Abusive Type The Types of Swearing

38 Auxiliary Type

Auxiliary type of swearing was considered as an expression of swearing which was uttered by Jack in order to emphasize or spice up his intention. The function of this type of swearing for Jack was that this swearing can reflect his preference in conveying his expression which was by using swearing expression. The first example about auxiliary swearing showed that Jack would likely to use swearing expression to convey certain meaning: Code: Let’s Build a Robot Army 2 Gladstone Ha Look at them go Maybe you scared them off with your, uh, extremely scary Vault Hunter-ness Gladstone Uhhh, apparently not. Uh they’ve got a Dahl powersuit, Sorry, bruv. Jack Our combat loaders are gonna be WAY more kickass. Speaking of which, how’s that goin’? In that conversation above, Jack was talking with Gladstone, one of the researchers in his company. Gladstone was in charge in helping Jack making a robot army, or Jack preferred to say it as combat loader. In this scene, the Vault Hunter was confronting with the bandit scavengers. It then turned out that the bandit scavengers got Dahl powersuits which were seemed to be so powerful. In that kind of situation, Jack was replying that his future combat loader would be a lot more “kickass” than the Dahl powersuits. This swearing expression was considered as an auxiliary swearing. It was because it contained the swear word “kickass” in which Jack used this to emphasize or spice up the greatness of his 39 future combat loader. This auxiliary swearing was also considered as Jack’s habit in mentioning something great. The second example of auxiliary swearing could be seen below: Code: Let’s Build a Robot Army 5 Jack Gladstone, gimme a full memory reboot I want that thing SANE and I want it BADASS Wow, that was tough. Well, at least it looked tough. Whatever, good work. Now, let’s see what this puppy can pump out. Gladstone, make me some friggin’ robots Gladstone Ready for construction. In this scene, Jack had just finished capturing a giant chaotic robot which was rebelling against him. In order to turn the robot to side with him again, Jack asked Gladstone to wipe its memory by rebooting it using computer. In this situation, Jack ordered Gladstone to make the robot sane and “Badass”. This swearing expression indicated that it was an auxiliary swearing where the word “Badass” was used by Jack to emphasize or spice up the meaning Jack wanted to convey. He could have said it with other vocabulary such as “great” or “awesome”, but Jack preferred to use “Badass”. It showed that this swearing was the form of Jack’s habit in mentioning something awesome. In addition, after Jack and Gladstone had tamed the giant chaotic robot, he wanted that robot to produce smaller robot armies. In referring the robot, Jack used the term “fuckin’” before the term robot. It was meant that Jack wanted to give emphasis in the word robot. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI