Theoretical Framework THEORITICAL REVIEW

This change is justified when, literal translation results in a pragmatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. Translating “I broke my leg” as “kakiku patah” in Indonesia is an example of modulation. In this translation, the translator views the problem from its object “kaki”, not from its subject “saya”. This is a must because Indonesian grammar does not allow such structure like “saya mematahkan kaki saya.

C. Theoretical Framework

First, in the theory of definition and process of translation by Nida and Taber will help to understand how the translation process is done. Then, theory that is used in this research to solve the first problem is about how accurate the translation is used Nababan accuracy theory that contains an indicator of accuracy. Furthermore, this theory is used to assess the accuracy score of each translation. Second, still come from same relation with the accuracy theory, to answer the second problem, the researcher is using Nababan readability theory. As related to the accuracy this theory also using an indicator to assess the score from each translation. Through this result from that process the researcher can find out the relation between accuracy and readability from each data. The final process comes from strategy theory; this strategy determines what kinds of strategies are used by Suryawinata and Hariyanto. In this research, the theories that will be used can be related or same with the previous researcher. 19


A. Area of Research

Comparison of Translation and their Source Texts Translation involves the textual comparison of translation from the Source Texts as an original source. This may deal with several translations so may be understood by the readers of the Target Text. Not all topics can deal with every possible aspect of the texts, so as the translator may choose what is closest or match with the original Chesterman, 2002: 7. In here, the researcher tries to focus on accuracy, readability and strategy applied in the Indonesian translation of drinks labels. Talking about comparison, this study aims to discover patterns of translation in scope of drinks labels. As the result, this study aims to make readersconsumer understand what officially stamped on the products.

B. Object of the Study

The object of this research study is the translation phrases from Source Language SL to the Target Language TL that had been found on the beverage’s label as the target texts. There are many kinds of drinks labels in Indonesia. Furthermore, in here to clarify what is included as an object of the study, there are: imported tea and juice drinks that will be analyzed from English to Indonesia Languages.