Taboo Words Theoretical Description

19 There are abundance forms of uttering swear words in an act of swearing. However, there are some classifications for the types of swearing, together with the motives behind the swearing utterances.

2.1.4 Types of Swearing

Many researchers of swear words have their own classification about the type of swearing. However, among those classifications, Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, pp. 36-37 typology of swearing is the most comprehensive: a Expletive Swearing Most swearing are emotive reactions toward frustration, something unexpected, disappointment, or in anger. This is the expletive function of swearing which is the use of a swear word to let off steam. Expletives are kinds of exclamatory interjection, and like any other interjections, they have an expressive function and are conveyed reflexively. These kinds of swearing are usually not directed to the hearer. However, it is not limited in being expressed with the negative emotions, but expletive swearing can also be used in expressing positive emotion. The examples of expletive swearing are: - Oh dammit - Oh shit I’m getting lost - Fuck - Holy shit That’s awesome 20 b Abusive Swearing Abusive swearing is kind of swearing which is usually directly conveyed to the addressee in order to wound them verbally. It is usually includes name- calling or the use of swear words that can cause insult. However, the speakers may also use this swearing in order to talk about the things that frustrate or annoy them, things that they disapprove of and wish to disparage, humiliate and degrade. To abuse someone verbally is to abuse them by attack them with swear words that may include an element of bragging. The examples are: - Fuck you - He is an asshole, man - Going to get you, fucker - Those angry bastards c Humorous Swearing Humorous swearing does not have to be emotional. It can be found in humorous scenes in which it is directed to others but it is not necessarily insulting. It takes mostly the form of abusive swearing but has the opposite functions where the playfulness is the key and not the offensiveness. It tends to be idiomatic, playful, humorous, and not serious. The examples are: - You’re such a badass - Get your ass in gear - That hot chick is actually my ex - You lucky bastard PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI