Official Translation Translation Strategies

iv. Synonym This strategy is used when the translator uses the TL words that have more or less the same meaning for the SL words. For examples: SL: What a cute baby you’ve got TL: Alangkah lucunya bayimu The word “cute” translated into “lucu”. “Cute” and “lucu” are synonym. “Cute” is an attractive child and “lucu” is a child who is attracting people to get their attention. “lucu” and “cute” have similar meaning as an attractive child to get someone attention.

v. Official Translation

This strategy is used to formal translation. When translator translates a text from another language into Indonesian and uses this strategy, the translator needs to have a manual book “Pedoman Pengindonesiaan Nama dan Kata Asing” publised by Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Depdikbud R.I. For example, “read-only memory” translated on the book into “memory simpan tetap”. vi. Reduction and Expansion Reduction means reducing the SL word component, for example, translating the word “automobile” as “mobil” in Indonesia, Here, the word element “auto” is omitted. The expansion is the opposite of reduction. Here the word component is expanded in the TL, for example, translating “whale” as “ikan paus” in Indonesia because if it is not added the word “ikan”, it may mean the pope. vii. Addition In this strategy, the translator gives extra information to the TL readers. It may come in the text, at the bottom of the page footnote, and at the end of the text. For example: SL: The skin, which is hard and scaly, is greyish in color, thus helping to camouflage it from predators when underwater. TL: Kulitnya, yang keras dan bersisik, berwarna abu-abu. Dengan demikian, kulit ini membantunya berkamuflase, menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan lingkungan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari predator, hewan pemangsa, jika berada di dalam air Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 75. viii. Omission Omission means deleting a word or a text part of the SL in the TL. This strategy is used when the meaning carried by the words is not important enough to the development of the text. For example: SL: “Sama dengan raden ayu ibunya,” katanya lirih. TL: “Just like her mother,” she whispered The word “raden ayu” from source language is not translated into target language. ix. Modulation Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. This change is justified when, literal translation results in a pragmatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. Translating “I broke my leg” as “kakiku patah” in Indonesia is an example of modulation. In this translation, the translator views the problem from its object “kaki”, not from its subject “saya”. This is a must because Indonesian grammar does not allow such structure like “saya mematahkan kaki saya.

C. Theoretical Framework