Criteria for Selecting Authentic Materials

authentic materials are motivated in which teacher should bring something new in the classroom in order to motivate students. He explains: “Yang jelas penting untuk menambah wawasan murid. Kalau saya cenderung tantangan itu tadi. Authentic material is fully motivated. Sangat memotivasi. Yang jelaskan kalau belajar bahasa kan belajar culture, belajar budaya. Ya kalau misalnya kita bisa memberikan sumber yang asli kenapa tidak. Masa percakapan contohnya di buku, percakapan bahasainggris kok namanya joko sama bandi. Joko sama bandi ya wagu mbak. Minimalnya kan kalo percakapan bahasa inggris kan george dan richard. Mosok percakapan bahasa inggris, joko, where are you? jadinya kan gak sesuai”. [“Authentic material is clearly important to improve students‟ knowledge. I thought that authentic material is fully motivated. If we learn a language then we l earn it‟s culture. It is possible for us to teach students by using authentic materials in which it is truly genuine. Doing conversation, for example, must use any names that indicate the real conversation between or among native speakers. How can the persons in doing conversation use the word Joko or Bandi? That sounds awkward. It must use George or Richard that indicate the names of native speaker. It sounds inappropriate to use local names”. Interviewteacher Fr119] Otherwise, teacher Sy believes that authentic materials contain some aspects that students can learn from, including pronunciation and stressing. The result of the interview describes that authentic materials are very important. He said that: “Ya penting banget. Anak-anak langsung belajar dari native itu. Pronunciation bagaimana, stressingnya ngomongnya bagaimana, banyak banget”. [“It is very important. The students can directly learn from native speaker including how to pronounce the words, the way to stress the words and many others”. Interviewteacher Sy225] Generally, the teachers believe that authentic materials are important in teaching English. It provides cultural information and real language used by native speaker so that students can learn how they pronounced and stressed words.

4. Criteria for Selecting Authentic Materials

The fourth issue of the research is criteria for selecting authentic materials. The data showed on the questionnaire and interview describe that the teachers have almost the same criteria in selecting authentic materials to teach listening. commit to user Criteria mean standards or any considerations that the teachers used in choosing authentic materials before being taught to the students. From the questionnaire, the teachers indicate some considerations that need to be involved in authentic materials. The considerations in which authentic materials should be used are summarized in table 4.3. Table 4.3. Criteria for Selecting Authentic Materials Criteria for Selecting Authentic Materials Teacher Fr Teacher Sy The level of the students √ √ Students‟ needs √ √ The objectives of teaching √ √ Students‟ interest √ √ Students‟ age Social value √ √ Moral value √ √ Learning environment √ Classroom condition √ √ Students‟ character √ √ School culture √ √ The easiness to implement the materials √ √ Accessibility to the material √ √ The availability of the equipments √ √ Looking at the result of interview, the teachers emphasizes on the criteria that they consider to use. Teacher Fr confirmed from the interview. “Sesuai dengan KI. Itu kan sudah dituntut oleh kurikulum”. [“authentic materials should cover all core competence required in 2013 of curriculum”. InterviewTeacher Fr126] More specifically, teacher Sy considers some criteria that come to his consideration. Data obtained from the interview show that he considers some points. “Ya kalo pertama kan tingkat kemampuan siswa, terus kalo kita liat kemampuan siswa kan levelnya itu kan ada yang sedang biasa trus yang bagus. Kita combinekan levelnya anak-anak yang levelnya pinter agak pinter dan pinter commit to user sekali kan nanti kita masukkan ke yang paling tengah-tengah. Banyak. Banyak banget. Ada tujuan pembelajaran agar siswa itu mampu menguasai mampu apa ya penguasaan materi listening trus dikembangkan jadi speaking. Habis tujuan kan ada minat siswa kan apa kalo minat siswa kan kalo yang ngomong dari pengguna bahasa kedua kan biasanya kan wah itu suaranya kan kalo sama pronunciationnya kan agak gimana gtu kan beda sama yang first language yang nativenya itu kan mereka lebih aware lebih semangat kalo hasratnya lebih semangat kalo make materi yang dari nativenya. Lebih keren dan lebih enak juga ngomongnya bisa dibuat contoh how to pronunce. Trus habis itu kan nilai sosial dan nilai moral kan kita bisa ambil keuntungan mungkin dari lirik lagunya dan anak-anak bisa ambil keuntungan dari mungkin lirik lagunya yang membuat anak-anak termotivasi trus bagaimana nantinya bisa dari lirik tersebut mungkin membuat anak-anak menjadi kuat dan semangat dan lingkungan belajar sama kondisi kelas kan ada LCDnya, ada sound systemnya kan lebih enak kita langsung pake laptop trus kita kasih ke LCD sama kita Ke sound systemnya lebih enak menggunakan authentic kayak yang tadi tadi itu. Kemudian pembentukan karakter siswa, mungkin kita ambil satu contoh dengan lirik lagu apa ya dari song yang tadi kemarin. Kita kan nanti kan bisa membentuk karakter siswa contohnya ya mungkin membuat siswa itu dengan lagu atau kata-kata dari native itu kan mesti ada kata-kata yang baik dalam lagu tersebut atau conversationnya trus kan nanti membuat anak itu mempunyai pikiran yang positive. [ “the first is the level of the students‟ competence. The level of the students is sometimes from the basic to intermediate. We combine the level from basic to intermediate then we take in between of them. There is also the objective of the teaching in which students have to master listening skill then followed by speaking skill. Then students‟ interest comes to consideration in which students will be more motivated to listen any sounds produced by native speaker so that the students can learn how to pronounce the words from it. The social value and moral value can be taken from the lyric of songs that makes students motivated and happy to learn. Besides, the equipments support students to learn including LCD, sound system and laptop. The selected lyrics of song encouraged students to learn new vocabulary and make students think positively”. Interviewteacher Sy2213] The teachers elaborate some criteria that they consider might involve in authentic materials. At this response, teacher Fr selects authentic materials in line with his consideration. He thought that any authentic materials should cover some aspects that fit to the KI required by 2013 of curriculum. As it is taken from Permendikbud No. 69 Tahun 2013 that KI should cover spiritual domain, social domain, knowledge domain and skill domain. Meanwhile teacher Sy explains that each part of authentic materials sho uld fit to students‟ level in which the students are all at the intermediate level. He also considers the purpose of teaching in commit to user which the materials should lead students to learn listening skill from the materials which are followed by speaking skill. Stud ents‟ interest toward authentic materials comes to his criteria in which he identifies that students are much more interested in the materials produced by native speaker. Moreover, social value and moral value which implicitly emerged on the materials are taken as his criteria. He chooses any songs lyric that motivates students to learn English. Then the last consideration is the availability of any equipment that supports his teaching. The classroom is equipped with LCD and teacher provides Laptop and sound system by himself. Those tools enable him to play any audio visual authentic material for the students. Generally, teacher Fr and teacher Sy believe that any authentic materials should be able to provide something that students can learn from it. There are no best criteria in selecting authentic materials. However, the teachers have almost the same criteria for selecting authentic materials. The criteria mentioned by the teachers depend on the level of the students , students‟ need, the objectives of teaching , students‟ interest, social value, moral value, learning environment, classroom condition, students‟ character, cultural value, the easiness to implement the materials, accessibility to the material and the availability of the equipments.

5. Preference for Particular Authentic Materials