Population and Sample Data Analysis

Code Target Text 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c How to Read Initial Coding 1 means : The number of data TT means : The Target Text DJ means : Diamond Juice In terms of readability, the goal is wanted to know whether from Indonesian translation of drinks labels can be easy to read by the consumer or not. Ten random respondents were chosen randomly as capable to answer and give scores for each datum. Further analysis used Nababan’s rating instrument with modification to complete the readability analysis process. Code Target Text Skor Indikator 1 2 3 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c

3. Population and Sample

The data population of this study was 22 drink labels of English and Bahasa Indonesia that have been collected. No samples were taken and all populations are selected.

4. Data Analysis

In this case of the study, the researcher used a questionnaire as a field research to know whether the translation is accurate or not. The data collected were selected through these steps. For these calculations only for accuracy, the average score by totaling scores from its data and dividing it by three as the total of the respondents who have taken the questionnaire. First, the accuracy data from respondents were categorized based on Nababan’s accuracy indicator, as exemplified below. 18STNJ Orange Citroen Juice Drink 25TTNJ Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk Score: 2 The score of translation above was 2. It meant that the accuracy of this translation is quite accurate. Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk as the translation of Orange Citroen Juice Drink transfers the meaning of the message from Source Text. Besides, one of the respondents considers that the word of Orange Citroen should be translated into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit. 11STTTJ Real Orange Pulp 18TTTTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli Score: 2 The translation above got the score 2 and categorized as quite accurate translation. The Translator makes this translation lose its meaning by translated the word Real Orange Pulp into Dengan Bulir Utuh BuahAsli. We can see that the meaning of translation orange is generalized into buah. It is suggested to specify into Bulir Utuh Jeruk Asli. The reason is buah can be referred to certain kinds of fruits. Second, for these calculations only for readability, the average score by totaling scores from its data and dividing it by ten as the total of the respondents who have taken the questionnaire. The data from readability respondents were categorized based on Nababan’s readability indicator. The example as is follows. 18TTNJ Minuman sari buah jeruk Score: 1. 1 Most of the respondents can read the translation. Therefore, it is really clear enough and needs no revision. The respondents give score 1.1. As the result, this translation considered as readable and quite accurate translation as is follows respondent can understand well the meaning of the translation is. 11TTTTJ Dengan bulir utuh buah asli Score: 2 The respondents still can get the meaning of the phrase. The similar result also comes from the analysis of the accuracy translation; it is considered quite accurate and quite readable translation. Third, after analyzing the accuracy and readability, the data were analyzed based on the strategies employed by Suryawinata and Hariyanto. They divided the translation strategy into two main types. They are structural strategy, a strategy related to sentence structure, and semantic structure, a strategy related to a word meaning 2003: 6. In this study, since the analysis will deal more on the accuracy and related to word meaning, the researcher considers both on structural and semantic strategy. The following is the style of the data. Omission means deleting a word or a text part of the SL in the TL. The analysis found that nine translations using this strategy. Omission Code Source Text Code Target Text 11STTTJ Real Orange Pulp 11TTTTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli The translator makes this translation lose its meaning by omitting the word Orange into Buah. We can see that the meaning of translation orange is generalized into buah. It is suggested to specify the translation into Bulir Utuh Jeruk Asli. The translation is quite accurate and quite readable. Transposition Code Source Text Code Target Text 11STTTJ Real Orange Pulp 11TTTTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli The translator changes the position and adds the word dengan and utuh on the Target Text. Nevertheless, there is no difference in the meaning, because it still can carry the meaning of this translation from the Source Text. Thus, the translation is categorized as quite accurate and quite readable. In order to strengthen the analysis result, the researcher also looking what theories were matched to solve the problems, connecting the result with the theory, analyzing the respondent’s answer using accuracy or readability indicator, giving statements and concluding the result of the analysis to get the final result, making and typing the possibility or consideration for each data analysis, then calculating the score and summarize the final conclusion for all the findings of the analysis result. 28