135 Irfandi : Ok thank you very much. Roy : You are welcome. Dialogue 2 Putra : I have to go to my office. But my car is broken. Putri : If I were you, I would go there by bicycle. Putra : Do you think it is safe? Putri : Of course. Anyway, it can make you healthier. Putra : Oh right, I’ll use my bicycle. Thank you. Putri : Pleasure. Dialogue 3 Danny : I lost my pencil yesterday. Ben : Here, use mine. Danny : Thanks Ben : Anytime Dialogue 4 Anton : My teacher asks me to do an assignment. But I don’t have the book to finish it. Jono : What is the book do you need? Anton : The book that I need is about recount text. Jono : Oh I have the book. Here it is. Anton : Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. Jono : Don’t mention it. Dialogue 5 Aji : I am looking for a new bag. What do you think is better? The green one or the black one? Andri : I think the black one suits you better. Ali : Okay I think so. Then I’ll take the black one.

B. Please write down the sentences from the dialogues above that indicate

that the dialogue contains suggestion or offering. 1. ... 2. … 3. … 4. … 136 5. … Pedoman Penskoran A = 5 B = 5 Nilai = Skor Perolehan × Pembelajaran Pengayaan A. Please make a dialogue that contains suggestion and offering. The topic of your dialogue must be about how to preserve nature Rubrik Penilaian Writing Aspek Uraian Skor Keterbacaan Makna jelas dan di ungkapkan secara objektif Makna jelas tetapi tidak di ungkapkan secara objektif Makna kurang jelas Makna tidak dapat dipahami Tidak bermakna 4 3 2 1 Tata Bahasa Semua benar Kurang tetap tetapi tidak mempengaruhi makna Kurang tepat dan mempengaruhi makna Tata bahasa tidak tepat Semua salah 4 3 2 1 Koherensi Hubungan antar gagasan jelas Terdapat transissi hubungan antar gagasan Hubungan antar gagasan kurang jelas Hubungan antar gagasan tidak jelas Sama sekali tidak terdapat hungan antar gagasan 4 3 2 1 Diksi Pilihan kata tepat dan efektif Pilihan kata tepat tetapi kurang efektif Pilihan kata kurang tepat dan tidak efektif Pilihan kata tidak tepat dan tidak efektif Slah semua 4 3 2 1 Kerapian Sangat rapi Rapi Cukup rapi Sedikit rapi 4 3 2 1