Auxiliary Type The Types of Swearing

42 Code: A New Direction 14 Jack Where was I -- oh, right, my awesome master plan. Taking the fight to Helios is gonna need an army, so -- we make one Head down to Spings’, I’ll explain on the way, I’m gonna stay here, gonna go through the Meriff’s stuff. We’re making a freakin’ robot army, baby Hell yeah Shopping list’s simple: some combat chassis and top-of -the-line military AI to run them. Word is, Springs is the lady for the AI. Hey Mox, you know where I can build me some kick ass robot bodies? Moxxi Since that giant laser’s gonna kill, well, everyone, I know who might be willing to scout around for hardware, Lemme talk to them and get back to you. Jack Sounds good -- let’s hustle, people We’ve got a moon to save In the conversation above, he was making a plan to take back his space station, Helios. He thought that if he wanted to do that, he would need an army. Thus, Jack was then planning to create robot army. In this case, he was very excited so that he was motivated to do swearing “Hell yeah” in order to vent his happy feeling. He was psychologically affected by the excitement, and he needed to vent that emotion by swearing. Social Motives

The other reason which motivated Jack to do swearing was social condition. Jack was swearing because he was trying to indicate friendship within his social group. The aim of this swearing expression was not intended to abuse or wound the addressee, but as the opposite, it would likely strengthen the bond between Jack and the person he talked with. There were no necessarily PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 frustrations or anger present. In this case, usually Jack’s swearing expression would contain name-calling to tease the hearer. However, Jack could also use the swearing expression as rhetoric tools so that he could build a playful condition in a conversation. In the first example, Jack was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to achieve social goal which was strengthening his social bond by teasing each other: Code: Intelligence of the Artificial Persuasive 48 Jack What? The hot chick’s actually an ex-military AI reprogrammed to be some geek’s fake girlfriend? Sold Grab the lovely lady and get going We’ve got some friggin’ robots to build. In the expression above, Jack was shocked by the fact that the woman who so far accompanied him accomplishing his goal was actually an Artificial Intelligence program. Thus, in order to tease the woman, or now the Artificial Intelligence, he used the term “chick”. This term was usually used to degrade a woman’s dignity, but in this case, Jack did not have any intention to do that. Instead, he wanted to tease her in order to strengthen their friendship bond. In the second example, Jack was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to strengthen his social bond by using the swearing expression rhetorically so that he could make a playful condition: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 Code: Science Violence 3 Jack Gladstone, why does Zarpedon still have control over Helios’s defenses? We shut down the jamming signal on Elpis -- the Vault Hunters shouldn’t even have to be saving your asses right now just so you can lower the shields. No offense. Gladstone Uh, Zarpeon mught have a weaker signal jammer on her person. She could have another mole on Helios, like the Meriff. OR she probably just manually rewired the security system-- Jack --Waitwaitwait. There might be another traitor on Helios? Gladstone That’s only one possibility, I -- Jack, you there? The conversation above happened between Jack and his subordinate, Gladstone. In that case, Jack was confused about why did Zarpedon, his enemy, still had control over the defense system of space station. He then mentioned that Gladstone and his other partners had once ever been saved by the Vault Hunter from the danger. In this situation, Jack was trying to use playful term “asses” which referred to the Gladstone and his partner’s life. He did that because he wanted to lower the tense in that conversation by playfully using the swearing utterance. Furthermore, he was also stated that he did not plan to offense them. Linguistic Motives

In some condition, Jack would likely to express his feeling or emotion by using swearing expression was because he just wanted to do that. In other words, Jack was motivated to do swearing because it was basically his habit and it was his preference action in verbally expressing his feeling.