Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study Definitions of Terms

This study is going to analyze the phrases or sentences that have been found in the drink’s labels as an object of this study are accurate or not and can maintain the readability or not for the all of the consumer or reader. The study also considers that it is also important to analyze and focus on the strategy applied by the translator’s drinks label as the messages on the label is really important what is actually contains in the products.

B. Problem Formulation

1. How is the accuracy of the Indonesia translation of tea and juice drinks labels? 2. How is the readability of the translation of tea and juice drinks labels? 3. What are the strategies applied in the translation of tea and juice drinks labels?

C. Objectives of the Study

There are three objectives of this study. First, this study aims to find out how accurate the translation from English to Indonesian in the drinks labels. This is to answer the first problem in this study. Second, is to find out how the translations of this study readable or not. To answer the third problem, the researcher tries to find out what the strategies of translation applied in this translation that are related to the accuracy and readability based on the strategies that have been applied from the original translator in tea and juice drinks labels.

D. Definitions of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding with these several terms, the researcher feels that it is necessary to give further explanation on definitions of terms in this study, there are: Accuracy, can only be rightly determined by judging the extent to which the response of the receptor is substantially equivalent to the response of the original receptors Nida, 1974: 28. Readability, according to Richards and Richard 1985: 238 defines readability is how easily written materials can be read and understood. Another proposed by Sakri is as follows: Readability represents the degrees of easiness of a writing to comprehend Writings with high readability are far easier to comprehend rather than the low ones. In a contrast, writings with low readability are more difficult to read Sakri, 1994: 165, translated Strategy of Translation, according to Campbell 1998:7 as tricks in translation including realizing a translational problem, monitoring of SL or TL text segments, rephrasing of TL text segments, and others. In other words, readability in translation is how communicative or easy to understand a particular transferred text is, both in term of its contents and forms so that the target readers can get the same meaning to those of the source readers. Another proposed by Suryawinata define strategy: is a tactic of translator for translating words, phrases, or a sentence Suryawinata, 2003: 67. Label, according to Kotler and Keller 2006:366 a tag attached to the product or an elaborately designed graphic that is part of the package. The label might carry only the brand name or great deal of information. Even if the seller prefers a simple label, the law may require additional information. 7