Swearing uttered by the main character of borderlands : The Pre-Sequel!



Puruhito, Gregorius Gyan. (2016). Swearing Uttered by the Main Character of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Swearing is considered as a means of communication. Some people use swear words in their utterances to convey certain intentions. However, people would likely to use different swearing expressions when they are possessed by different emotional states. This phenomenon of swearing could happen in many different situations in society. In this research, the researcher intends to analyze the swearing which are uttered by the main character of a video game called “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”.

The abundance of swearing uttered by the main character, Jack, throughout the story of the video game triggered the researcher to analyze them in order to find the types of swearing and also the motives behind the swearing expressions. The analysis of swearing expressions is highly contextual so that some expert theories will be employed in this research to support the analysis process. Additionally, concept of taboo, taboo words, and swear words will also be explained in this research since swearing is rooted from those concepts.

This research applied content analysis approach in order to ease the researcher to conduct this research. To find the answer, the researcher sorts the transcription of the conversation between characters which occurred in the game. The researcher only focused on analyzing the main character’s utterances which is resulting in the elimination of the conversation which did not contain the main characters’ swearing expressions. The researcher then categorized the types of swearing and motives for swearing based on the related theories.

Based on the data of the research, the researcher found that in Jack’s utterances, there are four different types of swearing expressions. Among those types, Abusive Type is mostly uttered by him. He enjoys insulting other people or things by using swearing expressions. The researcher also found three different motives for swearing. Among those motives, Jack is mostly triggered to swear by Psychological Motive. It is because Jack is confronted by a lot of frustrating conditions.



Puruhito, Gregorius Gyan. (2016). Swearing Uttered by the Main Character of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Mengumpat dianggap sebagai salah satu cara untuk berkomunikasi. Beberapa orang akan menggunakan kata-kata umpatan di dalam perkataan mereka untuk menyampaikan maksud-maksud tertentu. Meski demikian, orang-orang cenderung akan menggunakan ungkapan umpatan yang berbeda-beda ketika mereka berada di dalam keadaan emosional yang berbeda pula. Fenomena umpatan dapat terjadi di situasi yang berbeda di dalam masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bermaksud untuk menanalisis umpatan yang diucapkan oleh karakter utama pada game berjudul “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”.

Banyaknya umpatan yang diucapkan oleh karakter utama, Jack, sepanjang cerita dari permainan tersebut memicu peneliti untuk menganalisis umpatan tersebut dengan tujuan untuk dapat menemukan tipe umpatan dan motivasi di balik ungkapan umpatan tersebut. Menganalisis ungkapan umpatan sangatlah kontekstual. Maka teori dari beberapa ahli akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini guna mendukung proses analisa. Sebagai tambahan, konsep tentang tabu, kata-kata tabu, dan kata-kata umpatan juga akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini karena konsep umpatan sendiri berakar dari konsep-konsep tersebut.

Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan analisis konten yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan peneliti untuk melaksanakan penelitian. Untuk menemukan jawaban, peneliti menyortir transkripi dari percakapan yang terjadi antara para karakter di dalam game. Peneliti hanya akan fokus pada analisis dari perkataan karakter utama. Hal ini mengakibatkan pada penghilangan perkatan-perkataan yang tidak mengandung ungkapan umpatan karakter utama. Kemudian peneliti mengkategorikan tipe-tipe umpatan dan motivasi untuk mengumpat berdasarkan teori-teori yang bersangkutan.

Berdasarkan data dari penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan bahwa pada perkataan Jack terdapat empat tipe ungkapan umpatan yang berbeda. Diantara umpatan tersebut, Abusive Type adalah tipe yang paling sering diucapkan. Dia senang menghina orang atau benda lain dengan menggunakan umpatan. Peneliti juga menemukan tiga jenis motif yang berbeda dalam mengumpat. Diantara motif tersebut, Jack lebih banyak terpicu oleh Psychological Motive. Hal ini dikarenakan Jack banyak menghadapi situasi yang membuat dia frustrasi.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Gregorius Gyan Puruhito Student Number: 111214144 








your mind

wide open.”

- Leslie Bur

ke-“Follow your HEART!


-Jack Body Double-

This thesis is dedicated to

Stephanus Sunaryo,

Endang Rijanur Harjanti,

my siblings,

and myself.





Puruhito, Gregorius Gyan. (2016). Swearing Uttered by the Main Character of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Swearing is considered as a means of communication. Some people use swear words in their utterances to convey certain intentions. However, people would likely to use different swearing expressions when they are possessed by different emotional states. This phenomenon of swearing could happen in many different situations in society. In this research, the researcher intends to analyze the swearing which are uttered by the main character of a video game called “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”.

The abundance of swearing uttered by the main character, Jack, throughout the story of the video game triggered the researcher to analyze them in order to find the types of swearing and also the motives behind the swearing expressions. The analysis of swearing expressions is highly contextual so that some expert theories will be employed in this research to support the analysis process. Additionally, concept of taboo, taboo words, and swear words will also be explained in this research since swearing is rooted from those concepts.

This research applied content analysis approach in order to ease the researcher to conduct this research. To find the answer, the researcher sorts the transcription of the conversation between characters which occurred in the game. The researcher only focused on analyzing the main character’s utterances which is resulting in the elimination of the conversation which did not contain the main characters’ swearing expressions. The researcher then categorized the types of swearing and motives for swearing based on the related theories.

Based on the data of the research, the researcher found that in Jack’s utterances, there are four different types of swearing expressions. Among those types, Abusive Type is mostly uttered by him. He enjoys insulting other people or things by using swearing expressions. The researcher also found three different motives for swearing. Among those motives, Jack is mostly triggered to swear by Psychological Motive. It is because Jack is confronted by a lot of frustrating conditions.



Puruhito, Gregorius Gyan. (2016). Swearing Uttered by the Main Character of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Mengumpat dianggap sebagai salah satu cara untuk berkomunikasi. Beberapa orang akan menggunakan kata-kata umpatan di dalam perkataan mereka untuk menyampaikan maksud-maksud tertentu. Meski demikian, orang-orang cenderung akan menggunakan ungkapan umpatan yang berbeda-beda ketika mereka berada di dalam keadaan emosional yang berbeda pula. Fenomena umpatan dapat terjadi di situasi yang berbeda di dalam masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bermaksud untuk menanalisis umpatan yang diucapkan oleh karakter utama pada game berjudul “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”.

Banyaknya umpatan yang diucapkan oleh karakter utama, Jack, sepanjang cerita dari permainan tersebut memicu peneliti untuk menganalisis umpatan tersebut dengan tujuan untuk dapat menemukan tipe umpatan dan motivasi di balik ungkapan umpatan tersebut. Menganalisis ungkapan umpatan sangatlah kontekstual. Maka teori dari beberapa ahli akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini guna mendukung proses analisa. Sebagai tambahan, konsep tentang tabu, kata-kata tabu, dan kata-kata umpatan juga akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini karena konsep umpatan sendiri berakar dari konsep-konsep tersebut.

Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan analisis konten yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan peneliti untuk melaksanakan penelitian. Untuk menemukan jawaban, peneliti menyortir transkripi dari percakapan yang terjadi antara para karakter di dalam game. Peneliti hanya akan fokus pada analisis dari perkataan karakter utama. Hal ini mengakibatkan pada penghilangan perkatan-perkataan yang tidak mengandung ungkapan umpatan karakter utama. Kemudian peneliti mengkategorikan tipe-tipe umpatan dan motivasi untuk mengumpat berdasarkan teori-teori yang bersangkutan.

Berdasarkan data dari penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan bahwa pada perkataan Jack terdapat empat tipe ungkapan umpatan yang berbeda. Diantara umpatan tersebut, Abusive Type adalah tipe yang paling sering diucapkan. Dia senang menghina orang atau benda lain dengan menggunakan umpatan. Peneliti juga menemukan tiga jenis motif yang berbeda dalam mengumpat. Diantara motif tersebut, Jack lebih banyak terpicu oleh Psychological Motive. Hal ini dikarenakan Jack banyak menghadapi situasi yang membuat dia frustrasi.



My first and greatest gratitude goes to Jesus Christ and Mother Mary for their remarkable blessings during the process of completing this thesis. They have given me strength, protection, and motivation so that finally I can finish this thesis.

I would like to thank my advisor, Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., Ed.D., for his guidance, time, and suggestion until the final process of writing this thesis. I would like to give many thanks for my academic advisor, Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., for being my generous mother started from the first semester until the end. I thank her for being the advisor of my learning progress during my study. I would also like to express my gratitude to all lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program who shared the knowledge and gave me the warm smiles during my learning process in Sanata Dharma.

This thesis would not have been done without my parents, Stephanus Sunaryo and Endang Riyanur Harjanti. I thank them for all the great advices, love, prayer, reinforcement and financial support in this long, steep, and winding road. I am also grateful for having Rhymondus Rhisang Galih Gumantyo, Heronimus Rhyan Hanurraga and Joanita Anting Sasotya in my life. They have given me support and motivation during the completion of my thesis.

I would also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my friends, brothers, and rivals, Adityo Prawinanto, Muhammad Aditya Setyawan, Gilang


Panji Sadewo, Yosua Adi Wicaksana, Muhammad Eka Amperawan, Alexander Pramudya, Fa’adilah Malik Akbar, Leonardus Indramarwan, and Pascalis Sadewa Setyanta. I thank them for the awesome and ridiculous moments that we had together. These guys have helped me to understand the true meaning of friendship. I would also thank all of my cats at my home. I thank them for their presence and cuteness which can give serenity and peacefulness to me during the completion of my thesis.

Finally, I give my deepest gratitude to Tamara Gita Megani. I thank her for being the most significant part of my life. She has given me her precious time and her wonderful love. Thanks for all the supports, surprises, and the crazy times we shared. Thanks for your willingness so that we could keep writing this life story of us together. Then, I would not forget anyone who had supported the completion of my thesis that I cannot mention. May His blessings always be with them.

Gregorius Gyan Puruhito  








ABSTRACT ... vii 

ABSTRAK ... viii 



LIST OF TABLE ... xiv 



1.1 Research Background ... 1 

1.2 Research Problems ... 4 

1.3 Problem Limitation ... 4 

1.4 Research Objectives ... 5 

1.5 Research Benefits ... 5 

1.5.1 The Readers ... 6 

1.5.2 English lecturers ... 6 

1.5.3 ELESP USD ... 6 

1.5.4 Future researchers ... 7 

1.6 Definition of Terms ... 7 

1.6.1 Swearing ... 7 

1.6.2 Swear words ... 7 

1.6.3 Taboo words ... 8 

1.6.4 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! ... 8 



2.1.1 Taboo ... 10 

2.1.2 Taboo Words ... 15 

2.1.3 Swear Words and Swearing ... 16 

2.1.4 Types of Swearing ... 19 

2.1.5 Motives of Swearing ... 21 

2.2 Theoretical Framework ... 23 


3.1 Research Method ... 25 

3.2 Research Setting ... 26 

3.3 Data Source ... 26 

3.4 Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques ... 27 

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ... 28 

3.6 Research Procedures ... 28 


4.1 Research Results ... 31 

4.1.1 The Types of Swearing ... 31 Expletive Type ... 32 Abusive Type ... 34 Humorous Type ... 35 Auxiliary Type ... 38 

4.1.2 Motives of Swearing ... 40 Psychological Motives ... 40 Social Motives ... 42 Linguistic Motives ... 44 

4.2 Research Discussion ... 46 

4.2.1 Types of Swearing ... 47 Abusive Swearing ... 47 Expletive Swearing ... 49 Auxiliary Swearing ... 50 Humorous Swearing ... 52 

(15) Psychological Motive ... 53 Linguistic Motive ... 55 Social Motive ... 56 


5.1 Conclusions ... 58 

5.1.1 Types of Swearing ... 58 

5.1.2 Motives of Swearing ... 59 

5.2 Recommendations ... 59 


APPENDIX ... 63   



Table Page 3.1 Format of the Coding Table ... 27



Appendix Page APPENDIX 1 The Transcript of Swearing Expressions ... 56



This chapter consists of six sections. The first section is the research background. This section gives brief explanations about swearing as the main topic of this research. The second section is the research problem. This section provides the research questions of this research. The third section is problem limitation. The focus of the problems will be explained in this section. The fourth section is research objectives. The purposes of this research will be stated in this section. The fifth section is research benefit which contains the explanations about the benefit of the research. The sixth section is definition of terms. Particular definitions related to the topic will be stated in this section.

1.1 Research Background

No one in this world has been able to reveal the birth and the origin of human language (Yule, 2010, p. 1). However, based on Charles Darwin’s (1871, p. 56) vision of the origins of language, there was a speculation that the early humans had already developed musical ability to appeal others before there was language. Human then also developed simple words with pronunciations that seem to echo naturally occurring sounds like cuckoo, splash, bang, boom, rattle, buzz, hiss, screech, etc. called onomatopoeia (Yule, 2010, p. 3). As time goes by, human developed and produced more complex words and it keeps developing until this day. However, the main purpose of this language development is to find an effective way of communication with other because human tends to live in


groups or society. By proper communication, they can interact and work out together (Yule, 2010, p. 3).

According to Goodwin and Heritage (1990, p. 283), social interaction is a means to conduct the business of social world which can affirm or deny participants’ identities, and also transfer, renew, and modify cultures to others. Shared meaning, mutual understanding, and the coordination of human conduct are obtained in this interaction. Therefore, to make a social contact functioned and transmitted properly, people need to have language as a means of communication. A successful communication can be determined if the information in the messages can be understood by both the speaker and the hearer. To achieve that goal, people are required to make clear statements and are expected to be good communicator. Gamble and Gamble (1984, p. 4), states that communicators are people who build relationship with others by communicating. Communicating can help people to build or maintain certain types of contacts, such as interpersonal contacts, small group contacts, and public forum contacts. In addition, people communicate in order to share information, exchange ideas or feelings, solve problems, and make decisions. However, failed communication will become a flaw in society, since communication is significant to satisfy not only individual and social needs, but also practical needs.

Swearing is considered as a means of communication. Swearing is the use of swear words with the purpose of expressing the speaker’s emotional state and conveying that information to listeners (Jay 1992, p. 155).These swear words derived from taboo words which refer to every word which is considered taboo in


society. Jay and Janschewitz (2008) state that the main purpose of swear words in swearing is to express emotions, especially anger and frustration and this act in public is actually common. However, in some cases, swearing is not highly emotional, confrontational, rude, or aggressive. In other words, swearing may be used with any emotional state (p. 267-268). The swear words in swearing add emphasis to the message the speaker wishes to convey and the meanings of these words are primarily interpreted as connotative (Jay 1992, p. 155). In other words, swearing provides certain functions for people when they are conveying their intention.

In a computer game named “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”, there are a lot of swearing expressions uttered by some characters. The story of this game is about a main character named Jack, who takes a role as the hero and hires some bounty hunters called Vault Hunters. Later, this Vault Hunter, as the other main character, will become Jack’s subordinate who helps him in achieving his goals. The bottom line is that Jack and the Vault Hunters are trying to prevent the destruction of Elphis, a moon of a planet called Pandora, from the antihero, Zarpedon. As the story goes by, Jack has a lot of interactions with the other characters in a form of uttered communication. On most of the interactions, employs a lot of expression in conveying his feeling or emotion. The emotions which Jack’s possess are not always in the notion of negative emotion such as anger or frustration but also positive emotion such as joy or surprise. Additionally, compared with the other character, Jack is using more various swear words while he is expressing his feeling. By analyzing Jack’s swearing utterances, it could also


be found the possible backgrounds and conditions of swearing expressions. That is why I am interested in analyzis Jack’s utterances which can represent the use of swearing expression. The topic of swearing here is focused on the verbal expressions uttered by Jack, which is associated with emotional feeling towards something particular. There are many different types of expression which Jack possessed while he is swearing. There are also certain things which motivate Jack for swearing. These matters will mostly be discussed in this research.

1.2 Research Problems

There are two research problems emerged in this research:

1. What types of swearing are uttered by the main character of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”?

2. What motives of swearing are used by the main character in “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”?

1.3 Problem Limitation

The object of the research here will be on the speech of Jack, one of the main characters of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!” game. The main consideration of the researcher to focus on Jack is because the other main characters rarely have speech throughout the story. Furthermore, Jack mostly swears in the conversation with the other characters. Even though there are other secondary characters which also do a lot of swearing, Jack’s swearing contains more various swear words. By analyzing the phenomenon of human interaction in the form of swearing, the problems will be around the use of swearing itself.


The first problem arises is the type of Jack’s swearing. The type of swearing becomes the problem because Jack uses many kinds swear words while he is possessed by certain emotion in different situations. Thus the researcher intended to categorize them into several types based on relevant theory. The second one is the motives of Jack for swearing. Indeed, human will do certain action based on a certain motivation whether the factor is internal or external. The problem emerges since there are many possible motives for Jack to do swearing based on certain situation. To solve this problem, I will use relevant theory about the motive of swearing to classify the Jack’s motive of swearing. The utterances which are not considered as swearing will not be analyzed.

1.4 Research Objectives

The purposes of this study are:

1. To find out the types of swearing uttered by the main character in “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”

2. To find out the motives of swearing used by Jack in “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”

1.5 Research Benefits

This study is expected to give some contributions for four subjects. They are the readers, the English lecturers, English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University (ELESP USD), and future researchers.


1.5.1 The Readers

By reading this research, the reader may have deeper understanding about the concept of swearing and its origin. By understanding its concept, the readers will know the essence of swearing which is rarely taught in an educational institution. Hopefully, this research will help the readers to use them appropriately.

1.5.2 English lecturers

The English lecturers can use the comprehension of swearing to teach the students so that they will have deeper understanding about it. Furthermore, the students are learning English as a second language (ESL) in which they will rarely encounter the occurrence of English swearing in their society. It is English lecturers’ task to introduce them to ESL learners to enrich their understanding in order to make them aware of the concept of swearing. By having the awareness about the swearing expressions, students are expected to understand about the concepts of swearing expression which include the origin, types and motives of swearing itself. This awareness then could also minimalize the misuse of swearing expression when they have interaction in the society where English is its language.


People need to enrich their knowledge for the sake of having good relation with others. Thus by the information about swearing provided in this research, especially in linguistic aspect, lecturers and students of ELESP USD would be able to understand its concept and could use the understanding in sake of


maintaining their interaction with others. It can also be a means of discussion in the process of English learning in ELESP USD.

1.5.4 Future researchers

The future researchers, who want to conduct a research around swearing, swear words, and taboo words, can use the information from this research as a reference. Hopefully, this research can provide sufficient information about that topic.

1.6 Definition of Terms

There are several key words which are better to be understood to deal with the content of this research. Those are:

1.6.1 Swearing

Swearing is the employment of taboo words in order to express the speaker’s emotional feeling and to convey information to the listeners in a communication (Jay & Janschewitz, 2008, p. 268). It suggests that the words which are employed in swearing are mainly intended to reflect emotions. In addition, Ljung (2011, p. 4) states that swearing is emotive language, in which its primary function is to express the speaker’s feelings. Thus, swearing is a means to express the speaker’s emotion toward something or someone.

1.6.2 Swear words

Swear words originate from the words which have correlation with taboo word. However, they refer to the connotation meaning based on the context of the occurrence. Ljung (2011, p. 12) claims that if certain taboo word is considered or


used as swear word, it means that the taboo word no longer has its literal meaning. Functionally, these words are used in the act of swearing.

1.6.3 Taboo words

Taboo words refer to every word which is considered taboo. Taboo words are considered as taboo based on the notion of their literal meaning related with taboo behavior. Thus prohibition of uttering this kind of words arises. The prohibition usually derived traditionally from certain society. Yet, those kinds of prohibition could arise in the institutional level where authorities have the power to restrict speech (Jay, 2009, p. 153).

1.6.4 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!

“Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!” is a game developed by 2K Australia with cooperation from Gearbox Software, an American video game development company. This game is a role-playing shooter game in a form of First Person Shooter (FPS) which centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through a first-person perspective. “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!” is the third game in the Borderlands series. However, in chronological order of the story, the events in this game take place between 2009's “Borderlands” and 2012's “Borderlands 2”. It was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.




This chapter consists of two parts; theoretical description and theoretical framework. In the theoretical description, relevant theories related to the study will be discussed. In theoretical framework, there will be explanation about the connection between the theories and the research which is conducted.

2.1 Theoretical Description

Swearing is considered as a language style that people prefer to use. According to Coupland (2007, p. 1-2), style refers to a way of doing something. Style can be applied in linguistic forms and processes. Thus swearing is considered as language style which stands in the scope of Linguistics. Swearing is also a means of communication which related to the use of language in society. Standing on this idea, this study then is included into a sociolinguistics study. It is in accordance with Wardaugh’s theory about sociolinguistics. He states that sociolinguistics deals with examining the relationships between language and society in order to have better understanding about language structure and the function of language in communication (Wardaugh, 2006, p. 13). Holmes also adds that the main concerns about sociolinguistic study are describing people’s different way of speaking in different social context and explaining the use of language in social life to deliver social messages (2013, p. 1). Thus, every question emerged in society, which deals with social communication through language, is investigated under sociolinguistic study.


A study on swearing expressions could also be considered as pragmatics study. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by speaker and interpreted by a listener. It has more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by themselves. In other words, pragmatic is the study of speaker meaning (Yule, 1996, p. 3). The study on swearing would involve the interpretation of what people mean by saying the swearing utterances and how the context influences what is said. It requires a consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with who they’re talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances. By this explanation, pragmatic is considered as the study of contextual meaning (Yule, 1996, p. 3).

However, before going into deeper discussion about swearing, it is considered essential to deeply understand about the concept of taboo first since swearing is derived from taboo words. Thus, this chapter will explore the literature review about taboo, taboo words, swear words, and swearing sequentially.

2.1.1 Taboo

There are many versions of the concept of taboo proposed by several linguistic researchers who have interest in digging out about the origin of taboo. Allan and Burridge (2006, p. 2) state that the word taboo derives from Tongan, Tahitian language, called “tabu”. This finding is in accordance with Captain Cook’s experience which is written in his log book when he was sent to Tahiti to observe the transit of planet Venus across the Sun in 1776-1779:


“When dinner came on table not one of my guests would sit down or eat a bit of any thing that was there. Every one was Tabu, a word of very comprehensive meaning but in general signifies forbidden.”(Cook 1967, p. 129)

. . .

“In this walk we met with about half a dozen Women in one place at supper, two of the Company were fed by the others, on our asking the reason, they said Tabu Mattee. On further enquiry, found that one of them had, two months before, washed the dead corps of a Chief, on which account she was not to handle Victuals for five Months, the other had done the same thing to another of inferior rank, and was under the same restriction but not for so long a time”. (Cook 1967, p. 135)

In this citation, Cook uses the word “tabu” to describe the behavior of the native inhabitants toward things that were not to be done or touched. Cook also states that anything which is forbidden to be eaten are called Taboo, as when people are forbidden to eat from the flesh of human sacrifices (Tangata Taboo) (Cook, 1967, p. 176). For the other example related to this kind of prohibition, there are food taboos in most societies and they are mostly religion-based taboo; the vegetarianism of Hindus; the proscription of pork in Islam; the constraints on food preparation in Judaism; fasting among Jews at Passover and Muslims during Ramadan; the proscription of meat on Fridays among Roman Catholics (Allan & Burridge, 2006, p. 4).

Freud (2004, p. 3) digs out the origin of taboo by observing the ancient Aboriginal Australian’s way of life. This tribe upholds totemism as their system of tribal life. Each clan, the smaller division of the tribe, has different symbols of totem. The totem symbolized by the clan functions as a sign to prevent incest


among the same totemic clan. In other words, marrying or having sexual intercourse with the same member of the clan is prohibited. The totem itself could be animals, plants, or natural phenomena which are believed to have spiritual power which protecting the clans from danger. The member of the clan must not use the totem for his/her own benefit, destroy it, kill it, eat its flesh, in order to avoid the consecutive sanction. By this observation, Freud then claims that taboo is showed in the act of prohibition and restriction.

Continuing Allan and Burridge’s findings, it is stated that there are taboos in which uncleanliness are the motivating factor. Here are some instances for this kind of taboo: many communities regarded physical contact with a menstruating woman as taboo, believing that it will pollute males in particular. Some Orthodox New York Jews will avoid public transport in order to avoid the seat where a menstruating woman has ever sat before. The Balinese used to prefer one-story buildings in order to avoid unclean feet would pass above their heads. These Balinese also avoid walking under washing lines where garments that have been in contact with unclean parts of the body might pass over their heads. Many communities regarded contact with a corpse as taboo; whoever has touched the cadaver is prohibited to handle food (2006, p. 5-7). Allan and Burridge (2006) also state that the genital organs of humans are always the subject of taboo. Those parts of women are usually more strongly tabooed than those parts of men. The reason is because those parts are related to the source of new human life (p. 7).

Foucault (1978, p. 3) explains that sex is prohibited and defined as taboo by Victorian regime. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the theme


related to sex was more freely discussed or even performed by people. There are indeed regulations for sexual matters but the regulation is not strict enough. Then after the Victorian bourgeoisie took place, the discussion about sex becomes strictly forbidden. The other regulation is that people should perform sex for the procreative purpose only. If it is violated, the offender will be sanctioned. Since then, sexual intercourse should only be done by married couple in closed room. In accordance with this findings, Pinker (2007, p. 297) also states that in Ancient England, a person could not have sex unless this person had a consent of the King. When anyone wanted to have baby, they got consent of the King & the King gave them a placard that they hung on their door while they were having sex. (Later, this placard is considered as the original root of the word fuck (Fornification Under Consent of the King)). However, this kind of limitation has faded away. It is because at that time England is facing a problem about population that was considered important for the development of the country. The government needed many labors to establish their industrial state. Thus the government alleviated the limitation of people in having sexual intercourse (Foucault, 1978, p. 25).

Hughes (2006, p. 462) claims that there are different taboos in different regions of which cultures are also distinct. This claims is in line with the concept of taboo by Pinker (2007, p. 328), who states that the concept of taboo can vary across times and places. However, based on all of these similar cases of taboo, the view is always related to the concept of prohibitions and restrictions. The limitation for somebody to not do such taboo behavior is because they believed that if someone breaks the rule of taboo they will be followed by some kind of


trouble such as lack of success in hunting, fishing, or even they believed that they will get sick or death. They believed that someone or some physical or spiritual forces (law, the gods, and the society) have the authority or power to give punishment upon them (Allan & Burridge, 2006, p. 9) if they break the rule of taboo. Taboos could arise out of social constraints on the individual’s behavior where it can cause discomfort, harm or injury (Allan & Burridge, 2006, p. 1).

Speaking about the topic of taboo, Allan and Burridge (2006, p. 1) have also classified them into several topics:

a) Bodies and their effluvia

b) The organs and acts of sex

c) Diseases, death, and killing

d) Touching, and viewing persons and sacred beings, objects and places.

e) Food gathering, preparation and consumption

However, on each of these topics, there are different backgrounds about the emergence of how the prohibitions or restrictions are made. Based on the discussion above about the origin of taboo, it can be concluded that prohibition or restrictions, first, can be traditionally received, and the second one, it comes up from authority with a set of law.

The concept of taboo is not limited only on prohibition and restriction of certain act or behavior in certain society. Those kinds of act or behavior could


also unavoidably lead into prohibitions or restriction of certain utterances. In other words, uttering something particular can also be considered as taboo (Hughes, 2006, p. 462).

2.1.2 Taboo Words

In this realm of prohibition, In accordance with Jay (2009, p. 6), Allan and Burridge (2006, p. 40) states that taboo words or taboo language refers to a language which violate certain customs because it contains “dirty words”. However, at the institutional level, taboo words arise from authorities that have the power to restrict harmful speech. For instance, there are courts of law, religious leaders, educators, and mass media managers. Authorities who define taboo speech could punish those who violate the prohibitions (Jay, 2009, p. 153).

In this case, then emerge a question about why a mere saying about taboo is prohibited. Hughes (2006) notes that taboo words are linguistically rooted in word magic in which people believe that certain creatures of forces cannot or must not be named. For example, people are prohibited in naming God, the Devil, death, damnation, disease, copulation (p. 463). Words are believed to have symbolic power and are considered magic. Wajnryb (2006, p. 32) claims that cultural context influences the word’s sense of danger. Ljung (2011, p. 47) adds that some beliefs claim that saying tabooed things, such as evil or misfortune, will wreak that force in front of the offender. Furthermore, Pinker (2007) states that uttering taboo words is believed to be capable of evoking the uttered idea in mind, in this case tabooed things. For example, hearing words related to bodily effluvia will make people to have disgust reaction. The strongest component of the disgust


reaction is a desire not to eat or touch the offending substance. But it’s also disgusting to think about bodily effluvia, together with the body parts and activities that excrete them, and because of the unwillingness of speech perception, it’s unpleasant to hear the words for them. The effluvia that evoke the strongest disgust reaction are vicious ones: feces, blood, vomit, mucus, pus, sexual fluids, urine (Pinker, 2007, p. 346). In the context of culture, Jay (2009, p. 154) states that in very religious cultures, blasphemy is very likely to be the biggest taboo, therefore the taboo words drawn from this domain are considered to be the most offensive ones. In other cultures, like in America where sex is the biggest taboo, words denoting around this aspect are the least accepted ones. Interestingly, the taboo words referring to the biggest taboos of a society are usually the ones that are used most often.

In sort, Pinker (2007), Crystal (2007), Ljung (2011), and Alan and Burridge (2006) have distinguished the topic of taboo words derived from two major areas of taboo which are religious taboo and secular taboo. Religious taboo words relies on profanity and blasphemy, while secular taboo words include the topic of sexual activities, bodily effluvia, intimated part of body, ethnic or racial slurs, family origins, animal names, physical abnormalities, and mental illness. These concepts of taboo words and their classification lead the words into the term called swear words.

2.1.3 Swear Words and Swearing

Taboo words and swear words are actually similar because both of those kinds of words are rooted in the same notion which is taboo. However, there is


difference between them. Karjalainen (2002, p. 18) claims that all swear words are considered taboo words, while not all taboo words are swear words. Ljung (2011) supports this concept by claiming that if certain taboo word is considered or used as swear word, it means that the taboo word no longer has its literal meaning. Reversely, taboo words which is used in their literal meaning cannot be regarded as swear words (p. 12). The acts of uttering swear words are then called as swearing.

As has been stated in previous chapter, Jay (2009) claims that swearing is the use of swear words with the purpose of expressing the speaker’s emotional state and conveying that information to listeners. The emotional state here is not limited in the expression of anger and frustration, but also positive emotion such as joy or surprise (p. 155). Furthermore, Jay and Janschewitz (2008, p. 270) claim that the areas in the brain that are activated when we swear are the same areas that also process emotions. In supporting this idea, Allan and Burridge (2006) also claim that the involvement of emotions when people swear is even manifested in the structures of the brain (p. 237).

Ljung (2011, p. 4) states that taboo words and swear words are two different cases. It can be seen clearly by looking at Ljung’s criteria of swearing:

a) Swearing is the use of utterances containing taboo words b) The taboo words are used with non-literal meaning.


c) Many utterances that constitute swearing are subject to severe lexical, phrasal, and syntactic constraints which suggest that most swearing qualifies as formulaic.

d) Swearing is emotive language and its main function is to reflect, or seem to reflect, the speakers’ feeling or attitude.

Similarly, Andersson and Trudgill (1990, p. 53) also give their definition of swearing:

a) Swearing refers to something that is taboo and/or stigmatized in the culture.

b) Swearing should not be interpreted literally

c) Swearing can be used to express strong emotions and attitudes

The distinctions of the use of taboo words and swear words can be seen in this following example:

1. They are fucking like rabbit 2. Give me that fucking gun!

In the example number one, the word fucking is considered as taboo word. However, the meaning of that word refers to its literal meaning which is “having sex”. Meanwhile, in example number two, the word fucking is not meant to be considered as its literal meaning but the word fucking there is a swear words which is conveyed in emotional expression and it has the function as an emphasizer of an utterance. Thus, statement number two is considered as swearing.


There are abundance forms of uttering swear words in an act of swearing. However, there are some classifications for the types of swearing, together with the motives behind the swearing utterances.

2.1.4 Types of Swearing

Many researchers of swear words have their own classification about the type of swearing. However, among those classifications, Andersson and Trudgill’s (1990, pp. 36-37) typology of swearing is the most comprehensive:

a) Expletive Swearing

Most swearing are emotive reactions toward frustration, something unexpected, disappointment, or in anger. This is the expletive function of swearing which is the use of a swear word to let off steam. Expletives are kinds of exclamatory interjection, and like any other interjections, they have an expressive function and are conveyed reflexively. These kinds of swearing are usually not directed to the hearer. However, it is not limited in being expressed with the negative emotions, but expletive swearing can also be used in expressing positive emotion. The examples of expletive swearing are:

- Oh dammit!

- Oh shit I’m getting lost! - Fuck!


b) Abusive Swearing

Abusive swearing is kind of swearing which is usually directly conveyed to the addressee in order to wound them verbally. It is usually includes name-calling or the use of swear words that can cause insult. However, the speakers may also use this swearing in order to talk about the things that frustrate or annoy them, things that they disapprove of and wish to disparage, humiliate and degrade. To abuse someone verbally is to abuse them by attack them with swear words that may include an element of bragging. The examples are:

- Fuck you!

- He is an asshole, man! - Going to get you, fucker! - Those angry bastards!

c) Humorous Swearing

Humorous swearing does not have to be emotional. It can be found in humorous scenes in which it is directed to others but it is not necessarily insulting. It takes mostly the form of abusive swearing but has the opposite functions where the playfulness is the key and not the offensiveness. It tends to be idiomatic, playful, humorous, and not serious. The examples are:

- You’re such a badass! - Get your ass in gear!

- That hot chick is actually my ex! - You lucky bastard!


d) Auxiliary swearing

Swearing can be used as an auxiliary. This type of swearing is used to spice up about what is being said. The words that are used here have the function of intensifier or emphasizer toward someone or something. The emotion expressed here are various, not only limited to negative emotions. Auxiliary swearing is also known as ‘lazy swearing’ (Andersson & Trudgill, 1990, p. 37). It means that this kind of swearing represents any vocabulary which the speaker has less preference to use. People are also use this kind of swearing when they have no other words at disposal. The examples are:

- I don’t give a shit. - This is a real good shit.

- He has broken the fucking TV. - That was freaking awesome!

2.1.5 Motives of Swearing

In every swearing utterance uttered by someone, there is certain motive behind it. Andersson (1985), as cited in Karjalainen (2002, p. 24), has generalized the category of the motives of swearing into three major aspects:

a) Psychological motives

Many occurrences in human life are not always happened as expected. People sometimes are left behind by the bus in the station. Someone might have been rejected to come to certain party. A friend can suddenly cancel the plan to eat dinner together. Every day in our lives, people get angry or frustrated when


unpleasant, unexpected events occur or things in general do not go according to plans. In this situation, people are confronted with emotions such as aggression or anger and they will usually release or express their emotion by swearing. However, following upon frustration or anger, arising from an unexpected event or shock, most people resort to swearing for an immediate vent of emotion. The swearing are not deliberate, but are uttered as a reflex. In this case, the swearing expression is not limited in a notion of negativity, but it can be used in a certain emotion like happy or joy, and surprised. Thus, swearing is believed to be a means of expressing emotion and releasing stress. By using the swearing that way, it can restore emotional stability (Montagu, 1967, p. 78).

b) Social Motives

When people are swearing based on social motive, it means that their swearing is deliberate in order to achieve social bond with the addressee. Swearwords can be used not only to shock or evoke someone, but they can also be used in situations that completely or almost completely lack negativity. This motive explains that swear words can be used to strengthen friendship and group identity. Crystal (1995, p. 173) explains that swearing are contagious. A new social group member will have the tendency to utter certain swearing based on the likeliness of swearing within the group. The common example can be seen in Afro-American society where each of the members would rather say the word “Nigga” to others as a way of solidarity and friendship. However, if the person is not a member of that group or belong to other race, it will be considered as serious insult.


c) Linguistic Motives

In speaking, people may have their own linguistic style which usually appears differently if it is compared with another utterance spoken by the others. People have variety ways of speaking and expressing themselves by using different words and grammatical structures as long as the intents or the goals of the communication with others are well achieved. That case could be applied when people are swearing. People have their own style of swearing that might be different with another. People might feel that swearwords are totally unacceptable and should be banned from language, they might feel that swearwords are acceptable in certain situations, or some might even argue that swearwords are acceptable in all situations. One may say “What a very nice picture!” and he or she may also say “What a fucking nice picture!”. In this case, swear words are just as good and usable words as any others. They seem to appear as pure motives on linguistic subjects or to give emphasize on what people try to communicate. Indeed, linguistic motives can also show someone’s way of speaking in daily life.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

This section consists of summarization about the main theories which will be the basis for answering the research problems. As has been stated in the previous chapter, there are two research problems arise related in the phenomenon of swearing uttered by the main character, Jack, in “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”. The first one is about the types of swearing, and the second one is the motives of swearing.


To help answering the first problem, the researcher uses Andersson and Trudgill’s (1990, p. 36-37) theory about the type of swearing. They categorize swearing into four types: Expletive Swearing, Abusive Swearing, Humorous Swearing, Auxiliary Swearing This theory will be used to support the discussion of this research about the preferred types of swearing which are uttered by Jack.

The second problem is about the motives of swearing. In order to find out the motives, the researcher uses the category of swearing theory by Andersson (1985), as cited in Karjalainen (2002, p. 24): Psychological motive, Social motive, Linguistic motive. This theory will be used to give further explanation about the things which motivated Jack in swearing. This theory will help the researcher in clarifying detail information about motivation in swearing.




This chapter consists of six parts. The first one is the description of the research method that is used in this study. The second part is the research setting; it is used to inform when the study is conducted. The third is data source of the research. The fourth provides the description of research instrument and the data gathering techniques. The fifth contains the steps of data analysis technique. The last part is the research procedure which summarizes the steps in conducting the study.

3.1 Research Method

This research is qualitative research. In qualitative research, the focus is on understanding the social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants in the study (Ary, Jacobs & Razavieh, 2002, p. 22). It enables researchers to study human behavior in an indirect way through an analysis of their communication. However, in conducting qualitative research, there are some methods that can be used; case study, content analysis, discourse analysis. In this study, the researcher used content analysis since the researcher employed the transcript as a document or recorded material. Fraenkel and Wallen (2012, p. 478) state that content analysis is a technique that enables the researcher to study human behavior in an indirect way through an analysis of their communication. Content analysis focuses on analyzing and interpreting recorded material to learn about human behavior. The material may be public records, textbook, essays,


newspapers, letters, films, tapes, diaries, themes, reports, or other document. To analyze the documents, a researcher needs to organize the material by developing appropriate categories, ratings, or scores that the researcher can use for subsequent comparison in order to illuminate what he or she is investigating. In this study, the applied and analyzed document was the transcript from the speeches of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”. The researcher analyzed the transcript of the conversation occurred in the game which is found in the internet. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the transcript of conversation which contains swearing. The transcripts which do not contain swearing will not be analyzed.

3.2 Research Setting

This research was conducted in several places where the researcher could gain access to the literature sources both in the form of printed books or digital files. The books were obtained from library and the digital files could be accessed anywhere as long as there is connection to internet. However, the researcher mostly performed the research at home because the book from the library could be brought home and there always be internet connection there.

3.3 Data Source

The data source of this research is the transcripts of the speeches of the main character, Jack, in “Borderlands: Pre-Sequel!” game. The transcript is obtained from the internet on the website: www.borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Transcripts.


3.4 Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques

The only instrument used in this content analysis research was the transcript of the speech of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”. The researcher used the transcript to gather the swearing utterances occurred in the game. To ease the data gathering, the researcher then formulated categories that were relevant to the investigation by coding. Fraenkel and Wallen (2012, p. 436) state that coding is a technique that is used in content analysis method. Coding is the analytic process through which data are fractured, conceptualized and integrated to form theory. The following table presented two objectives which became the main focus of the study; the types of swearing and the motives of swearing. The format of the coding table shows how the researcher answers the first and the second research problem of this study.

Table 3.1. Format of the Coding Table of the Types of Swearing and Motives of Swearing by the Main Character of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!

No Code

Data Types Motives

Dialogue Swearing Expression E S A b S H S A u S P M S M L M 1. The Beginning of The End 8

Soldier I surrender! I give up! Jack Off course he does!

Now kill him!

Jack Hahahha! He really thought we were gonna let him go. He was like “daaah, I’m gonna turn my life around and eat better and finish my novel and stuff”, then BOOOOM! What a

dumbass, ahaha!

What a

dumbass, ahaha!



ES: Expletive Swearing PM: Psychological Motive AbS: Abusive Swearing SM: Social Motive

HS: Humorous Swearing LM: Linguistic Motive AuS: Auxiliary Swearing

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

There were several steps taken in order to analyze the data. First, the researcher played the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! game to check the occurrence of swearing expression throughout the story. Then the researcher downloaded the transcript of the speeches of the game from internet on www.borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Transcripts. Next, the researcher eliminated the transcript which was not relevant with the study because the main focus was only on the conversation which contains the main character’s swearing expression. After that, the researcher classified that expression based on the swearing occurred in the game.

In order to answer the research questions, the researcher found out some theories which were related to the topics discussed and then matched each classification of the utterances of swearwords to those theories. After that, the researcher analyzed the data and made a conclusion to answer the research questions.

3.6 Research Procedures

To answer the research questions, the researcher had to undertake the systematic research procedure. In order to finalize this research, there were six steps necessary. Those were; deciding a problem, reviewing related literature,


deciding the approach, deciding data source and identifying the data, interpreting the data, and reporting result.

1. Deciding Problem

Deciding the problem of the research is the essential part of every research since the researcher conducted the research in order to find out the answer of the problems. In deciding the research problem, the researcher came from his personal interest in investigating swearing phenomenon in society that was represented in a game called “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”. In this game, there could be found different varieties of swearing occurred throughout the game.

2. Reviewing Related Literature

After specifying the research problems, the researcher then reviewed the relevant literature to gain more insight and knowledge about the topic. The researcher read several journals and books which mainly discussed about taboo, taboo words, swear words and swearing. Hence, the researcher could decide the relevant theories related to the research problems.

3. Collecting the Data

The form of the data of this research was in the form of transcription. The transcript contained the speeches of the characters of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!” which is obtained from the internet.

4. Deciding the Approach

After reviewing some relevant literatures and collecting the data, the researcher then designed the research. The approach which the researcher used was the qualitative approach. In supporting the approach, the method used was


content analysis. Content analysis study was assumed to be the most appropriate method in analyzing the data since the main data are in form of written transcription.

5. Analyzing the Data

After the data was collected, the researcher then analyzed the data. The transcript was analyzed using the theories from different linguists and experts. In analyzing the type of swearing, the researcher employed the theory of Andersson and Trudgill’s (1990), while for the motive of swearing, Andersson’s theory (1985) would be the basis.

6. Interpreting the Findings

After analyzing the data, the next step the researcher conducted was interpreting the findings. The researcher presented the interpretation and explanation in narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the researcher also stated some conclusions about what the researcher had analyzed.

7. Reporting the Result

Having analyzed the findings, the researcher then reported the result. Since the researcher conducted a qualitative study, the data presented is in form of narrative explanation.




This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the study. In this chapter, the researcher provides some analysis and discussion to answer two research problems of the study. There will be two major parts in this chapter. The first part is the research results and the second part is the research discussion.

4.1 Research Results

This section showed the findings that I obtained from the data gathering which was conducted previously. Based on the research questions, there were two major findings; the types of swearing and the motives of swearing. Those findings were limited only on the conversation which contained the swearing expression of Jack, the main character of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”. The other swearing expressions of the other characters will not be analyzed. As the main character, Jack had important roles from the beginning until the end of the story. I found that Jack was always having conversation in every major event on the game. Furthermore, he mostly used swearing expressions in his conversation with the other characters. Overall, there were 134 swearing expressions which were uttered by Jack throughout the story of the game

4.1.1 The Types of Swearing

I found that Jack was the only character who mostly expressed his feeling by using swearing utterances in the game “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!”.


Among those swearing expressions, Jack had several types of swearing used throughout the game. Those types were expletive, abusive, humorous, and auxiliary. Expletive Type

Expletive swearing was swearing expression which was uttered by Jack in a form of exclamatory. It was like the expression of ouch!, oh!, or wow! but in a form of swearing which functioned as an act of letting off steam. This kind of swearing was uttered by Jack reflexively which means that Jack uttered the swearing spontaneously without thinking. Based on the data, it was found that this kind of swearing was uttered by Jack in a lot of situation like when he felt angry, threatened, shocked, astonished, or even happy.

Below is the example of Jack’s swearing utterance which he expressed when he felt happy.

Code: Welcome to Helios 2

Jack Holy crap! You saved my life! Thank you! Heh -- sorry, heart’s pounding. Never been shot at before. Kinda fun, actually. Look, these crazy bastards attacked Helios Station right after I sent for you guys. If we can drive them off, we’ll be free to go after that Vault on the moon’s surface.

Hey, just let me activate the defense controls. Few seconds, we’ll have turrets, force fields, laser wires -- these assholes won’t know what hit ‘em.

That conversation happened after Jack was being shot by unknown soldiers that suddenly broke into his space station and it seemed that he would


likely be dead. Luckily, before that event happened, Jack had a bounty hunter called Vault Hunter hired as his body guard. When Jack was cornered by the unknown army, the Vault Hunter could come in time and saved his life by killing the soldiers. In that situation Jack then was swearing “Holy crap!”. This swearing utterance was an exclamatory interjection which was directed neither toward the army nor the Vault Hunter. It was directed toward nobody and functioned as an act of letting off steam in an extremely happy emotion.

The other example was about the expletive swearing utterance which was expressed by Jack when he felt disappointed:

Code: Lost Legion Invasion 15

Jack We can get in the moonshot up there. Let me get the elevator.

Dammit, something’s jamming the elevator. Gotta figure something out... Alright, weird idea, uh -- let me work the loading terminal. Alright, you get into the moonshot cylinder and ride it up. Ooh, watch your step, that’ll be a hell of a fall.

In that conversation above, Jack was trying to operate the elevator. However, it turned out that the elevator was jammed because something was stuck on it. In that situation, Jack was using the swearword “Dammit”. This was considered as exclamatory interjection since it was not directed toward others and it was just a swearing which functioned as an act of expressing disappointment.

(51) Abusive Type

Abusive type of swearing was the type of swearing expression which was uttered by Jack when he wanted to abuse someone or something. It meant that this kind of swearing was directed toward others. This included name-calling and cursing expression which were offensive and could causing insult. It was also conveyed by Jack when he wanted to wound the addressee.

The example of abusive type of swearing could be found in the situation when Jack wanted to abuse someone which he uttered directly to the addressee:

Code: A New Direction 10

CU5TM-TP Aaaaand here we go! To the Meriff!

Jack Seriously? You idiot machine? The offices are UP. CU5TM-TP Right! I’m such a kidder! Up we go!

Office Warning. Trespassing of government property will result in your immediate death. Thank you.

Jack These aren’t going to stop us, Huxter!

This conversation occurred between Jack and a CU5TM-TP which was a law robot. They had this conversation in an elevator while they were heading to Huxter’s office. Jack ordered the CU5TM-TP to operate the elevator and expected it to take him upward toward the Huxter’s office above. However, the CU5TM-TP took them downward instead. In this situation, Jack uttered the swearing “You idiot machine?” in which functioned as an act of abusing someone. It was directly conveyed toward the CU5TM-TP which Jack thought that the CU5TM-TP was not capable enough to do simple task and this fact drove Jack to be angry.


The other example of abusive swearing could be found in the conversation where Jack was not conveyed the insult directly to the addressee:

Code: Welcome to Helios 1

Jack Help! Lots of help! I got no idea who these asshole troops are or why they’ve got a murder-on for this space station, but they’ve got me pinned!

Zarpedon Attention, Hyperion: your Helios Space Station now belongs to the Lost Legion. Surrender before it is too late.

This conversation happened in Jack’s space station. In that situation, Jack was suddenly being shot by unknown soldiers and Jack was trying to ask the Vault Hunter for some help. He then uttered the swearing “asshole” which referred to the soldiers or troops who were shooting him. This kind of swearing is considered as abusive swearing because it was a name-calling and it functioned as an insulting term. However, this name-calling is not uttered directly to the addressee. Humorous Type

Humorous swearing was the type of swearing which Jack uttered toward others. However, it was not meant to be abusive. Jack uttered this kind of swearing in order to make humorous situation with the person he was talking with. This also often contained name-calling but it has lack of negativity so its function was not to wound the addressee.

The first example of humorous swearing was about the use of swearing expression to make joke and to construct humorous situation:


Code: Lost Legion Invasion 6

Jack Hey, kid, are you sure this place actually HAS a combat AI? These pirate dickbags just sound nuts. Get it? Dickbags? Nuts? Heh-heh.

Pickle Word is, before The Bosun went native, ‘e was some kinda AI tech whizz. Not that you’d think it now ‘e’s gone all mum-and-dad mad. But do you care? Didn’t you just get fired?

Jack And when I march up to Helios with an army of badass robots, I’ll be un-fired so quickly it’ll make Tassiter’s pedo-mustache spin off his big gross ugly face. Just get the AI core.

Pickle Uh, okay.

In that conversation above, Jack made a joke while he was talking with his partner, Pickle. Jack was mentioning the swear words “dickbags” and “nuts” in order to explicitly make sexual joke. That swear words both had denotation meaning of testicle. However, Jack conveyed them connotatively where he was using those term to abuse the pirate by name-calling them as “dickbags” and “nuts”. Even though “dickbags” and “nuts” have their own connotative meaning, Jack found this utterance funny because those swear words have the same reference which was testicle. In this situation, Jack was trying to construct a humorous situation with the person he was talking with.

The second example of humorous swearing was when the swearing which Jack uttered contained insulting swear words. However, that swearing utterances did not used as an expression to insult. Instead, it lacked of negativity and tended to be playful:


Code: Lost Legion Invasion 17

V.Hunter Uh, this might be a problem? Cause I got a thing with height, and, uh -- oh god. This -- this is a... pretty big bullet.

Jack Hold on -- I’m gonna spin the cylinder. Did you make it up there? Free up the elevator so I can join you.

Hey man is everything okay down there.

Jack Yessh, he got wedged in tight. Eh, no big deal, though, they can’t feel pain. Ugh, these loaders bum me out -- no wonder Dahl took us over so easily. I need more soldiers. Badasses. Like you.

The conversation happened between Jack and the Vault Hunter. They were planning to escape the space station which was still in a chaotic situation due to the sudden attack of the soldiers. In that scene, the Vault Hunter was taking out the obstacle which made the elevator stuck. It turned out that the obstacle was Jack’s dead robot employee which is called as loader. Jack then complained that he and his company was easily taken over by the soldier because of the weak loaders they had, just like the one which was stuck in the elevator. Jack then told the Vault Hunter that he wished on having some more soldiers, especially like the Vault Hunter himself. In this situation, Jack uses swear word “Badasses” in his utterance which was directed toward the Vault Hunter. Even though the swear word “Badasses” contained the word “ass”, it was not meant to wound the Vault Hunter. Instead Jack wanted to praise the good work of the Vault Hunter. Then, it was considered as a humorous type of swearing.

(55) Auxiliary Type

Auxiliary type of swearing was considered as an expression of swearing which was uttered by Jack in order to emphasize or spice up his intention. The function of this type of swearing for Jack was that this swearing can reflect his preference in conveying his expression which was by using swearing expression.

The first example about auxiliary swearing showed that Jack would likely to use swearing expression to convey certain meaning:

Code: Let’s Build a Robot Army 2

Gladstone Ha! Look at them go! Maybe you scared them off with your, uh, extremely scary Vault Hunter-ness! Gladstone Uhhh, apparently not. Uh they’ve got a Dahl

powersuit, Sorry, bruv.

Jack Our combat loaders are gonna be WAY more kickass. Speaking of which, how’s that goin’?

In that conversation above, Jack was talking with Gladstone, one of the researchers in his company. Gladstone was in charge in helping Jack making a robot army, or Jack preferred to say it as combat loader. In this scene, the Vault Hunter was confronting with the bandit scavengers. It then turned out that the bandit scavengers got Dahl powersuits which were seemed to be so powerful. In that kind of situation, Jack was replying that his future combat loader would be a lot more “kickass” than the Dahl powersuits. This swearing expression was considered as an auxiliary swearing. It was because it contained the swear word “kickass” in which Jack used this to emphasize or spice up the greatness of his


future combat loader. This auxiliary swearing was also considered as Jack’s habit in mentioning something great.

The second example of auxiliary swearing could be seen below:

Code: Let’s Build a Robot Army 5

Jack Gladstone, gimme a full memory reboot! I want that thing SANE and I want it BADASS!

Wow, that was tough. Well, at least it looked tough. Whatever, good work. Now, let’s see what this puppy can pump out. Gladstone, make me some friggin’ robots!

Gladstone Ready for construction.

In this scene, Jack had just finished capturing a giant chaotic robot which was rebelling against him. In order to turn the robot to side with him again, Jack asked Gladstone to wipe its memory by rebooting it using computer. In this situation, Jack ordered Gladstone to make the robot sane and “Badass”. This swearing expression indicated that it was an auxiliary swearing where the word “Badass” was used by Jack to emphasize or spice up the meaning Jack wanted to convey. He could have said it with other vocabulary such as “great” or “awesome”, but Jack preferred to use “Badass”. It showed that this swearing was the form of Jack’s habit in mentioning something awesome. In addition, after Jack and Gladstone had tamed the giant chaotic robot, he wanted that robot to produce smaller robot armies. In referring the robot, Jack used the term “fuckin’” before the term robot. It was meant that Jack wanted to give emphasis in the word robot.


So, it was also considered that it was just Jack’s habit in using swearing expression.

4.1.2 Motives of Swearing

Throughout the game, Jack had several reasons that motivate him to make swearing expressions. I found that the factors which motivated Jack to do swearing emerged from psychological, social, and linguistic aspect. The psychological motive was related to something which affected his psychological condition so that he was motivated to do swearing. The social motive was related with the Jack’s social condition. He was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to have certain goal in his social life. The other motive was about linguistic reason where Jack was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to do that. It means that swearing was his style to express his emotions. Psychological Motives

I found that Jack would likely to swear when something went wrong. When Jack planned something and the thing did not go as planned, he would likely to express his disappointment, frustration or anger with swearing utterance. He would also do swearing when he was confronted by some unexpected events or when he was shocked by something. In that condition, Jack was motivated to do swearing because he need to immediately vent his emotion and he wanted to immediately restore his emotion using verbal action which was swearing. However, it was also possible for Jack to do swearing when Jack was having a very good feeling. To express his feeling and to immediately vent his happy


feeling, he would likely to do swearing. This motive was about something that affected his psychological condition that triggered him to do swearing.

In the first example, Jack was motivated to express his feeling by swearing when something made him frustrated or angry:

Code: Lost Legion Invasion 18

Jack Woo! We made it! Alright, we just gotta get into a moonshot container.

Soldier The greed of Hyperion shall not -- Jack -- After we kill THIS asshole!

In the conversation above, Jack was motivated to express his feeling using swearing utterance because he was frustrated and angry toward the soldier. At first, Jack was trying to go to the moonshot container. He wanted to do this because he and the Vault Hunter wanted to escape from the chaotic space station. When he wanted to head toward the moonshot container, suddenly the soldier appeared and he wanted to kill Jack and the Vault Hunter. Driven by the frustration, Jack was motivated to use swear word in his utterance. In this case, he was frustrated because he did not want to be disturbed by the soldier. Thus, Jack used the name calling “asshole” to mention the soldier.

In the second example, Jack was motivated to do swearing because something made him happy:


Code: A New Direction 14

Jack Where was I -- oh, right, my awesome master plan. Taking the fight to Helios is gonna need an army, so -- we make one! Head down to Spings’, I’ll explain on the way, I’m gonna stay here, gonna go through the Meriff’s stuff. We’re making a freakin’ robot army, baby! Hell yeah! Shopping list’s simple: some combat chassis and top-of -the-line military AI to run them. Word is, Springs is the lady for the AI. Hey Mox, you know where I can build me some kick ass robot bodies?

Moxxi Since that giant laser’s gonna kill, well, everyone, I know who might be willing to scout around for hardware, Lemme talk to them and get back to you. Jack Sounds good -- let’s hustle, people! We’ve got a

moon to save!

In the conversation above, he was making a plan to take back his space station, Helios. He thought that if he wanted to do that, he would need an army. Thus, Jack was then planning to create robot army. In this case, he was very excited so that he was motivated to do swearing “Hell yeah!” in order to vent his happy feeling. He was psychologically affected by the excitement, and he needed to vent that emotion by swearing. Social Motives

The other reason which motivated Jack to do swearing was social condition. Jack was swearing because he was trying to indicate friendship within his social group. The aim of this swearing expression was not intended to abuse or wound the addressee, but as the opposite, it would likely strengthen the bond between Jack and the person he talked with. There were no necessarily


frustrations or anger present. In this case, usually Jack’s swearing expression would contain name-calling to tease the hearer. However, Jack could also use the swearing expression as rhetoric tools so that he could build a playful condition in a conversation.

In the first example, Jack was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to achieve social goal which was strengthening his social bond by teasing each other:

Code: Intelligence of the Artificial Persuasive 48

Jack What?! The hot chick’s actually an ex-military AI reprogrammed to be some geek’s fake girlfriend?! Sold! Grab the lovely lady and get going! We’ve got some friggin’ robots to build.

In the expression above, Jack was shocked by the fact that the woman who so far accompanied him accomplishing his goal was actually an Artificial Intelligence program. Thus, in order to tease the woman, or now the Artificial Intelligence, he used the term “chick”. This term was usually used to degrade a woman’s dignity, but in this case, Jack did not have any intention to do that. Instead, he wanted to tease her in order to strengthen their friendship bond.

In the second example, Jack was motivated to do swearing because he wanted to strengthen his social bond by using the swearing expression rhetorically so that he could make a playful condition:




No. Code

Data Type Motive

Dialogue Swearing Expression E

S A b S


A u S




114. Picking Up the Pieces 2

Jack Alright. Alright. Looking good. Now solder them together with an energy suture. Okay, it’s sutured. Get it onto the mount so we can shoot it down the testing range! Almost there -- now shoot it with a laser gun! IF you need a laser-gun, there should be one nearby. The scientists have to kill their own creations a lot more than you’d think.

Jack UUUUUURRRRGGGHHHHHH! DAMMIT! FRIGGIN’... Gonna KILL THEM! GAAAAAGH! HGGH! Sorry that I... ugggh... Sorry I was a dick. Just... come back whenever.

Jack I will never forgive them for this. Never.

The things I could have done with what friggin’eye...


115. Picking Up the Pieces 3

FRIGGIN’... √ √

116. Picking Up the Pieces 4

Sorry I was a dick. √ √

117. Picking Up the Pieces 5

The things I could have done with what friggin’eye...

√ √

118. The Jack In time. We’ll deal with ‘em Dumb bastards probably √ √





No. Code

Data Type Motive

Dialogue Swearing Expression E

S A b S


A u S



L M Beginning of

The End 1

ALLL in time. But for now, we just need to get to that Vault before they do... dumb bastards probably wanna destroy what’s in there. Zarpedon said a “tangle of chemical filth” -- did she mean Dahl’s old Bakkaberd refinery site? Get back to the moon’s surface and chech it out. There’s gotta be something there that’ll lead us to the Vault.

wanna destroy what’s in there.

119. The Beginning of

The End 2

Tassiter What’s going on up there, John? The readings we’ve--

Jack --SHUT THE HELL UP, Tassiter! SHUT. THE HELL. UP. My ex-girlfriend and her two BFFs just tried to kill me, and the LAST thing I need right now is your senile ass WHINING IN MY EAR! If I get ONE more message from you that isn’t “addaboy, Jack!” or “I’m sending you a big bag of money!” then I am gonna reach through my ECHO communicator and GOUGE


√ √

120. The Beginning of

The End 3


121. The Beginning of

The End 4

The LAST thing I need right now is your senile ass WHINING IN MY EAR!

√ √




No. Code

Data Type Motive

Dialogue Swearing Expression E

S A b S


A u S





ARE WE CLEAR?! Tassiter I... Goodbye, John.


122. The Beginning of

The End 5

Jack Soooo, since Zarpe-chick is dead, I’m gonna go ahead and throw some loaders your way! Moonshot’s pinpointing you right now. Try not to be standing under the supply fire -- you don’t wanna do that.

Jack Why are these assholes still fighting? Their leader’s history. Why not kick back, take a break, go see the sights? Eh, nevermind, we’ll wipe ’em out soon enough. That’ll be a sight.

Soooo, since Zarpe-chick is dead, I’m gonna go ahead and throw some loaders your way!

√ √

123. The Beginning of

The End 6

Why are these assholes still fighting?

√ √

124. The Beginning of

The End 7

Jack Yup, you’re heading in the right direction -- basically towards the huge freakin’ purple hole. Keep going.

Basically towards the huge freakin’ purple hole.

√ √




No. Code

Data Type Motive

Dialogue Swearing Expression E

S A b S


A u S



L M 125. The

Beginning of The End 8

Soldier I surrender! I give up!

Jack Off course he does! Now kill him! Jack Hahahha! He really thought we

were gonna let him go. He was like “daaah, I’m gonna turn my life around and eat better and finish my novel and stuff”, then BOOOOM! What a dumbass, ahaha!

That’s a good stuff.

What a dumbass, ahaha! √ √

126. The Beginning of

The End 9

RK5 Pilot Vault Hunters sighted! OPEN FIRE!

Jack No way -- we’ve come too damn far! You shoot that bastard out of sky and you play around in his friggin’ GUTS!

RK5 Pilot We fight until the last of us falls! Jack Sorry, tuned out there. Just kill

this guy, will you? Get back on schedule.

We’ve come too damn far! √ √

127. The Beginning of

The End 10

You shoot that bastard out of sky and you play around in his friggin’ GUTS!

√ √

128. The Beginning of

The End 11

V. Hunter Jack, the path to the Vault is open -- I could avoid the gunship altogether.

Jack No! You let your enemies live, they soot you in the back! I don’t

You blow that ship to hell, and you do it NOW!

√ √




No. Code

Data Type Motive

Dialogue Swearing Expression E

S A b S


A u S



L M want any surprises! I don’t want

any SURVIVORS! You blow that ship to hell, and you do it NOW! 129. The

Beginning of The End 12

Jack This is it everybody! Kill this Guardian and the Vault’s ours! Jack Oh, THAT was fricking awesome!

So -- who’s game?! Let’s go! Jack Big bastard, wasn’t he? Nicely


Keep an eye out for that creepy red one -- I don’t wanna get interrupted.

Jack Wait... what? That’s it? That... little thing. The hell did... Ohh... what kinda weapon...

Oh, THAT was fricking awesome!

√ √

130. The Beginning of

The End 13

Big bastard, wasn’t he? √ √

131. The Beginning of

The End 14

The hell did... √ √

132. The Beginning of

The End 15

Lilith Heya, handsome. Jack AAAARRRGHGH!

Rrrrrhrgh! Son of a... I’m gonna KILL her! I’m gonna kill them ALL! First, you’re gonna find me a doctor.

Then we’re gonna wipe those bandit bastards off face of Pandora.

and then... Then we’re gonna

Son of a... √ √

133. The Beginning of

The End 16

Then we’re gonna wipe those bandit bastards off face of Pandora.

√ √

134. The Beginning of

The End 17

We’re gonna scorch the freakin’ planet in fire.

√ √




No. Code

Data Type Motive

Dialogue Swearing Expression E

S A b S


A u S



L M wake The Warrior.

V. Hunter -- The what?

Jack It’s gonna be so good. WE’re gonna scorch the freakin’ planet in fire.

There’s gonna be screaming... bandits are gonna die left and right...

I can’t wait! Hahahahahah!



Expletive Swearing

PM: Psychological Motive

AbS: Abusive


SM: Social Motive


Humorous Swearing

LM: Linguistic


AuS: Auxiliary Swearing