Opening Activities Teaching and Learning Activities

b. Teacher asks one of the students to lead the prayer c. Teacher checks the students’ attendance.

2. Main Activities

a. Building Knowledge of the Field

1 Teacher reviews the previous material. 2 Teacher shows picture of Emma Watson. 3 Teacher asks questions to the students about Emma Watson’s appearance. 4 The teacher shows vocabulary flash cards related to Emma Watson using flash technique.

b. Modelling of the Text

1 The teacher gives an example of descriptive text entitled “Emma Watson”. 2 The students get a descriptive text entitled “Emma Watson”. 3 The teacher gives explanation about the language feature of the text.

c. Joint Construction of the Text

1 Teacher divides the students into 8 groups. 2 The students sit in their group. 3 The teacher distributes two envelopes of word riddles that the students will arrange. One contains verb to be is and one contains havehas. 4 The teacher asks the students to work in group to do the arranging words activity. 5 The students do the arranging words activity. 6 The teacher and the students discuss the arranging words activity based on the tense and the text.

d. Independent Construction of the Text Kim’s Game

1 The teacher sticks the previous meeting’s flash cards and the new flash cards on the classroom board. 2 The students are asked to take a look at the flash cards for a few minutes and try to remember as many words as they can. 3 The teacher puts down the flash cards. 4 The teacher asks the students to write as many words as they can remember.

3. Closing Activities

a. The teacher and students make conclusion from the material given today. b. The teacher gives feedback from today’s discussion. c. The teacher informs the materials that will be discussed in the next meeting. d. The teacher leads the closing prayer. e. The teacher says goodbye to the students.

H. Sources

Priyana, Joko. 2008. Scaffolding English for Junior High School Grade VIII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Widiati,Utami. Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris SMPMTs Kelas VIII edisi 4. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. https:en.islcollective.comresourcessearch_result?Tags=personsearc hworksheet=GOtype=Printables. Accessed on 8 August 2016.

I. Evaluation

1. Assessment

no Indicators Form Technique 1 Students are able to identify the generic structure and the language feature of the text.  Arranging Sentence Written task 2 Students identify the Kim’s Game