Addition Subtraction Transposition Synonym

C. Translation Strategies and Its Application on the Drinks Labels

In this part the researcher analyzes and explains about what kind of strategies applied in each drinks labels translation based on Suryawinata and Hariyanto 2003: 67-76. Furthermore, the analysis and explanation of strategies applied on the drinks labels can be seen as follows.

1. Addition

From this strategy researcher founds that out of 22 data, only three translations using this strategy. The example as is follows. Code Source Text Code Target Text 1STDJ Keep Refrigerated 1TTDJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ± 4°C The word di from phrase tempat sejuk ± 4°C is considered to be added, in order to make fulfill the structure of Target Text to be complete. This translation is accurate translation and readable.

2. Subtraction

Three translations are using this strategy to overcome the translation phenomena. The example can be seen on the following. Code Source Text Code Target Text 13STMM Rich in Vitamin C 13TTMM Kaya Vitamin C The translator used this strategy to omit the word. The word in from Source Text is omitted from the structure. There is a loss of meaning in this translation from the word in the Source Text. However it does not affect the result of the accuracy and readability analysis. Therefore, the translation is accurate and readable.

3. Transposition

There are sixteen translations using transposition strategy, the example of analysis can be seen below. Code Source Text Code Target Text 11STTTJ Real Orange Pulp 11TTTTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli The translator changes the position and adds the word dengan and utuh on the Target Text. Nevertheless, there is no difference in the meaning, because it still can carry the meaning of this translation from the Source Text. Thus, translation is categorized as quite accurate and quite readable.

4. Borrowing

Borrowing is a translation strategy in which the translator uses a word or expression from SL in the TL. One reason of using foreign terms is to show respect through the words. Another reason is because there is no equivalence in the TL. There are two kinds of borrowing. The first one is transliteration, a borrowing that keeps the SL word in its original form, either its sound or spelling. The second one is naturalization. By naturalization, the SL word’s sound and spelling are adapted into the TL. The researcher found out that one data translation using transliteration and naturalization.

a. Transliteration

Code Source Text Code Target Text 10STOS Cranberry Juice Cocktail 10TTOS Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry The applied strategy in this translation is transliteration. The word cranberry is left untranslated to the Target Text. As the result this translation categorized as inaccurate and quite readable.

b. Naturalization

Code Source Text Code Target Text 22STDL Fruit juices Apple, Grape Mixed Berry 22TTDL Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry From the accuracy and readability it is fine that the word berry is left untranslated, the reader still understand the meaning. This translation is considered quite accurate and quite readable.

5. Synonym

This strategy is used when the translator chooses the TL words that have more or less the same meaning for the SL words. The example can be seen below. Code Source Text Code Target Text 4STNB Delicious + Refreshing 4TTNB Enak + Menyegarkan The synonym strategy is applied in the translation still can convey the message from Source Text to the Target Text. The meaning, however, is the same with the Source Text. The meaning, however, is the same with the Source Text. Further analysis in the word “delicious” has a meaning of having a very pleasant taste or smell Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 404, and can be translated into enak in the Target Text. Meanwhile, refreshing has a meaning “as making you feel less hot” that equal as menyegarkan in Target Text Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 1271. Therefore, this translation categorized as accurate and readable. Code Source Text Code Target Text 7STGT Less Sugar 7TTGT Rendah Gula The translator directly translates the word less to rendah, which is synonymous with the Source Text. The respondents suggest this translation to be sedikit Gula. As example proven that less has meaning; used with uncountable nouns to mean “smaller amount of” Text Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 880. Which has meaning as sedikit in Target Text. The translation is quite accurate and readable.

6. Reduction and Expansion