Humorous Type The Types of Swearing

39 future combat loader. This auxiliary swearing was also considered as Jack’s habit in mentioning something great. The second example of auxiliary swearing could be seen below: Code: Let’s Build a Robot Army 5 Jack Gladstone, gimme a full memory reboot I want that thing SANE and I want it BADASS Wow, that was tough. Well, at least it looked tough. Whatever, good work. Now, let’s see what this puppy can pump out. Gladstone, make me some friggin’ robots Gladstone Ready for construction. In this scene, Jack had just finished capturing a giant chaotic robot which was rebelling against him. In order to turn the robot to side with him again, Jack asked Gladstone to wipe its memory by rebooting it using computer. In this situation, Jack ordered Gladstone to make the robot sane and “Badass”. This swearing expression indicated that it was an auxiliary swearing where the word “Badass” was used by Jack to emphasize or spice up the meaning Jack wanted to convey. He could have said it with other vocabulary such as “great” or “awesome”, but Jack preferred to use “Badass”. It showed that this swearing was the form of Jack’s habit in mentioning something awesome. In addition, after Jack and Gladstone had tamed the giant chaotic robot, he wanted that robot to produce smaller robot armies. In referring the robot, Jack used the term “fuckin’” before the term robot. It was meant that Jack wanted to give emphasis in the word robot. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 So, it was also considered that it was just Jack’s habit in using swearing expression.

4.1.2 Motives of Swearing

Throughout the game, Jack had several reasons that motivate him to make swearing expressions. I found that the factors which motivated Jack to do swearing emerged from psychological, social, and linguistic aspect. The psychological motive was related to something which affected his psychological condition so that he was motivated to do swearing. The social motive was related with the Jack’s social condition. He was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to have certain goal in his social life. The other motive was about linguistic reason where Jack was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to do that. It means that swearing was his style to express his emotions. Psychological Motives

I found that Jack would likely to swear when something went wrong. When Jack planned something and the thing did not go as planned, he would likely to express his disappointment, frustration or anger with swearing utterance. He would also do swearing when he was confronted by some unexpected events or when he was shocked by something. In that condition, Jack was motivated to do swearing because he need to immediately vent his emotion and he wanted to immediately restore his emotion using verbal action which was swearing. However, it was also possible for Jack to do swearing when Jack was having a very good feeling. To express his feeling and to immediately vent his happy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 feeling, he would likely to do swearing. This motive was about something that affected his psychological condition that triggered him to do swearing. In the first example, Jack was motivated to express his feeling by swearing when something made him frustrated or angry: Code: Lost Legion Invasion 18 Jack Woo We made it Alright, we just gotta get into a moonshot container. Soldier The greed of Hyperion shall not -- Jack -- After we kill THIS asshole In the conversation above, Jack was motivated to express his feeling using swearing utterance because he was frustrated and angry toward the soldier. At first, Jack was trying to go to the moonshot container. He wanted to do this because he and the Vault Hunter wanted to escape from the chaotic space station. When he wanted to head toward the moonshot container, suddenly the soldier appeared and he wanted to kill Jack and the Vault Hunter. Driven by the frustration, Jack was motivated to use swear word in his utterance. In this case, he was frustrated because he did not want to be disturbed by the soldier. Thus, Jack used the name calling “asshole” to mention the soldier. In the second example, Jack was motivated to do swearing because something made him happy: 42 Code: A New Direction 14 Jack Where was I -- oh, right, my awesome master plan. Taking the fight to Helios is gonna need an army, so -- we make one Head down to Spings’, I’ll explain on the way, I’m gonna stay here, gonna go through the Meriff’s stuff. We’re making a freakin’ robot army, baby Hell yeah Shopping list’s simple: some combat chassis and top-of -the-line military AI to run them. Word is, Springs is the lady for the AI. Hey Mox, you know where I can build me some kick ass robot bodies? Moxxi Since that giant laser’s gonna kill, well, everyone, I know who might be willing to scout around for hardware, Lemme talk to them and get back to you. Jack Sounds good -- let’s hustle, people We’ve got a moon to save In the conversation above, he was making a plan to take back his space station, Helios. He thought that if he wanted to do that, he would need an army. Thus, Jack was then planning to create robot army. In this case, he was very excited so that he was motivated to do swearing “Hell yeah” in order to vent his happy feeling. He was psychologically affected by the excitement, and he needed to vent that emotion by swearing. Social Motives

The other reason which motivated Jack to do swearing was social condition. Jack was swearing because he was trying to indicate friendship within his social group. The aim of this swearing expression was not intended to abuse or wound the addressee, but as the opposite, it would likely strengthen the bond between Jack and the person he talked with. There were no necessarily PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI