Readable score range 1-6

B. Translation Readability

This part explains about the readability analysis as assessed by ten 10 respondents of English field background. Furthermore, the respondents were asked to fulfill the questionnaire form using the ‘readability rating-instrument’ by Nababan’s accuracy-rating instrument. It is found that there are 14 readable translations, 8 quite readable translations, and no data is not readable translation. The analysis of the translation is readability is linked with the previous accuracy analysis to find whether the translations are fulfilled some phenomena as aforementioned in the introduction of chapter IV. 1. Readable score range 1-1.6 From total twenty two translations, fourteen data are considered as readable. Furthermore, it is can be seen that the text is easy to read and can be understood clearly by the readers. This example can be seen below. 20TTTG Minuman Sari buah persik Score: 1 The translation above is basically short and readable. However, compared with the accuracy this translation categorized as inaccurate translation. The Target Text is not well translated according to its Source Text as expert respondent said before. As the reason of this problem, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. It has been explained on page 33. 17TTPK Minuman Teh Hijau Aroma Melati Score: 1. 1 The translation above is completely clear. There is no clumsy word when the respondents read it. Meanwhile, the accuracy analysis shows that the translation is accurate, because this translation is well transferred the message from Source Text. 18TTNJ Minuman sari buah jeruk Score: 1. 1 Most of the respondents can read the translation above. Therefore, it is really clear enough and needs no revision. The respondents give score 1.1 as average score data. As the result, this translation considered as readable and quite accurate translation as is follows respondent can understand well the meaning of the translation is. 4TTNB Enak + menyegarkan Score: 1. 2 Most of the respondents can understand and accept the translation aobve. This also shows on the accuracy result, compared with that translation it is considered as a good and well transferred translation. 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c Score: 1. 3 This translation above can be accepted by the respondents. The translation from an accuracy point of view, this is also accurate translation and can be fully understood. This good result also follows from accuracy result, which is accurate. 8TTYC Pengganti cairan tubuh, rasakan bedanya Score: 1, 3 No revision or suggestion is proposed by the respondent because they feel can understand the meaning of the translation above. 19TTJF Minuman Rasa Jambu Biji Score: 1. 4 The translation above goes smoothly as it can be understood, no revision is needed. However, this is contrasted with the accuracy of translation because this text is considered inaccurate. 7TTGT Rendah gula Score: 1. 5 The meaning of translation above can be understood without any problem by ten respondents. In the other hand, from the accuracy analysis this translation is considered as a quite accurate translation. 16TTMM Minuman rasa anggur dengan lidah buaya Score: 1. 6 All of the respondents agree that the translation above is readable and can be easily read and they give 1.6 as avereage score. There is no need to revise the word. Meanwhile, compared with the accuracy translation this categorized as quite accurate translation. As the result, the accuracy result does not really give an impact to this translation.

2. Quite Readable score range 1.7