Asking the Students to Work in Small and Large Groups Giving Practice Feedback

74 and learning process. This step would be used in Cycle 2 as well. The following transcript explained the situation. P: Oh gitu. Oh iya dek, kalo di awal-awal pelajaran itu, kalo Miss kasi tau kita hari ini mau belajar apa, paham nggak maksudnya? R: Oh, I see. Anyway, at the beginning of the lesson, if I gave you the information about what we are going to learn today, do you understand what’s the meaning behind it? S1: Kae Miss…emm… nggak ngerti hehehe. S1: Umm…I don’t know Miss. Hehe. S2: Piye e. Nganu kae lo, ben ngerti ameh sinau opo. Hooh to Miss? S2: So we know about what we are going to learn Miss. The materials. Isn’t it? P: Nah hooh bener. Kalo biasanya suka dikasi tau mau belajar apa nggak sama Pak guru? R: Yes. That’s right. Does your teacher usually give you the information about the today’s material? S1: Enggak, Miss. Ya langsung aja pelajaran gitu. S1: Nope, Miss. We just directly learn the materials. P: Lebih enak mana? Nek dikasi tau mau belajar apa, materinya apa, atau mending langsung pelajaran aja? R: Which one do you prefer? You get the information about the objectives of the lesson, or just go directly to the materials? S1: Enak nek dikasi tau mau belajar apa. Jadine nek materi nya masih sama kan sambil bisa liat catetan yang kemaren Miss. S1: I prefer to have the purpose of our learning from the materials. So, if the materials are the same, we can look into our notes. P: Oh gitu. Jadi enakan kalo dikasi tau dulu ya mau belajar apa? R: Oh I see. So it’s better to get the objective of the lesson first, right? S1: Iya Miss. S1: Yes, Miss. IT 11

d. Asking the Students to Work in Small and Large Groups

The group activities during this cycle were implemented as what has been expected. The students could help each other to complete the tasks that had been given by working together. Thus, it made the lesson more comfortable and enjoyable for them, as could be seen from the following interview transcript. 75 From the transcript above, the students felt more comfortable to work in group or together with the classmates. Therefore, the researcher and her collaborator would keep this action in Cycle 2.

e. Giving Practice Feedback

on the Students’ Pronunciation and Spelling The practice feedback on the students’ pronunciation and spelling purpose was clearly to make the students have better pronunciation and spelling. This action also helped them to be confident to pronounce the words with correct pronunciation. The researcher gave feedback on students’ pronunciation in each meeting of Cycle 1. The pronunciation practices gave the students more opportunities in improving students’ vocabulary knowledge and gave them confident in pronouncing the words. Although their pronunciation had not improved significantly, they got better of the words they learnt during the lesson. Moreover, the feedback on the students’ spelling was aimed to make the students familiar and know whether their spelling of certain words was correct. It could be seen from the following transcripts. P: Terus gi mana soal latihan-latihannya? R: How about the taks? Is it hard? S1: Ya nek ngerjainnya bareng-bareng ya penak Miss. Nek sendiri- sendiri aku ki masih suka bingung gimana ngerjainnya. S1: If we worked it together it was less hard. But, if I had to do it alone I still did not know how to do it. IT 07 P: Oh iya dek, kalo misal tiap Miss kasi praktik ngucapin kata- katanya gitu, menurut kamu gimana? R: One more question. What do you think about the pronunciation practice in the class? S1: Piye Miss? S1: Come again, Miss? Continued 76 P: P: Oiya Pak, ini kan anak-anak masih kadang lupa bawa kamus. Kalo pinjam ke perpus juga kejauhan, nah saya nanti membolehkan mereka make kamus yang di hp itu boleh Pak? Anyway Sir, the students often forgot to bring dictionary into the class and if they borrowed from the library would waste some times, because it quite far from class. How if I allowed them to use the electronic dictionary on their phone Sir? Continued

f. Asking the Students to Bring the Dictionary