Research Procedures To answer the research questions, the researcher had to undertake the

32 Among those swearing expressions, Jack had several types of swearing used throughout the game. Those types were expletive, abusive, humorous, and auxiliary. Expletive Type

Expletive swearing was swearing expression which was uttered by Jack in a form of exclamatory. It was like the expression of ouch, oh, or wow but in a form of swearing which functioned as an act of letting off steam. This kind of swearing was uttered by Jack reflexively which means that Jack uttered the swearing spontaneously without thinking. Based on the data, it was found that this kind of swearing was uttered by Jack in a lot of situation like when he felt angry, threatened, shocked, astonished, or even happy. Below is the example of Jack’s swearing utterance which he expressed when he felt happy. Code: Welcome to Helios 2 Jack Holy crap You saved my life Thank you Heh -- sorry, heart’s pounding. Never been shot at before. Kinda fun, actually. Look, these crazy bastards attacked Helios Station right after I sent for you guys. If we can drive them off, we’ll be free to go after that Vault on the moon’s surface. Hey, just let me activate the defense controls. Few seconds, we’ll have turrets, force fields, laser wires -- these assholes won’t know what hit ‘em. That conversation happened after Jack was being shot by unknown soldiers that suddenly broke into his space station and it seemed that he would 33 likely be dead. Luckily, before that event happened, Jack had a bounty hunter called Vault Hunter hired as his body guard. When Jack was cornered by the unknown army, the Vault Hunter could come in time and saved his life by killing the soldiers. In that situation Jack then was swearing “Holy crap”. This swearing utterance was an exclamatory interjection which was directed neither toward the army nor the Vault Hunter. It was directed toward nobody and functioned as an act of letting off steam in an extremely happy emotion. The other example was about the expletive swearing utterance which was expressed by Jack when he felt disappointed: Code: Lost Legion Invasion 15 Jack We can get in the moonshot up there. Let me get the elevator. Dammit, something’s jamming the elevator. Gotta figure something out... Alright, weird idea, uh -- let me work the loading terminal. Alright, you get into the moonshot cylinder and ride it up. Ooh, watch your step, that’ll be a hell of a fall. In that conversation above, Jack was trying to operate the elevator. However, it turned out that the elevator was jammed because something was stuck on it. In that situation, Jack was using the swearword “Dammit”. This was considered as exclamatory interjection since it was not directed toward others and it was just a swearing which functioned as an act of expressing disappointment. 34 Abusive Type

Abusive type of swearing was the type of swearing expression which was uttered by Jack when he wanted to abuse someone or something. It meant that this kind of swearing was directed toward others. This included name-calling and cursing expression which were offensive and could causing insult. It was also conveyed by Jack when he wanted to wound the addressee. The example of abusive type of swearing could be found in the situation when Jack wanted to abuse someone which he uttered directly to the addressee: Code: A New Direction 10 CU5TM-TP Aaaaand here we go To the Meriff Jack Seriously? You idiot machine? The offices are UP. CU5TM-TP Right I’m such a kidder Up we go Office Warning. Trespassing of government property will result in your immediate death. Thank you. Jack These aren’t going to stop us, Huxter This conversation occurred between Jack and a CU5TM-TP which was a law robot. They had this conversation in an elevator while they were heading to Huxter’s office. Jack ordered the CU5TM-TP to operate the elevator and expected it to take him upward toward the Huxter’s office above. However, the CU5TM-TP took them downward instead. In this situation, Jack uttered the swearing “You idiot machine?” in which functioned as an act of abusing someone. It was directly conveyed toward the CU5TM-TP which Jack thought that the CU5TM-TP was not capable enough to do simple task and this fact drove Jack to be angry. 35 The other example of abusive swearing could be found in the conversation where Jack was not conveyed the insult directly to the addressee: Code: Welcome to Helios 1 Jack Help Lots of help I got no idea who these asshole troops are or why they’ve got a murder-on for this space station, but they’ve got me pinned Zarpedon Attention, Hyperion: your Helios Space Station now belongs to the Lost Legion. Surrender before it is too late. This conversation happened in Jack’s space station. In that situation, Jack was suddenly being shot by unknown soldiers and Jack was trying to ask the Vault Hunter for some help. He then uttered the swearing “asshole” which referred to the soldiers or troops who were shooting him. This kind of swearing is considered as abusive swearing because it was a name-calling and it functioned as an insulting term. However, this name-calling is not uttered directly to the addressee. Humorous Type

Humorous swearing was the type of swearing which Jack uttered toward others. However, it was not meant to be abusive. Jack uttered this kind of swearing in order to make humorous situation with the person he was talking with. This also often contained name-calling but it has lack of negativity so its function was not to wound the addressee. The first example of humorous swearing was about the use of swearing expression to make joke and to construct humorous situation: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI