Data Collection Research Procedure 1. Types of Data

In terms of accuracy study, there were three respondents. They were from two professional translators and one from linguistic background. In terms of readability, because the consumer of this product may come from variant background, the researcher chosen randomly ten respondents for the readability assessment as representative of the target language. The Respondents were asked to answer the questionnaire. The Accuracy of the questionnaire consisted of Source Language and Target Language, meanwhile the Readability questionnaire consisted of the Target Language only. The respondents were expected to assess the accuracy and readability of the TL based on the score 1- 3 for accuracy – 1 – 3 for readability and gave comments, correction, or suggestion for the translations if they had any.

2. Data Collection

First of all, the data were obtained from some sources which were available in some convenience stores, such as Plaza Ambarukmo Jalan Solo, Indomart Demangan, Alfamart Demangan and Koperasi Mahasiswa Sanata Dharma, the product selected were from Tea and Juice drink labels. Moreover the drink labels were photographed. The photos were then analyzed, coded and categorized. Table 5. Example of the data code Code Source Text Code Target Text 1STDJ Keep Refrigerated 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°C How to Read Initial Coding 1 means : The data number ST means : The Source Text DJ means : Diamond Juice 1 means : The number of data TT means : The Target Text DJ means: Diamond Juice Furthermore, the complete product abbreviations can be seen on page xiv. In here, the words, phrases and sentences would be analyzed based on the respondents scoring and calculated to get the final score. First, for the accuracy assessment, there were three respondents from different expert background. They are two from professional translator and one from linguistic expert. Next, the respondents gave the score for all the twenty two data. Nababan’s rating instruments with modification were used to analyze the assessment from the respondents. No Code Source Text Code Target Text Skor 1 2 3 1 1STDJ Keep Refrigerated 1TTDJ Simpan di tempatsejuk ±4°C Second, in readability the collected data gathered from Indonesia translation. The researcher collected data from readability same with the method of collecting the accuracy data. The difference is between how to make code in each readability data. Code Target Text 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c How to Read Initial Coding 1 means : The number of data TT means : The Target Text DJ means : Diamond Juice In terms of readability, the goal is wanted to know whether from Indonesian translation of drinks labels can be easy to read by the consumer or not. Ten random respondents were chosen randomly as capable to answer and give scores for each datum. Further analysis used Nababan’s rating instrument with modification to complete the readability analysis process. Code Target Text Skor Indikator 1 2 3 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c

3. Population and Sample