Asking the Students to Bring the Dictionary Giving Rewards

69 P bertanya kepada SA apakah mereka tidak pernah membawa kamus. SA menjawab bahwa mereka tidak pernah membawa dan kalau butuh mereka akan pinjam ke perpus. Lalu P mengatakan untuk pertemuan selanjutnya paling tidak satu meja ada satu kamus. Karena dengan adanya kamus, itu dapat membantu SA dalam memahami kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik. Kamus juga dapat membantu SA untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara pengucapan maupun penulisan dari kosakata bahasa Inggris. The researcher asked to the students whether they ever brought dictionary to the class. They answered that they never brought one and if they felt they needed it they would borrow it to the library. Then, the researcher said that for the next meeting at least there was one dictionary on each table.The researcher emphasized the importance of dictionary in learning English vocabulary. It could help the students to understand the English words better, as well as its pronunciation and spelling. FN 12

f. Asking the Students to Bring the Dictionary

As planned before, the researcher would always ask the students to bring a dictionary during the English class. At least on each table there was one dictionary. In the first meeting the researcher asked the students whether they brought their dictionary. Most of them did not bring dictionary to the class. Then, the researcher asked the students to bring their dictionary for the next meeting. The researcher told the students that by bringing dictionary it could help them to know how to pronounce or spell the English words. It could be seen from the following excerpt. On the second meeting, some students brought their dictionaries. Some also borrowed from the school library. They looked in the dictionary for some words that they did not know. But, on the third meeting, they forgot to bring their dictionaries into the classroom. This became the weakness o the cycle 1 which later needed to be improved on the cycle 2. 70

g. Giving Rewards

In each meeting, the researcher tried to give rewards to the students. She gave the students some praise rewards, or sometimes she gave them candies or chocolate to make them be more motivated and active during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The students said that they were more motivated if there was a reward. They also became more active in the teaching and learning process. The situation were as follows. The researcher gave the students praise rewards to make them more motivated and active in the teaching and learning process. The praise rewards made them more confident and attracted to the materials given by the researcher. “Coba sekarang, Asa, could you please mention the words that we have learnt? Sebutkan tadi apa saja kosakata yang sudah dipelajari”. “Itu Miss, wavy hair, long hair, generous…” Coba ulangi generous nya sekali lagi” . “Generous”. “Again?” “Generous” “Good. Next, mmm… Dewi coba ucapin tadi cara ngomongnya gimana?” “Wavy hair, long hair, generous, fair, eyes” “Great job. Tepuk tangan buat anak-anak kelas A. Pinter-pinter ya.” The researcher showed to the students the flashcard related to Emma Watson and asked the students to repeat after her. After that, she asked some students to pronounce the words. “Asa, could you please mention the words that we have learnt?” Itu Miss, wavy hair, long hair, generous…” “Repeat the word generous once again?” “Generous” “Come again?” “Generous” “Good Next, mmm… Dewi?” “Wavy hair, long hair, generous, fair, eyes” “Great job Give applause for the students of class A”. FN 15 P: S1: R: S1: Oiya, dek, kalo pas Miss kasih hadiah gitu, seneng nggak? Ya seneng lah Miss. Lumayan haha. Dadi luwih semangat le ngerjain. By the way, how did you feel when I gave reward after some activities? Were you happy with that? Of course I am. That made me more motivated to do the exercises. IT 09 71 As being stated before, besides the praise rewards the researcher also gave the students some material rewards like candies or chocolate for the students who were active during the class. It led them to be more active and gave attention into the classroom activities. It could be inferred from the interview with some of the students above.

3. Reflection