Taboo words Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

12 among the same totemic clan. In other words, marrying or having sexual intercourse with the same member of the clan is prohibited. The totem itself could be animals, plants, or natural phenomena which are believed to have spiritual power which protecting the clans from danger. The member of the clan must not use the totem for hisher own benefit, destroy it, kill it, eat its flesh, in order to avoid the consecutive sanction. By this observation, Freud then claims that taboo is showed in the act of prohibition and restriction. Continuing Allan and Burridge’s findings, it is stated that there are taboos in which uncleanliness are the motivating factor. Here are some instances for this kind of taboo: many communities regarded physical contact with a menstruating woman as taboo, believing that it will pollute males in particular. Some Orthodox New York Jews will avoid public transport in order to avoid the seat where a menstruating woman has ever sat before. The Balinese used to prefer one-story buildings in order to avoid unclean feet would pass above their heads. These Balinese also avoid walking under washing lines where garments that have been in contact with unclean parts of the body might pass over their heads. Many communities regarded contact with a corpse as taboo; whoever has touched the cadaver is prohibited to handle food 2006, p. 5-7. Allan and Burridge 2006 also state that the genital organs of humans are always the subject of taboo. Those parts of women are usually more strongly tabooed than those parts of men. The reason is because those parts are related to the source of new human life p. 7. Foucault 1978, p. 3 explains that sex is prohibited and defined as taboo by Victorian regime. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the theme PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 related to sex was more freely discussed or even performed by people. There are indeed regulations for sexual matters but the regulation is not strict enough. Then after the Victorian bourgeoisie took place, the discussion about sex becomes strictly forbidden. The other regulation is that people should perform sex for the procreative purpose only. If it is violated, the offender will be sanctioned. Since then, sexual intercourse should only be done by married couple in closed room. In accordance with this findings, Pinker 2007, p. 297 also states that in Ancient England, a person could not have sex unless this person had a consent of the King. When anyone wanted to have baby, they got consent of the King the King gave them a placard that they hung on their door while they were having sex. Later, this placard is considered as the original root of the word fuck Fornification Under Consent of the King. However, this kind of limitation has faded away. It is because at that time England is facing a problem about population that was considered important for the development of the country. The government needed many labors to establish their industrial state. Thus the government alleviated the limitation of people in having sexual intercourse Foucault, 1978, p. 25. Hughes 2006, p. 462 claims that there are different taboos in different regions of which cultures are also distinct. This claims is in line with the concept of taboo by Pinker 2007, p. 328, who states that the concept of taboo can vary across times and places. However, based on all of these similar cases of taboo, the view is always related to the concept of prohibitions and restrictions. The limitation for somebody to not do such taboo behavior is because they believed that if someone breaks the rule of taboo they will be followed by some kind of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI