Linguistic Motives Motives of Swearing

48 condition which made Jack to use abusive swearing was when he wanted to abuse or insult directly toward the addressee. The second condition was when Jack used abusive swearing in order to mention someone by using abusive term but in the condition where he was not directly talked to the addressee. The findings then indicated that Jack would likely to use abusive swearing in the second condition. The following conversation will be the example of abusive swearing. Code: A New Direction 13 Jack So Hux was crawling around, searching for some kinda redemption huh? Well I’ll give him redemption In fact, let’s immortalize him in song Don’t destroy that last ECHO -- grab it Take it to Moxxi’s and give it to those DJ assholes, Boom and Rang. They owe me a favor -- I got them the gig. In this conversation, Jack was talking to the Vault Hunter. Jack wanted him to immortalize the memory of the Meriff’s memory by giving the Meriff’s recording to the DJs who later were expected to make a song based on the Meriff’s recording. In mentioning the DJs, Jack used the term “assholes” in order to degrade them. It was in line with Andersson and Trudgill 1990, p. 36 who stated that someone could utter abusive swearing in order to disparage, humiliate or degrade the addressee. However, Jack conveyed the swearing when the addressees were not present. So, his abusive swearing was indirectly conveyed toward the addressee. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 Expletive Swearing

From the total 134 swearing expressions, 25 expressions were expletive expressions. Referring to Chapter II, Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, p. 36 stated that expletives are kinds of exclamatory interjection, and like any other interjections, they have an expressive function. These kinds of swearing are usually not directed to the hearer. It is employed to express personal emotion and feeling such as anger, surprise, shock, disappointment and also joy. However, based on the findings, I found that Jack mostly used expletive swearing when he was confronted with disappointment. The following conversation is the example of this type of swearing. Code: Eye to Eye 5 Roland Jack... I’m sorry. Lilith I’m not Hyperion Warning: singularity detected. Jack Woah What the hell? Moxxi Good job, everybody. Jack What’s Moxxi -- w-what the hell are you doing? Moxxi Betraying you. Trying to kill you. Two things I should done a long time ago, you power-hungry psychopath. Jack No no no NO NOOOO Dammit. I TRUSTED you, Moxxi Do you know what you’ve done? You just killed us all Moxxi Bye-bye. sugar. This conversation happened in the climax of the story. In the condition where Jack almost achieved his final goal, his partners, Roland, Lilith, and Moxxi, 50 were revealing themselves that they betrayed him. It was indicated by the Hyperion saying that there was singularity detected. This singularity was an action that had been set up by Roland, Lilith, and Moxxi in order to destroy Jack’s space station. In this situation, Jack shouted “What the hell?” as his reaction toward sudden singularity effect. Furthermore, Moxxi explained that she was betraying him because she thought that Jack was a psychopath and needed to be stopped. By this fact, Jack was feeling extremely disappointed. Thus, Jack shouted “Dammit” as a reaction of his disappointment. According to Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, p. 36, it was the true that function of swearing in which swearing was functioned to let off steam. In this case, Jack was confronted with extreme disappointment and he needed to let the steam off by swearing. Auxiliary Swearing

The same with expletive swearing, there were 25 expressions which contained auxiliary swearing. Auxiliary swearing is utilized as a way of speaking or is known as ‘lazy swearing’ Andersson Trudgill, 1990, p. 37. It means that this kind of swearing represents any regular vocabulary which the speaker has less preference to use. This type of swearing can also be used to spice up about what is being said. The word which is used has the function of intensifier or emphasizer toward someone or something. In accordance with the theory, the findings showed that there are two kinds of conditions where Jack tended to use auxiliary swearing. The first one was when Jack used the auxiliary swearing in order to replace regular vocabulary. It meant that Jack preferred to use expression which contained swear words. The second one was when Jack used the swearing expression to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI