Research Setting Data Source

30 content analysis. Content analysis study was assumed to be the most appropriate method in analyzing the data since the main data are in form of written transcription. 5. Analyzing the Data After the data was collected, the researcher then analyzed the data. The transcript was analyzed using the theories from different linguists and experts. In analyzing the type of swearing, the researcher employed the theory of Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, while for the motive of swearing, Andersson’s theory 1985 would be the basis. 6. Interpreting the Findings After analyzing the data, the next step the researcher conducted was interpreting the findings. The researcher presented the interpretation and explanation in narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the researcher also stated some conclusions about what the researcher had analyzed. 7. Reporting the Result Having analyzed the findings, the researcher then reported the result. Since the researcher conducted a qualitative study, the data presented is in form of narrative explanation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the study. In this chapter, the researcher provides some analysis and discussion to answer two research problems of the study. There will be two major parts in this chapter. The first part is the research results and the second part is the research discussion.

4.1 Research Results

This section showed the findings that I obtained from the data gathering which was conducted previously. Based on the research questions, there were two major findings; the types of swearing and the motives of swearing. Those findings were limited only on the conversation which contained the swearing expression of Jack, the main character of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”. The other swearing expressions of the other characters will not be analyzed. As the main character, Jack had important roles from the beginning until the end of the story. I found that Jack was always having conversation in every major event on the game. Furthermore, he mostly used swearing expressions in his conversation with the other characters. Overall, there were 134 swearing expressions which were uttered by Jack throughout the story of the game

4.1.1 The Types of Swearing

I found that Jack was the only character who mostly expressed his feeling by using swearing utterances in the game “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”. 31 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI