Auxiliary Swearing Types of Swearing

54 motive was when something made Jack angry. The example of the swearing expression could be seen below. Code: Paint Job 2 Jack Alright, who the hell’s been defacing my station? Show yourself Nakayama It’s me, sir Professor Nakayama. I’m the gene-- Jack -- Yeahyeah, Don’t care. You’re pissing me off with your weird hijinx, Nakytama. Cut it out I’ll have you forcefed into a weapon frinder. Friggin’ jackass. This conversation happened between Jack and his subordinate, Professor Nakayama. In this scene, Nakayama was trying to take Jack’s attention so that his admiration to Jack could be noticed. He was trying to take Jack’s attention by decorating the front door of Jack’s office. He put some flowers there, but the defense system of the office did not allow it. In result, Jack was getting a report from his computer that something or someone was defacing his station. This condition was frustrating for Jack and this condition triggered Jack to do swearing by uttering “who the hell”. Furthermore, after he found out the person who was defacing his station, he was getting more frustrated. In result, he was triggered to abuse Professor Nakayama by claiming that he was “pissing” Jack off, and by name-calling him “friggin’ jackass”. It was in accordance with Andersson’s 1985, p. 110 theory about psychological motive. He stated that someone would like to do swearing because that person was triggered by unpleasant thing that is occurred in his or her life. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 Linguistic Motive

Swearing could be triggered by linguistic motives. It means that somebody was triggered to do swearing because that person simply wanted to do the swearing. The swearing expression was triggered by the habit of that person where this person often includes swear words in his utterances. Based on the findings, there are two conditions where Jack would likely to be triggered by linguistic motive. The first one was when he wanted to indicate something bad. The second one was when he wanted to indicate something good. However, Jack tended to be triggered by linguistic motive when he was trying to indicate something bad. The example could be seen below. Code: System Jammed 1 Jack Alright, welcome to Concordia, a craphole if ever I saw one. Find a guy named Huxter -- he’s ex- Hyperion, runs the town. This conversation happened between Jack and the Vault Hunter when the Vault Hunter arrived in the city named Concordia for the first time. In this occasion, Jack mentioned the city by using the swear word ”craphole”. He was motivated to use that swearing expression because he had a disgust feeling toward the city. He used the term ”craphole” because he just simply wanted to use that. It was his preference vocabulary which he used when he wanted to indicate something unpleasant and in this case was the Concordia. This explanation was supported by Andersson’s 1985, p. 111 theory about linguistic motive. He stated PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 that people have variety ways of speaking and expressing themselves by using different words and grammatical structures as long as the intents or the goals of the communication with others are well achieved. Social Motive

Social Motive was the least motive that could trigger Jack to do swearing. Related to Jack’s social life, he was triggered to do swearing because he wanted to show social intimacy, friendliness, or in group identity. However, these expressions are not prompted by frustration or aggression. In other words, Jack are motivated to swear in order to make a strong bond between individual in certain community. Based on the findings, the condition where Jack was triggered to do swearing was because he always want to strengthen his social bond. The example of swearing which is motivated by social motive could be seen below. Code: Eye to Eye 2 Moxxi Alright -- do EXACTLY as I say and everything will be fine. Switch three of the flow sequencers to their prime position and reverse the power differential. V. Hunter Ummm... Moxxi Press the thingy until you see purple, then press the thingy again. Jack Welp, blew my chances with her. Great. Way to go, moron. The swearing expression happened when Jack was commenting the conversation between Moxxi and Vault Hunter. At first, Vault Hunter was guided by Moxxi to do certain task in order to shut down the laser. However, Moxxi’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI