Quite Readable score range 1.7

16TTMM Minuman rasa anggur dengan lidah buaya Score: 1. 6 All of the respondents agree that the translation above is readable and can be easily read and they give 1.6 as avereage score. There is no need to revise the word. Meanwhile, compared with the accuracy translation this categorized as quite accurate translation. As the result, the accuracy result does not really give an impact to this translation.

2. Quite Readable score range 1.7

– 2.3 This analysis finds that eight translations are considered as quite readable out of twenty two data. Moreover, this can be seen that the text is not easy to be understood, and may create ambiguous meaning this example can be seen as follows. 22TTFTS Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry Score: 1. 7 The readability of the translation above can be understood by the readers. Although the translation still maintains berry from the Source Text, because this fruit might not exist in every country or in this case in Indonesia country this fruit does not exist. The readers still find out that it is quite readable translation. The accuracy analysis finds that this is quite accurate. 10TTOS Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry Score: 1. 9 Most respondents said that the translation of cranberry is not translated from the Source Text because that is a borrowing term from Source Language. Hence, this translation is still categorized as quite readable. Meanwhile that result’s effect comes from the accuracy result, this is considered as an inaccurate translation. 11TTTTJ Dengan bulir utuh buah asli Score: 2 The respondents still can get the meaning of the phrase above. The similar result also comes from the analysis of the accuracy translation, it is considered quite accurate. 21TTDL Sari buah campuran Score: 2. 2 The respondents still find the translation strange when reading translation above. As example of the reason, buah in here can be refers to many certain kinds of fruit. In, addition this translation also considered accurate, as is follows does not giving the good impact of the readability result. As the result of this analysis, according to the score per translation presented above, the final score of translation readability can be counted by firstly finding the average score given by each respondent. Secondly, the step can be done by calculating the total score per item of each respondent and then divided by the total data translations that have been analyzed. Furthermore, as the result of average score can be seen below. Diagram 3. Readability Score of Each Respondent Further explanation about the calculating method finds out the average score of each respondent. The method to calculate the average score is as follows. ∑ = total average score total respondents ∑ = 1.5+1.9+1.4+1.5+1.3+2+1.2+1.2+1.5+1.3 10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Readability Scale Resp. 1 Resp. 2 Resp. 3 Resp. 4 Resp. 5 Resp. 6 Resp. 7 Resp. 8 Resp. 9 Resp. 10 ∑ = 1. 48 = 1.5 Based on the analysis the translation of this drinks labels is considered readable. It means that the translations are easy to read, still, cannot be fully understood through some terms. For further analysis to complete the study, the readability score can be got by finding items which are readable, quite readable, and not readable. In this section, the chart will show the classification three of indicator in percentage. Diagram 4. Readability Score Classification in Percentage As the final result of this analysis in case of readability, as it can be seen that the readable data 64 , quite readable translation is 36 , and no data is categorized as not readable. From the explanation above it can be concluded that translation in drink labels is considered as readable translation. 64.00 36.00 Indicator of Readability 1 -1,6 1,7 - 2,3 In relation to the accuracy analysis, it found out that the accuracy and the readability are not always synchronized. Some data are considered accurate, but, they are not readable, and vice versa. The following table shows the relation between the accuracy and the readability. The explanation of this abbreviation as follows that A means Accurate, QA means Quite Accurate, IA means Inaccurate, R means Readable, QR means Quite Readable, and NR means Not Readable. Table 6. The relation between Accuracy and the Readability No of Data A-R QA- R IA-R A- QR QA- QR IA- QR A- NR QA- NR IA- NR 1 √ 2 √ 3 √ 4 √ 5 √ 6 √ 7 √ 8 √ 9 √ 10 √ 11 √ 12 √ 13 √ 14 √ 15 √ 16 √ 17 √ 18 √ 19 √ 20 √ 21 √ 22 √ Total 9 3 2 5 2 1 - - - Initial Coding A : Accurate QA : Quite Accurate IA : Inaccurate R : Readable QR : Quite Readable NR : Not Readable As the result of this analysis, according to the data above, found that 9 translation is Accurate and Readable, 3 translations as Quite Accurate and Readable, 2 translations as Inaccurate and Readable, 5 translations as Accurate and Quite Readable, 2 translations as Quite Accurate and Quite Readable, 1 translations as Inaccurate and Quite Readable, and no translations categorized neither as Quite Accurate and Not Readable, Accurate nor as Not Readable and Inaccurate and Not Readable. Furthermore, the analysis found that the translations are mostly categorized as Accurate and Readable.

C. Translation Strategies and Its Application on the Drinks Labels