Review of Related Studies



In this chapter the researcher divided the part to review related studies previously done by other researchers on the same topic or maybe an author. In this part the researcher of this undergraduate thesis will show what study is related with the researcher’s topic. As the result, at the end of this part the researcher shows the position of his undergraduate thesis, whether it’s developed other studies and discover the new research study. At the last, this study shows how the researcher’s undergraduate thesis is different with the others.

A. Review of Related Studies

Susanti, 2012 in her undergraduate thesis “Translation Accuracy based on the Translation Strategies in Translating Names and Terms Related to Plant in Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi into The Rainbow Troops.” Her research discusses the translation strategies and the accuracy of the translation. On her undergraduate thesis found out that objects were translated by using particular translation strategies in order to help the translator to deliver the message of the original text. However, the translation accuracy is also important so that the message of the story is understood by the target reader Susanti, 2012, xi. There are two problems that Susanti’s analyzed in her under undergraduate thesis. The first problem is what the translation strategies applied in translating names and terms of plant found in the novel. The second is how accurate the translation of the names and terms related to plants found in novel based on the translation strategies applied on them. Lengari, 2012 in her undergraduate thesis “The accuracy, Acceptability, and Translation Strategies of Indonesian Metaphors Translation in Twilight.” In her research found out the accuracy and the acceptability category. The indicator that is used in the questionnaire is Nababan’s accuracy and acceptability category. The library research was used to obtain more information about theories and other concepts to support her study. And the result of her analysis throughout questionnaire according Nababan’s theory is 1.9 out of 4 which means quite accurate. Further, from the all information above, it is known that previous studies focus on translation strategies that occurred in names and terms of translation in the novel. Contrasted to the others research of studies, Yoana’s can be rather completed using accuracy and acceptability to overcome her problems. Furthermore, this undergraduate thesis will make new research in the different field that really contrasts with the others studies above. If the other studies concerned in the literary work such as a novel to be the data, present researcher will analyze on the field of drinks labels that might be new and rare in this translation field. Moreover, the research of this study tries to test how accurate, readable and what strategies were applied to the translation of drinks labels.

B. Review of Related Theories 1.