Background of the Study



A. Background of the Study

Translation can be an instrument of language that can help human to understand other languages by transferring the messages from the source of language to the target of language. That is why somehow language also needs translation to help the reader understand about the messages. It is an interesting source text to discuss this topic because it may give a substantial contribution in the linguistic research. In this topic the researcher analyzes the accuracy and readability from Source Language SL into the Target Language TL in the scope of Labels: tea and juice drinks. In other words, meaning that exists in SL Source Language must have the closest meaning with the TL Target Language. Besides, the researcher wants to see whether this object has different application in terms of strategy that may be applied in the Target Language TL. Therefore, as stated, the meaning becomes the important one in the language, whether in a sentence or a phrase. According to the book The Theory and Practice of Translation, Nida and Taber 1974 said as follows in: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in the terms of style. Nida and Taber, 1974: 12 Consider from that explanation above, the meaning always comes first before the style of language. Therefore, to make the explanation becomes clear, the difficulties faced on this translation of drinks labels, some samples are presented here from data number 31 in JenFood Beverage. 31Source TextJF Peach drink with pulp 31Target TextJF Minuman Sari buah persik The translation, in fact, carries the ambiguity of the Target Text, because the text loses the message of with pulp. The meaning of Source Text is really different from the Target Text. However, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. As said in Echols and Shadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, 1988: 456 that the meaning of pulp is daging buah orange. In here, the translator also added the word sari buah into Target Text. As the result, although the respondent considered this as inaccurate translation, it is fine that omitted the word with pulp from Source Text. Furthermore, according to expert respondent, to make the sentence clear and well transferred it can be translated into Minuman rasa buah persik. In the explanation of the strategy of the translation, it is shown below from data number 25 in NutriJuice Beverage. 25 Source Text NJ Orange Citroen Juice Drink 25 Target Text NJ Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk From that result above 25TTNJ has lost the main meaning from the word “Orange Citroen” to be Buah Jeruk. A strategy that researcher can be analyzed, the translator was using “omission” strategy that made the important meaning from Source Text 25STNJ not fully transferred to the Target Text 25TTNJ. As can be seen in here, word Citroen is omitted by the translator. One of the respondents considers that the word of Orange Citroen should be translated into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit. Furthermore, as researcher’s opinion based on Suryawinata and Hariyanto translation strategy theory that were related to the accuracy. As we can see from the above of phenomena, why the translations in this case are important, because the information about these products should be accurate and well-informed to the target language. Another strong reason, these products are accessible by many people and everyone would need a drink for their daily needs. As the result, the information about these products should be accurate and well-informed to the target language. Talking about delivering a message, the accuracy of translation is important in order to make the consumer understand what information officially stamped on the products. Thus, as already stated about the messages of translation, related to the definition by Nida and Taber as is follow: Translating must aim primarily at “the reproducing the message.” To do anything else is essentially false to one’s task as a translator. Nida and Taber, 1974: 12 This study is going to analyze the phrases or sentences that have been found in the drink’s labels as an object of this study are accurate or not and can maintain the readability or not for the all of the consumer or reader. The study also considers that it is also important to analyze and focus on the strategy applied by the translator’s drinks label as the messages on the label is really important what is actually contains in the products.

B. Problem Formulation