is considered to be an international language so that, the ESP students are prepared to face the global era by their English skill. In the context of English skill, teaching reading is one of methods that help students master in one of the skills. The students will be able to read a text in English and also will increase their vocabularies and at least pleasuring them by reading a text.But somehow, some students have no interest and motivation in order to get the meaning of the text. It might be happened, because the students lack of information during read a text. Motivation for reading is an important contribution to students’ reading achievement and school success Guthrie and Wigfield, 2006:232. The importance of motivation in L1 reading development suggests the need to thoroughly explore the potential impact of motivation on L2 reading behaviors and outcomes Komiyama, 2013:149. A student with skill may be capable, but without will, she cannot become a reader. For some students, motivation appear in the positive form driving students toward reading. For other students, the motivation are negative and push students away from books Cambria and Guthrie, 2010. The importance of providing motivational input to the students is evident, because it achieves the goal and get suitable atmosphere and materials for the task. Sometimes, the teacher must be willing to see how their students learn independently. The extensive reading practice allows students choosing their own reading text while participating on the benefits derived from the experience Gonzalez de Ozaeta, 2012. Thus the researcher was interested in developing a theoretical and empirical account focused on motivation for reading as an important contributor to the reading club in ESP class.The term of reading club in this context, the students have to work in intensive small group. Wilson and Nabors 2012 stated that through social interaction and small group learning activities, they will begin to integrate and control specific knowledge and skill gradually. In term condition, teacher also having conversation with students, hear more questions, provide more direct feedback, etc. In their activity, each group gets instruction from the teacher to find and allow them to select their own text. Then,it will be discussed with their peers group before it is delivered to the teacher.According to Hunter 2005, students need to know that they have some power over their education. When they aren’t given any choices, it certainly doesn’t inspire them to be proactive about their participation, because they feel it’s already a done deal. In any classroom, some students have an enormous range of interest. While at the same time, not all students really like reading as one of their classroom activity although they have theirpeers to share with. Here, the researcher tried to expose students’ motivation because it relates to the reason why they have to do or not to do the activity. It means that motivation as responsible for why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they are going to pursue it Dornyei, 2000. In this study the researcher adapted the theories of motivation related to Wigfield and Guthries 1997 about the aspects of reading motivation. They defined the theories of reading motivation into some aspects. There are self efficacy, deals with reading efficacy which is something belief about successful in reading, and reading challenge, concerns more about the satisfaction of mastering ideas in a text. The second aspects is related to intrinsic-extrinsic motivation, subjective values, and achievement goals. The intrinsic motivation and learning goals aspects include reading curiosity, wich is about the desire to learn a particular topic of interest, and reading involvement, the enjoyment of experiencing different kinds of literary or informational texts. Extrinsic motivation and performance goals aspects include competition in reading, recognition for reading, and reading for grades. Sometimes in a classroom, students often read where they are evaluated and compared with others, competition, recognition, and grades may figure transparently in their motivation. The last aspects deals with social motivation for reading, include social KONFERENSI NASIONAL SASTRA, BAHASA BUDAYA KS2B 2016 | 251 reasons for reading which is the process of sharing the meaning gained from reading with friends and family, and compliance, concerns to an external goals or requirement. The present study, therefore, examined motivation toward reading club in ESP class. The study is adopted from an original questionnaire from Wigfield and Guthries 1997 theory of reading motivation in L1. The research questions for this study, on the basis of motivation toward reading club in ESP class was, what are the dominantaspects of ESP students’ reading club motivation?. RESEARCH METHOD In this phase of the study, 82 Architecture students studying English IIat Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang. There were 32 students A class, 15 students B class, 35 students C class.At Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang has obligatory course for a year that students from non language major have to take and complete ESP class.Permission to participate in the study was obtained from the participants themselves and their lecturer. The study aimed at exploring students’motivation toward reading club in ESP class with the focus on what the dominant aspects of ESP students’ reading club motivation. In order to cover the aspect, the questionnaire were developed containing the same set of motivation for reading. The Motivation for Reading Questionnaire MRQ by Wigfield and Guthrie 1997 assessed different aspects of reading motivation. The MRQ used in this study contained 53 items measuring each of the proposed aspects. The students were told they were going to answer questions about their reading, and that the questions had no right or wrong answers. The students answered each item by giving check symbol with answer choices ranging from very different from me to a lot like me. They were given two practice items before beginning the actual questionnaire. It took the students approximately around 15 min to complete the MRQ. DISCUSSION The main object of this study is to find out the dominant aspect in motivation toward reading club in ESP class. There are 11 aspects of reading motivation that draw students’ motivation toward their reading club. The first aspect was reading efficacy which related to the effectiveness of students’ reading abilities. The highest aspects of students’ reading efficacy loadings in its item. The results showed that the students knowtheir willingness in reading. There were 68.2 of students answered item 7 I know that I will do well in reading next year. Mostly, it showed their reading efficacy was quite well while they knew their willingness for having a better reading ability. The items in second aspect involved their reading challenge which something needing the effort to make their reading succesfully done. The highest aspect, there were 80.5 of students answered item 8 If a book is interesting I don’t care how hard it is to read. It showed that most students were challenged finishing their readingbased on their book preferences. The third aspect was related to students’ reading curiosity which purposed on their wish to learn in what they read. The result showed that around 87.7 of students answered item 29 I read about my hobbies to learn more about them. They liked to learn about their usual activity and need to explore more information from what they read.