Accuracy theory Translation Readability

3 Restructuring, in which the translated material is restructured in order to make the final message fully acceptable in the receptor language. This approach may be diagrammed as in: A Source B Receptor Analysis Restructuring X Transfer Y

2. Accuracy theory

Accuracy according to Nababan is the accuracy of the translation related to how far the content of the source text can be delivered correctly into target language. It is shown that the basic principle of translation’s accuracy is the similarity of meaning in target text and source text. According to Nababan 2004: 61 in “Strategi Penilaian Kualitas Terjemahan” in Jurnal Linguistik Bahasa there are indicators of accuracy assessment that is used. Table Accuracy Indicator Table 1. Nababan’s Accuracy Rating Instrument modified and translated Score Accuracy Category Explanation 1 Accurate The content of the Source Text is conveyed accurately to the Target Text. The sentences can be understood clearly and did not create ambiguity. 2 Quite Accurate The content of Source Text conveyed less accurately to the Target Text. That may create ambiguous meaning. Indicated by a literal translation. 3 Not Accurate The content of the ST is translated incorrectly to the Target Text. Table 2. Accuracys Score Category Score Range Category 1 1 - 1.6 Accurate 2 1.7 - 2.3 Quite Accurate 3 2.4 - 3 Not Accurate The score 1 - 1.6 indicates that the translation categorized as conveyed accurately, the score 1.7 - 2.3 means that the target language categorized as quite accurate and the score 2.4 – 3 indicates that the translation categorized as inaccurate.

3. Translation Readability

A part from accuracy, a transferred material text has to fulfill the clarity so that what is written can be easily comprehended. Because of that, to conduct a test for readability, the researcher asks some respondents of the target readers to read the translation products and decide whether they are easy or hard to be understood. In testing to the readability, the study uses the ‘readability-rating instrument’ from Nababan 2004:61 that are modification of Nababan’s accuracy-rating instrument. As is follows below: Table 3. Nababan’s Readability Rating Instrument translated and modified Score Readability Indicator 1 Text is easy to read and can be understood clearly by the readers. 2 Text is not easy to be understood and may create ambiguous meaning. 3 Text cannot be understood by the readers. From this theory, this is table how to calculate the average score to measure the translation in terms of readability from Nababan with modification. Table 4. Readabilitys Score Category Score Range Category 1 1 - 1.6 Readable 2 1.7 - 2.3 Quite Readable 3 2.4 - 3 Not Readable This score category is from the totaling the score in each data divided by the total of the respondents. The score 1 - 1.6 indicates that the translation categorized as readable text, the score 1.7 - 2.3 means that the target language categorized as quite readable text and the score 2.4 - 3 indicates that the translation categorized as not readable.

4. Translation Strategies