NOPEMBER PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero) - Pekanbaru, Riau AR2016PTPN5


Uraian Tanggal Description kegiatan 1. Kunjungan Direksi PT Taspen ke PTPN V 01-11-2016 Board of Director PT Taspen Board visits 2. Kunjungan IKBI PTPN V ke Kebun Tamora 07-11-2016 Visit of IKBI PTPN V to Tamora Estate 3. Pertemuan Bulanan IKBI PTPN V 08-11-2016 Monthly Meeting of IKBI PTPN V 4. Upacara Peringatatan Hari Pahlawan 2016 10-11-2016 Heroes Day Ceremonies 2016 5. Penandatanganan MTN RDPT PTPN V 11-11-2016 The signing of MTN RDPT PTPN V 6. Pembekalan Calon Diplomat di Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru 16-11-2016 Prospective Candidate for Diplomats at Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru 7. Rapat GCG PTPN V 14-11-2016 GCG Meeting PTPN V 8. Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi ERP 23-11-2016 ERP Training and Socialization 9. Pertandingan Sepak Bola dalam rangka Porseni BUMN 2016 25-11-2016 Football Match for Porseni SOE 2016 10. Penandatanganan MoU antara BPPT dengan PTPN V Signing of MoU between BPPT and PTPN V 11 November 2016 Penandatanganan MTN I PTPN V Setelah melewati proses perubahan dari penerbitan Ob- ligasi 1 trilyun, PTPN V menandatangani perjanjian Medium Term NotesMTN RDPT dengan PT EMCO Asset Management sebesar 500 milyar Rupiah. Penandatangan dilaksanakan di Ja- karta, 11 November 2016 dan ditandatangani langsung oleh Direktur Utama PTPN V periode 2015-2016 Berlino Mahendra Santosa. PT EMCO yang bertindak sebagai manajer investasi meng- gaet beberapa investor yang seperti Perbankan, Asuransi, hing- ga Dana Pensiun. “Kami senang dapat bekerjasama dengan PTPN V dalam penerbitan surat berharga dalam bentuk RDPT sebesar 500 mi- lyar ini”, ujar Direktur Utama EMCO Eddy Kurniawan. “Kami yakin penggunaan dana ini akan membantu perce- patan investasi di PTPN V”, tambahnya. Penerbitan MTN sebesar Rp 500 milyar tersebut memang diperuntukkan guna pemenuhan kebutuhan investasi tana- man, baik untuk PeremajaanTanam Ulang dan Pemeliharaan Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan I, II, dan III Kelapa Sawit di Per- seroan. November 11, 2016 Signing of MTN I PTPN V After passing the change process from the issuance of 1 trillion Bonds, PTPN V signed First Medium Term Notes MTN RDPT agreement with PT EMCO Asset Management amount- ing to 500 billion Rupiah. The signing was held in Jakarta, 11 November 2016 and signed directly by the President Director of PTPN V period 2015-2016 Berlino Mahendra Santosa. PT EMCO which acts as an investment manager to attract some investors such as Banking, Insurance, to Pension Fund. “We are pleased to be working with PTPN V in the issuance of securities in the form of RDPT of 500 billion,” said EMCO President Director Eddy Kurniawan. “We believe the use of these funds will help accelerate in- vestment in PTPN V”, he added. The issuance of MTN amounting to Rp 500 billion is indeed intended to meet the needs of plant investment, both for Re- juvenation Planting and Plant Maintenance Not Produce I, II, and III Palm Oil in the Company. 53 PTPN V LAPORAN TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT 2016 06 Good Corporate Governance Good Corporate Governance 09 Laporan Keuangan Financial Report 07 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility 10 Referensi Silang Cross Reference 08 Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources 9 Desember 2016 Perayaan Natal Oikumene PTPN V Umat Nasrani PTPN V merayakan Natal Oikoumene gabun- gan di Gedung Serba Guna PTPN V Jalan Rambutan No. 43 Pekanbaru, Jumat 09122016. Acara yang dihadiri lebih dari 1000 orang umat Nasrani PTPN V tersebut dimulai dengan ke- baktian Natal pada sore hari, dan dilanjutkan kemeriahan acara umum di malam harinya. “Selamat dan salam bahagia kepada umat Kristiani, khu- susnya di Lingkungan PTPN V. Berbahagialah di Hari Natal, yang penuh damai dan cinta kasih. Semoga damai sejahtera menyer- tai Bapak dan Ibu Sekalian”, ujar Berlino Mahendra Santosa Dirut periode 2015-2016. Ia juga mengutarakan kinerja Perusahaan secara umum hingga November 2016, melalui program Turn Around, cukup baik. Maka menurutnya, melalui Perayaan Natal PTPN V ini, ia mengajak umat Nasrani PTPN V untuk menjadikan perolehan tersebut hingga Desember 2017, menjadi tantangan yang ha- rus dihadapi dan diselesaikan secara bersama-sama. “Kita upayakan secara optimal melalui penggalian produksi dan eisiensi biaya di berbagai bidang, sehingga kinerja peru- sahaan dapat lebih mendekati target yang telah diharapkan”, tukas Berlino. December 9, 2016 Celebration of Christmas Oikumene PTPN V The Christians of PTPN V celebrated the Oikoumene com- bined Christmas at the Multipurpose Building of PTPN V Jalan Rambutan. 43 Pekanbaru, Friday 09122016. The event was attended by more than 1000 people of the Christians of PTPN V began with Christmas service in the afternoon, and continued the public event in the evening. “Merry Christmas to Christians especially in PTPN V scope. Blessed on Christmas Day, which is full of peace and love. May peace be with you, “said Berlino Mahendra Santosa. He also expressed the company’s performance in general until November 2016, through the Turn Around program, quite well. According to him, through this PTPN V Christmas celebra- tion, he invited the Christians of PTPN V to make the acquisi- tion until December 2017, a challenge that must be faced and resolved together. “We strive optimally through the excavation of production and cost eficiency in various ields, so that the company’s per- formance can be closer to the target that has been expected”, said Berlino.