Inaccurate score range 2.4 The Accuracy of Translation

into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit. 22STDL Fruit juices Apple, Grape Mixed Berry 22TTDL Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry Score: 2 This datum above is considered not accurate. The respondents give consideration of this translation to be Sari buah apel, anggur dan campuran berry, due to the meaning of the translation does not fit and properly to carry the meaning from the Source Text. Because the word Mixed Berry from the Source Text not conveyed to the Target Text. The translation above considered as quite accurate translation.

3. Inaccurate score range 2.4

– 3 In this part, three translations are considered inaccurate. The content of the Source Text is not conveyed accurately to the Target Text, indicated by incorrect translation. The example can be seen as follows. 20STJF Peach drink with pulp 20TTJF Minuman Sari buah persik Score: 2.7 The translation above, in fact, carries the ambiguity of the Target Text, because the translator loses the message of with pulp. The meaning of Source Text is really different from the Target Text. However, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. As said on Echols, et al, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, 1988: 456, that the meaning of pulp is daging buah orange. In here, the translator also added the word sari buah into Target Text. As the result, although the respondent considered this as inaccurate translation, it is fine that omitted the word with pulp from Source Text. Furthermore, to make the sentence clear and well transferred, it is considered can be translated into Minuman rasa buah persik. 10STOS Cranberry Juice Cocktail 10TTOS Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry Score: 2.7 The translator skips the word cocktail from Source Text into Target Text and omitted it. It is awkward when the translator does not translate the whole words of this phrase. It is considered to translate the meaning of this phrase from Cranberry Juice Cocktail to be Minuman sari buah koktail cranberry. 19STJF Green Guava drink with pulp 15TTJH Minuman Rasa Jambu Biji Score: 3 The meaning of the translation above is clear, but the respondents consider this translation does not transfer the meaning of word Green Guava into Target Text. To make it better, the respondents suggest to add the word Hijau and translated to be Minuman rasa jambu biji hijau. However, as have been explained before, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. As said on Echols, et al, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, 1988: 456, the meaning of pulp is daging buah orange. Based on the analysis above the average score for this accuracy assessment can be found out or shown in the following diagram: Diagram 1. Accuracy Score of Each Respondent Based on the diagram table above, it can be seen that respondent one Resp. 1 gives 1,4, second respondent Resp. 2 gives score 1,5, and the third respondent Resp. 3 gives score 1,4 to the 22 translations. To get the result of this analysis, it can be calculated as below. ∑ = total scores total respondents ∑ = 1.4 + 1.5 + 1.4 3 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.4 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.5 Accuracys Table 1.4 1.5 1.4 Resp. 1 Resp. 2 Resp. 3 ∑ = 1.45 = 1.4 The score, 1.4, based on Nababan’s accuracy rating instrument, is categorized as accurate. It means that the translations have been transferred well and can reveal the message on ST and no need of rewriting. The following chart of pie diagram will show the classification of the translations in the percentage. Furthermore, the percentage of total translation can be seen as below. Diagram 2. Accuracy Score Classification in Percentage The diagram above shows that the translation of this accuracy’s analysis can be classified into three types. The average score of 1 – 1.5 as an accurate translation reach 64 in percentage. When for quite accurate translation reach 23. Moreover, inaccurate translation is only 13. As the result, it can be seen that translation in the drink labels is classified as accurate translation. 64 23 13 Indicators of Accuracy 1 - 1.5 1.6 - 2.6 2.6 - 3.5

B. Translation Readability