The Characteristics of Descriptive text Text

It differs from report text which describe thing, animal, person, place or others in general. Generic Structure Identification: Identifying the thing that will be described introduction to the characters of the text. Description: describing the characteristic features of the subject e.g. physical appearance, significant attribute, etc. Language features - Describe about a particular thing, not in general. - Use simple present tense. - Use to be: is, am, are and havehas. - Use adjective in describing the thing. For example: strong, beautiful, large, huge, etc. - Use noun phrase. For example: black male dog, a sweet young lady, a beautiful scenery, etc. - Sometimes uses figurative language kata perumpamaan. For example: as white as snow, as black as night sky, as soft as silk, etc.

2. Text

Emma Watson Out of all Harry Potter casts, I like Emma Watson the most. She plays the role of Hermione Granger. She lives in London, England. She is twenty six years old. She has a beautiful face. She has a long and wavy hair. Her hair colour is brown. She has a fair complexion, and also a pair of dark brown eyes. Her height is 165 cm. She is a generous, friendly, and kind person.

F. Method Technique: Genre-based approach

G. Teaching and Learning Activities

1. Opening Activities

a. Teacher greets the students. b. Teacher asks one of the students to lead the prayer c. Teacher checks the students’ attendance.

2. Main Activities

a. Building Knowledge of the Field

1 Teacher reviews the previous material. 2 Teacher shows picture of Emma Watson. 3 Teacher asks questions to the students about Emma Watson’s appearance. 4 The teacher shows vocabulary flash cards related to Emma Watson using flash technique.

b. Modelling of the Text

1 The teacher gives an example of descriptive text entitled “Emma Watson”. 2 The students get a descriptive text entitled “Emma Watson”. 3 The teacher gives explanation about the language feature of the text.

c. Joint Construction of the Text

1 Teacher divides the students into 8 groups. 2 The students sit in their group. 3 The teacher distributes two envelopes of word riddles that the students will arrange. One contains verb to be is and one contains havehas. 4 The teacher asks the students to work in group to do the arranging words activity. 5 The students do the arranging words activity. 6 The teacher and the students discuss the arranging words activity based on the tense and the text.

d. Independent Construction of the Text Kim’s Game

1 The teacher sticks the previous meeting’s flash cards and the new flash cards on the classroom board.