Accurate score range 1 The Accuracy of Translation

1. Accurate score range 1

– 1.6 Of the twenty two data, fourteen data are accurate; all of drink labels are translated without any distortion of meaning. The followings are some example of the data. 1STDJ Keep Refrigerated 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ± 4°C Score: 1 In the translation above, the phrase keep refrigerated is transferred into simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°C is considered accurate translation from the respondents. Although, the Target Text has additional phraseswords, the translation can carry the meaning from Source Text and make it clearer because the meaning ± 4°C here has the same meaning as a cold place because this product is sale in Indonesia as tropical country. As mentioned on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 1642 define tropic as the area between two tropics, which is the hottest part of the world. 4STNB Delicious + Refreshing 4TTNB Enak + Menyegarkan Score: 1 The accuracy in the translation above is high because, still can convey the message from Source Text to the Target Text. This datum is considered as accurate in spite of the fact that there is an addition of +symbol to the Target Text. The meaning, however, is the same with the Source Text. Further analysis in the word “delicious” has a meaning of having a very pleasant taste or smell Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 404, and can be translated into enak in the Target Text. Meanwhile, refreshing has a meaning “as making you feel less hot” that equal as menyegarkan in Target Text Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 1271. 8STYC Replenish Lost Fluids , Taste The Difference 8TTYC Pengganti cairan tubuh, rasakan bedanya Score: 1 The Target Text above is slightly different from the Source Text; the word lost is not translated. Nevertheless, there is no difference in meaning. The word fluids has a meaning of “a liquid; substance that can flow: body fluids Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 596 which is directly translated into Cairan Tubuh makes this sentence clear to the Target Text because this is related with the liquid. 17STPK Green Tea Jasmine 17TTPK Minuman Teh Hijau Aroma Melati Score: 1 The addition of minuman is to enhance the meaning of phrase teh hijau aroma melati. However, minuman teh hijau aroma melati has an addition word aroma, in the Target Text to explain more that the tea has a smell of jasmine flower. Furthermore, translation above considered as accurate. 21STDL Fruit Cocktail 21TTDL Sari buah campuran Score: 1 Although the translation above losses the word cocktail from the Source Text. The translation still considered as accurate translation. However, the phrase has addition of sari buah that used to enhance the meaning from Source Text. This statement also proven in the definition of cocktail itself, “a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more spirits strong alcoholic drinks and fruit juice. It can also be made without alcohol.”Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 286. Another suggestion from one of the respondent for this translation to the Target Text can be translated into koktail buah.

2. Quite Accurate score range 1.7