Quite Accurate score range 1.7

However, the phrase has addition of sari buah that used to enhance the meaning from Source Text. This statement also proven in the definition of cocktail itself, “a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more spirits strong alcoholic drinks and fruit juice. It can also be made without alcohol.”Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 286. Another suggestion from one of the respondent for this translation to the Target Text can be translated into koktail buah.

2. Quite Accurate score range 1.7

– 2.3 This part has five translations out of twenty two translations which are categorized as quite accurate. The meaning this translation conveyed less accurately to the Target Text, which may create ambiguous meaning, and indicated by a literal translation. 16STMM White Grape Flavored Drink with Aloe Vera 16TTMM Minuman Rasa Anggur dengan Lidah Buaya Score: 1. 7 There is a loss of meaning in the translation above. The word White grape which is translated into Anggur is different in meaning from the Source Text. The reason is White grapes are actually green in colour, and are evolutionarily derived from the red grape “Grape Varieties”. Jancis Robinson Learn About Wine. Jancis Robinson. n.d. http:www.jancisrobinson.comlearngrape-varietieswhite. The way to make this translation clearer is to add word putih into Target Text. Therefore, the translation consideration will be Minuman Rasa Anggur Putih dengan Lidah Buaya. 7STGT Less Sugar 7TTGT Rendah Gula Score: 1.7 Although translation above seems accurate enough for the researcher, two respondents give score 2 and one respondent gives score 1. One respondent suggests the translation into Gula Sedikit. As example proven that less has meaning; used with uncountable nouns to mean “smaller amount of”. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 880. 11STTTJ Real Orange Pulp 11TTTTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli Score: 2 The translation above got the score 2 and categorized as quite accurate translation. The translator makes the translation above lose its meaning by translating the word Real Orange Pulp into Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli. We can see that the meaning of translation orange is generalized into buah. It is suggested to specify into Bulir Utuh Jeruk Asli. The reason is buah can be referred to certain kinds of fruits. 18STNJ Orange Citroen Juice Drink 18TTNJ Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk Score: 2 The score of translation above was 2. It meant that the accuracy of this translation is quite accurate. Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk as the translation of Orange Citroen Juice Drink transfers the meaning of the message from Source Text. Besides, one of the respondents considers that the word of Orange Citroen should be translated into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit. 22STDL Fruit juices Apple, Grape Mixed Berry 22TTDL Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry Score: 2 This datum above is considered not accurate. The respondents give consideration of this translation to be Sari buah apel, anggur dan campuran berry, due to the meaning of the translation does not fit and properly to carry the meaning from the Source Text. Because the word Mixed Berry from the Source Text not conveyed to the Target Text. The translation above considered as quite accurate translation.

3. Inaccurate score range 2.4