Expletive Type The Types of Swearing

36 Code: Lost Legion Invasion 6 Jack Hey, kid, are you sure this place actually HAS a combat AI? These pirate dickbags just sound nuts. Get it? Dickbags? Nuts? Heh-heh. Pickle Word is, before The Bosun went native, ‘e was some kinda AI tech whizz. Not that you’d think it now ‘e’s gone all mum-and-dad mad. But do you care? Didn’t you just get fired? Jack And when I march up to Helios with an army of badass robots, I’ll be un-fired so quickly it’ll make Tassiter’s pedo-mustache spin off his big gross ugly face. Just get the AI core. Pickle Uh, okay. In that conversation above, Jack made a joke while he was talking with his partner, Pickle. Jack was mentioning the swear words “dickbags” and “nuts” in order to explicitly make sexual joke. That swear words both had denotation meaning of testicle. However, Jack conveyed them connotatively where he was using those term to abuse the pirate by name-calling them as “dickbags” and “nuts”. Even though “dickbags” and “nuts” have their own connotative meaning, Jack found this utterance funny because those swear words have the same reference which was testicle. In this situation, Jack was trying to construct a humorous situation with the person he was talking with. The second example of humorous swearing was when the swearing which Jack uttered contained insulting swear words. However, that swearing utterances did not used as an expression to insult. Instead, it lacked of negativity and tended to be playful: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 Code: Lost Legion Invasion 17 V.Hunter Uh, this might be a problem? Cause I got a thing with height, and, uh -- oh god. This -- this is a... pretty big bullet. Jack Hold on -- I’m gonna spin the cylinder. Did you make it up there? Free up the elevator so I can join you. Hey man is everything okay down there. Jack Yessh, he got wedged in tight. Eh, no big deal, though, they can’t feel pain. Ugh, these loaders bum me out -- no wonder Dahl took us over so easily. I need more soldiers. Badasses. Like you. The conversation happened between Jack and the Vault Hunter. They were planning to escape the space station which was still in a chaotic situation due to the sudden attack of the soldiers. In that scene, the Vault Hunter was taking out the obstacle which made the elevator stuck. It turned out that the obstacle was Jack’s dead robot employee which is called as loader. Jack then complained that he and his company was easily taken over by the soldier because of the weak loaders they had, just like the one which was stuck in the elevator. Jack then told the Vault Hunter that he wished on having some more soldiers, especially like the Vault Hunter himself. In this situation, Jack uses swear word “Badasses” in his utterance which was directed toward the Vault Hunter. Even though the swear word “Badasses” contained the word “ass”, it was not meant to wound the Vault Hunter. Instead Jack wanted to praise the good work of the Vault Hunter. Then, it was considered as a humorous type of swearing. 38 Auxiliary Type

Auxiliary type of swearing was considered as an expression of swearing which was uttered by Jack in order to emphasize or spice up his intention. The function of this type of swearing for Jack was that this swearing can reflect his preference in conveying his expression which was by using swearing expression. The first example about auxiliary swearing showed that Jack would likely to use swearing expression to convey certain meaning: Code: Let’s Build a Robot Army 2 Gladstone Ha Look at them go Maybe you scared them off with your, uh, extremely scary Vault Hunter-ness Gladstone Uhhh, apparently not. Uh they’ve got a Dahl powersuit, Sorry, bruv. Jack Our combat loaders are gonna be WAY more kickass. Speaking of which, how’s that goin’? In that conversation above, Jack was talking with Gladstone, one of the researchers in his company. Gladstone was in charge in helping Jack making a robot army, or Jack preferred to say it as combat loader. In this scene, the Vault Hunter was confronting with the bandit scavengers. It then turned out that the bandit scavengers got Dahl powersuits which were seemed to be so powerful. In that kind of situation, Jack was replying that his future combat loader would be a lot more “kickass” than the Dahl powersuits. This swearing expression was considered as an auxiliary swearing. It was because it contained the swear word “kickass” in which Jack used this to emphasize or spice up the greatness of his