FEBRUARI PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero) - Pekanbaru, Riau AR2016PTPN5

Uraian Tanggal Description kegiatan 1. Kunjungan Akademi Komunitas Negeri Bengkalis 04-02-2016 Visit of Bengkalis State Academy Community 2. Kunjungan Universitas Abdurrab 10-02-2016 Visit of Abdurrab University 3. Pemberian bantuan 6 ekor Sapi ke Desa Aur Sati Assistance of 6 head of cattle to the village of Aur Sati Kec. Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar 11-02-2016 Mine Kab. Kampar 4. Bantuan 1000 paket sembako untuk korban banjir Kampar 13-02-2016 Assistance of 1,000 food packages for Kampar lood victims 5. Presentasi On the Job Training Bidang Tanaman 15-02-2016 Presentation of OJT Plant Section 6. Rapat Kerja Implementasi Olidoss dan Cash Management System 25-02-2016 Working Meeting on Implementation of Olidoss and Cash Management System


11 Februari 2016 Penyerahan 6 Ekor Sapi untuk RTMPE Kampar PTPN V menyerahkan 6 ekor sapi kepada Kelompok Tani Berkah lengkap beserta dana pembangunan kandangnya, Ka- mis 11022016. Bantuan tersebut diserahkan oleh Direktur SDMUmum PTPN V Syamsul Rizal Lubis melalui Kepala Urs PKBL Perusahaan Sarimanza Tanjung, dan diterima langsung oleh Ketua Kelompok Tani Berkah Abdul Razak di lokasi Pro- gram Rumah Tangga Mandiri Pangan dan Energi RTMPE Desa Aur Sati Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar. Penyerahan 6 ekor sapi beserta sarana kandangnya sendi- ri, dihadiri pula oleh Asisten I Pemkab Kampar Nurbit, Asisten Humas PTPN V Risky Atriyansyah, Kabag Ekonomi Sudiarto, Camat Tambang Mulatua, bersama jajaran pengurus Desa. Ke- giatan dilaksanakan ditengah keterbatasan lokasi RTPME yang sebagian besar terendam banjir. “Kami mengucapkan terimakasih yang mendalam kepada February 11, 2016 Submission of 6 Cows to RTMPE Kampar PTPN V hands over 6 head of cattle to Berkah Farmer Group complete with fund construction of its cage, Thursday 11022016. The assistance was submitted by the Director of Hu- man Resources of PTPN V Syamsul Rizal Lubis through the Head of PKBL Corporate Affairs Sarimanza Tanjung, and received directly by the Head of Berkah Abdul Razak Farmer Group at the location of the Household Independent Food and Energy Program RTMPE Desa Aur Sati Kecamatan Tambang Kampar . The delivery of 6 cows and their own cage facilities, was attended also by 1st Assistant of Kampar District Government Nurbit, PTPN V Risky Atriyansyah Public Relation Assistant, Head of Sudiarto Economy, Head of Kecamatan Tambang Mu- latua, along with the Village Board. The activity was carried out amid the limited location of RTPME which mostly looded. “We express our deepest gratitude to PTPN V. Hopefully 37 PTPN V LAPORAN TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT 2016 06 Good Corporate Governance Good Corporate Governance 09 Laporan Keuangan Financial Report 07 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility 10 Referensi Silang Cross Reference 08 Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources 38 PTPN V LAPORAN TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT 2016 PTPN V. Semoga Sapi ini dapat terus berkembang dan memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat Kami. Pastinya kami bangga seka- li, PTPN V menjadi pilot project kerjasama dana CSR. Semoga hal ini bisa ditiru oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan yang lain”, ucap Asisten I Pemkab Kampar Nurbit. this Cow can continue to grow and beneit our people. Cer- tainly we are very proud, PTPN V became the pilot project of CSR fund cooperation. Hopefully this can be imitated by other Companies “, said 1st Assistant of Kampar Distric Nurbit. February 12, 2017 Delivery of 1,000 food packages for lood victims Kampar PTPN V handed over 1,000 packages of food to Kampar lood victims on Saturday 12022016. After previously distributing 2.8 tons of rice and hundreds of boxes of instant noodles, held at Merdeka Bangkinang Square, this time at least the Palm Oil Plan- tation and Rubber Company distributed 5 tons of rice, 1 ton of oil, 1 ton of sugar, 350 cans of processed ish, 5ribu packs of noodles Instant, a thousand milk cans, and a thousand tea boxes. The basic food package is received by the Head of BNPBD Santo- so handed over by the Director of Human Resources Affairs PTPN V through the Head of General Section Ahmad Badran Zai SH. “This is a manifestation of the Company’s concern for our recently looded Brothers. Surely we all hope this calamity is over, and thank goodness the water is getting receded “, tell Badran. “For that, while the lood-affected community activity is not normal yet, our expectation is that 1,000 of these packages may help ease the burden of the community while reorganizing the house and the environment so that the sources of the dis- ease can be minimized,” he said. 12 Februari 2017 Penyerahan 1.000 paket sembako untuk korban banjir Kampar PTPN V menyerahkan 1.000 paket sembako kepada korban banjir Kampar, Sabtu 12022016. Setelah sebelumnya menyal- urkan 2,8 ton beras dan ratusan kardus mie instan, bertempat di Lapangan Merdeka Bangkinang, kali ini sedikitnya Perusahaan Perkebunan Sawit dan Karet tersebut menyalurkan 5 ton beras, 1 ton minyak, 1 ton gula, 350 kaleng ikan olahan, 5ribu bungkus mie instan, seribu kaleng susu, dan seribu kotak teh. Paket sembako tersebut diterima oleh Kepala BNPBD San- toso yang diserahkan oleh oleh Direktur SDMUmum PTPN V melalui Kepala Bagian Umum Ahmad Badran Zai SH. “Ini merupakan wujud rasa peduli Perusahaan kepada Saudara-saudara kita yang baru saja dilanda banjir. Tentunya kita semua berharap musibah ini segera berlalu, dan syukurlah air sudah semakin surut”, sebut Badran. “Untuk itu, selagi aktiitas masyarakat yang terkena ban- jir belum bisa normal seperti sedia kala, harapan kami, 1.000 paket ini, semoga dapat membantu meringankan beban mas- yarakat sembari menata kembali rumah dan lingkungan agar sumber-sumber penyakit dapat diminimalisir”, ujarnya. 01 Pembukaan The Opening 04 Laporan Dewan Direksi Dan Laporan Dewan Komisaris Reports Of The Board Of Directors And The Board Of Commissioner 02 Kinerja Utama Tahun 2016 Main Performance In 2016 05 Analisa Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion Analysis 03 Profile Perseroan Main Highlights 39 PTPN V LAPORAN TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Uraian Tanggal Description kegiatan 1. Pisah Sambut Direksi PTPN V 01-03-2016 Farewell and Welcoming the Board of Directors of PTPN V 2. Pisah Sambut Ketua IKBI PTPN V 02-03-2016 Farewell and Welcoming Leader of IKBI PTPN V 3. Pelepasan Bapak Amal Bakti Pulungan beserta Ibu 04-03-2016 The release ceremony of Mr. Amal Bakti Pulungan and his Wife 4. Peringatan HUT ke 20 PTPN V dan Penyerahan 11-03-2016 20th Anniversary Ceremony and Submission Penghargaan Masa Kerja 2016 dan Bakti Sosial Donor Darah of Work Period Award year 2016 and Charity Blood Donation 5. Pembukaan Rencana Kerja Operasional triwulan II 2016 14-03-2016 Opening of Operational Work Plan for second quarter of 2016 6. Kunjungan BEM Unilak 16-03-2016 Visit of BEM Unilak 7. Sosialisasi Kerjasama dibidang Ternak Sapi 17-03-2016 Socialization of Cooperation in Cattle ield 8. Upacara Kesadaran Nasional 17-03-2016 National Awareness Ceremony 9. Kunjungan BEM UR 17-03-2016 Visit of BEM Unilak